I have updated this post several times since first publishing it in 2018. Scroll to the bottom half for all the recent updates on hair loss company stocks since 2020.
However, this week there is a far bigger story and phenomenon at play. One that could have huge implications on the stock market, overall economy and power of the much maligned hedge funds and billionaire class. Will David at least permanently dent Goliath in this battle?
The rise of WSB and YOLO Meme Stock Investing in 2021
This week, the stock market has witnessed insanity in the form of GameStop (GME) and its short squeeze. Courtesy of Wallstreetbets (WSB) and the idea that you only live once (YOLO). i.e., do not trade and hope for 8 percent annual returns so as to retire in comfort in decades. I can see the logic in both ways of thinking and living one’s life.
Note that many of the small-scale traders on WSB have other far larger societal goals. They want to collaborate and hurt large billionaire investors and hedge funds who make money of shorting stocks. The latter often do so with ulterior methods and access to illegal insider information.
While I am not a day trader, I got back into the stock market in the middle of 2020 due to good buying opportunities. Once I made all my purchases, I was hoping not to check any of my balances for a year. At that point, I could sell some stocks and avoid high capital gains taxes.
However, this 2021 phenomena of massive-scale collaborative purchases by small-scale investors (via discussions on platforms such as Reddit, Robinhood and Stocktwits) has me hooked.
Even hair loss sufferer Elon Musk got into the GME frenzy via Gamestonk.
It seems like YOLO meme stocks are here to stay and the SEC cannot do much about this phenomenon for now. Edit: Looks like this could change as GME stock went up almost 150 percent today. Biden team monitoring. Also, a number of platforms limited trading in GME and other such stocks on January 28th. Robinhood got a beating for doing so in the media.
I do enjoy seeing some of the short-selling hedge funds being clobbered by a bunch of Redditors. But ultimately, I fear a whole bunch of young inexperienced investors losing all of their savings in this almost pyramid scheme type game.
Too bad our favorite micro-cap hair loss companies are not in the radar of these WSB fanatics/trail blazers. Social media has become a big deal in influencing stock prices of smaller-sized companies. Unfortunately, Replicel is not getting any respect and complained as such yesterday. Meanwhile, Histogen’s stock price has almost doubled since the beginning of 2021.
Balding Investors Saving for Hair Cloning
Almost every week on this blog, at least one person discusses the stock prices of hair loss companies that are publicly traded. Same goes for our hair loss chat. Considering how expensive hair cloning or hair multiplication will be (e.g., Dr. Takashi Tsuji and what could have been), many of us will need to hit the jackpot.
I wanted to write this post for many years, but there were some issues that prevented me from doing so:
- Is it worth covering companies such as Allergan, for whom hair loss related products represent a tiny fraction of overall revenues? i.e., unless they come out with a truly game-changing hair loss cure, their stock price will never be affected significantly by any new minor hair loss treatment product.
- Does it make sense to include the numerous companies working on alopecia areata (AA) related treatments? The vast majority (over 95 percent) of hair loss patients suffer from androgenetic alopecia (AGA). A condition that is also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss.
- What about pharmaceutical companies working on brand name or generic versions of existing products such as Finasteride, Dutasteride and Minoxidil?
- How about manufacturers of products such as laser hair growth caps, combs and helmet devices? Or even hairpieces, shampoos, concealers and so on.
- How about companies involved in the manufacturing of hair transplant related tools and devices? Especially hair transplant robots such as ARTAS?
For the time being, I am only including companies that are of most relevance to our ultimate goal of a hair loss cure. Perhaps I will modify this in future if a company develops a moderately effective hair loss product. Some currently privately-held companies (e.g., Samumed or Dr. Tsuji/RIKEN partners Kyocera and Organ Technologies) will be added to the below list if they go public.
It seems like we regularly see situations where a company makes a big positive announcement about its hair loss product development, only to see little change in its stock price movement. Or sometimes even an unexpected decline in its share price despite the good news. Finance and investing experts among this blog’s readers can try to explain such developments when they occur.
Hair Loss Company Stock Prices
Aclaris Therapeutics (ACRS) — Perhaps of most interest during the past year. Fast moving relatively new US-based company that is working on both AA and AGA treatments. 2020 Update: Not true anymore :-(
Allergan (AGN) — Working on a number of hair loss products such as Bimatoprost and Setipiprant. Hair loss segment accounts for a small portion of overall sales. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. 2020 Update: Allergan invested in several other new hair loss companies in 2019. More importantly, they invested in Stemson Therapeutics in 2020.
Cassiopea (SKIN:SW) — Its Breezula (formerly CB-03-01) product is causing some excitement in 2019 per one of my industry contacts. 2021 Update: Their closely related acne product Winlevi will be released in the US in 2021.
Conatus (CNAT) — A new entrant in 2020 after its merger with Histogen. Edit: Seems like Histogen (HSTO) is still also traded separately.
Follicum (FOLLI:SS) — Highly professional Swedish company, with its main area of focus being on its hair regrowth product. Follicum’s Phase 2 clinical trials will be completed in 2021.
L’Oreal (OR:PA) — World renowned cosmetics leader headquartered in France. They are working on 3D printed hair and grey hair reversal treatments.
PolarityTE (PTE) — Previous ticker was “COOL”. If their skin product succeeds, only a matter of time before this US-based company develops a hair loss product. Extremely fast moving new company with highly experienced and qualified key staff members. 2020 Update: PolarityTE initiated a common stock offering. Unfortunately, the stock price plummeted almost 50 percent today after that news.
PureTech Health (PRTC) — Although headquartered in the US, they are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Their hair loss segment is represented by Follica, which has been teasing us for over a decade. But is expected to commence Phase 3 trials in 2021.
RepliCel (REPCF) — A Canadian company that has been in the news in the hair loss world for a decade. Replicel’s drastically larger Japanese partner Shiseido (see below) is of much more interest to us when it comes to a hair loss treatment. However, for speculators and day traders, Replicel may be an interesting play.
Shiseido (SSDOY) — A Japanese cosmetics behemoth that is especially significant in Asia. Basic adenosine based adenovital shampoos and other related products represent a major portion of their overall sales. Besides working on a hair loss cure based on Replicel’s technology (with marketing rights in Asia), Shiseido also has its own highly experienced in-house hair loss research team.

I am not a financial advisor or finance professional. As of the time of publishing this post, I do not own shares in any of the above companies.
So let’s talk money.
My question is why did Shiseido, with enough financial firepower to buy all of these other players out of the market and have an entire monopoly on a hair loss cure, only buy into the product from Replicel?
Surely the directors did not just flip a coin and instead appointed several scientific officers to due extensive due diligence before parting with a sizeable sum of cash and building a purpose-built facility in Japan. What did these scientific officers find in Replicel that made them state their jobs and reputation on this partnership that they did not find in the other players whom they must have seen as having a laugh?
Let’s assume that the reason is they thought Aclaris would actually win but offers to buy into them were refused so they went with Replicel as a good second bet. Surely if they knew another player would be first past the post, this would make their Replicel investment worthless. Follow the money.
Am I missing something here?
Aclaris is a many times larger company than Replicel. Expensive. It could be one of strategic fit, who knows what they want the tech for could be for fountain of youth.
@nasa_rs your obsession with JAKs and Aclaris has blinded you to logic. Your reaction to the release of their bad news after August will be interesting to observe.
As per my last point, surely if they knew another player would be first past the post, this would make their Replicel investment worthless.
Replicel is just a small research and development company I believe. Shiseido is something else.
Well, (stem) cell therapies have been being prioritized in Japan, as they are deemed an effective mean of revamping the economy.
Interestingly, Shiseido’s laboratory is withing walking distance of Riken Laboratories, in Kobe.
A collaboration of the two is quite possible in da future.
We do not know what kind of agreement they have made, it happens very often between these companies to start a project and then abandon it. Experimentation is not just a scientific matter.
Shiseido : 9 billions of revenue
L’Oréal : 27 billions of revenue
J.S. ;-)
Histogen starts Trials for Female Hair Loss.
Admin, I thought that Allergan has abandoned it’s Bimatoprost hair loss trials? Is this info not correct?
I heard and read about people using Voltaren in their regime, is there anyone who can tell me something more about it?
The only reason people talk about stock prices on sites like this is because they seem to assume that the stock price of these companies is the indicator of whether or not their research and development regarding hairloss is viable.
Or they want to try to make some quick money via day trading in a field in which they are comfortable.
Invested in Aclaris (not just for hairloss, but also their other products alone are promising). My investing company (Vanguard) won’t let me invest in Shiseido, Samumed, or Replicel. Don’t know why. Maybe because they’re essentially penny stocks.
I’d love to invest in Samumed or Replicel. Not just their hairloss, but their other stuff sounds very promising as well, especially the joints treatment.
People on hair loss forums keep talking about the recent bump in Shiseido (SSDOY) stock as an approval of the hair loss research. That’s wrong. It’s because their cosmetics team released a plan to become a global competitor, not just in Asia. Basically saying they want to be a big name in the West, like L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, Revlon, and down the line. Just a press conference, nothing about actual research yet.
PolarityTE being investigated! Interesting read.
China study. ,,, Serenoa repens extracts promote hair regeneration and repair of hair loss mouse models by activating TGF-β and mitochondrial signaling pathway
Nice read. Summer greetings from Follicum.
What!? A totally new area of Research. Dont wear Sunglasses I guess !?
@ Admin I saw your article about Blue Light from last year ..
Will you also discuss these new findings concerning Blue Light through Eyes activate rapid Hair follicle stem cells?
This is a very surprising article.
Well would also explain why we now go more bald than Generations before. … We stay more inside buldings, cars and then outside we wear Sunglasses. …. Check People who are a lot outside in the sun. Check hair of old guys like 73 year old Reinhold Messner ..
Also see the results and Pictures of the study:
Have not had time to go through all your links from this week….. but is the animal eye and fur model applicable to human eye and scalp hair in this case?
I dont know Admin … but why not? Is not always the first step of Trails animal testing?
What about the blue light of our smartphones and tablets, don’t they compensate for the lack of natural light …
@ Netshed … an average day (cloudy) has 30 times more blue light per hour than a Computer monitor.
Maybe our Eyes have more influence than we knew. I just saw that Blue Light is influencing fat cells via Retina Cells. … More Blue Light less Fat Cells … German article …
Alles klar. Ich habe Glaskörpertrübungen seit 20 Jahre. Sie werden immer schlimmer, deshalb komme Ich immer weniger raus und brauche Ich wirklich eine Sonnenbrille. Vielleicht nicht so gut für meine Haare.
Ich bin seit 10 Jahren praktisch nie draussen. Entweder tagsüber im Büro oder Nachtschicht und ich schlafe am Tag. Und in meiner freien Zeit habe ich draussen eine Sonnenbrille auf. …
But Maybe we should Keep the conversation in English so everybody can read it. The more I think about this light issue the more I think it could be part of the puzzle. It will not cure it but could improve Hair Growth in addition to other treatments.
Würde ich fast im gegenteil behaupten…ich hab das gefuhl dass wenn ich in starke sonne bin, mein kopfhaut juckt und die haare werden wie Streu. Interessant ist die idee von auge als..(keine ahnung auf deutsch wie es heisst, quelle? ) für licht. Das wäre ja eine sehr praktische behandlung…
The sun probably dries out your outer hair fibres (dead material), which will feel like straw/hay afterwards, however this does nothing to the inner follicle.
Your scalp may dehydrate due to the sun and/or your (overproductive) glands will produce extra sweat and oil. This all contributes to an itchy scalp.
However, I agree with you that direct blue light on our scalps will not stop our AGA, because there are enough outdoor athletes and folks that are balding just like us. The effects of blue light via the retina might be a different story, but again, a lot of people exercising mostly outdoor still go bald, this while they ‘consume’ enough blue light via their retinas.
Thats true even Farmer go bald and they are outside a lot. But we all know Hair Growth Needs several different Treatments. Maybe blue light is one part of it combining with other drugs for better metabolism and against Inflammation and DHT. … For the light issue Maybe its the Explanation why shedding is saisonal more in Summer. Isnt shedding the first sign that a Treatment works?
Nonsense. A little sun for some vitamin D is good, after about 30 minutes there is nothing but bad from it. Did you ever burn ants with a magnifying glass? The exact same thing is happening to you from the suns powerful radiation just on a much smaller and slower scale. The strongest sunblocks dont block everything either.
There is no generational differences unless you have that one thing called evidence.
I dont think its Nonsense. Why should all these scientists put so much work in a Non-Commercial Treatment. They do not want to sell sunlight to you. Check the results … and check out the authors:
Author Information
Sabrina Mai-Yi Fana, Yi-Ting Changb, Chih-Lung Chena,c, Wei-Hung Wanga, Ming-Kai Pand,e, Wen-Pin Chenf, Wen-Yen Huanga, Zijian Xug, Hai-En Huanga, Ting Cheng, Maksim V. Plikush,i, Shih-Kuo Chenb,j,1, and Sung-Jan Lina,c,j,k,l,1
aInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine and College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
bDepartment of Life Science, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University, 106 Taipei, Taiwan;
cDepartment of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
dDepartment of Medical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
eDepartment of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
fInstitute of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
gNational Institute of Biological Sciences, 102206 Beijing, China;
hCenter for Complex Biological Systems, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697;
iDepartment of Developmental and Cell Biology, Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697;
jResearch Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, National Taiwan University, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
kGraduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 100 Taipei, Taiwan;
lMolecular Imaging Center, National Taiwan University, 100 Taipei, Taiwan
Edited by Robert J. Lucas, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, and accepted by Editorial Board Member Jeremy Nathans June 7, 2018 (received for review November 9, 2017)
I am increasingly convinced that baldness is a chronic inflammatory process, what triggers this inflammation has not yet been understood 100% but I believe that jaks will be the answer and not only for baldness.
maybe dht is a key to open a demon box. once the process begin it is hard to stop.that is why some male changed their gender but could not regrow their hair.
I believe in Follica…. and TissUse :)
Can’t really put much faith in TissUse anymore, since they said last year that they still haven’t developed a method for culturing enough of the cells and basically admitted that they’re waiting for someone else to do it for them.
Some of the most disappointing news of the last few years, IMO
the only one doing well is Shiseido Company
the rest are all doing pretty bad.
i started losing my hair in my 20.it is strange that my safe zone hair keep growing but become extremly small,but i never lose tnem.my father has the same sympton.i hope that the new drug will not only regrow my lost hair but also improve my hair quality.
I don’t care who wins as long as one of these companies comes out with something that REALLY grows healthy normal hair and maintains the rest. 20 years since Propecia and it’s getting silly. We are just asking for hair we were born with……
I wear glasses and have had laser eye surgery twice. I want the eyes I was born with.
As Dolly Parton once said, you can’t have the rainbow without the rain. It is very possible that the cure could become available this year. But it is also possible that it may never happen in your lifetime.
Things are kind of stale now as for updates on the companies that have been working on this for a while. Hopefully one of these mature companies will supply an update soon (follica, showed, etc). I think it’s great for the young guys that these new companies are getting into the field but I am getting up there now and the process takes years.
See my posts from June 26 and June 12.
Not stale time at all.
Are you kidding? Both Aclaris and Shiseido release their death or glory results this year. The hair loss equivalents of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. So this year we will either have a cure, or less players to read up on.
Interesting how Aclaris had the Big news that their topical JAK for AA type hairloss has positive results (interim update) and the stock is relatively flat. I think investors want instant profits and do not want to wait Years for profits. All my opinion.
You know what would really sick, is if aclaris shows a nw7 to a thick nw1 with their jak aga trials and proves it works 100% then they shelf it and never release or a other company buys it from them and never release it. That’s my biggest fear…
even AA type of hairloss takes at least three month to get the best results,i think aga type may also need couple of month to check the efficency.anyway even though jak fails we still have tsuji,but i prefer more accesdible treatment.
What I’ve managed to gather from previous Aclaris press conferences, is that they will trial the topical with various dosages.
This might be the reason why Aclaris might opt not to divulge any news related to Aga trials for the time being.
Its incrdible what citron research did to polarityte stock. Its unfortunate I understand what they did but I think they should get a slap o the wrist because that tech cannot be shelved over something like that. Just my two cent
well i just read and understood Polarity’s explanation. they should do fine.
I’m always talking about polarity now because they are already doing what Tsuji talks about. in regards to “hair baring skin” and there was no clinical phase they went straight to patient. It’s working in the real world today. PolarityTE is the american RIKEN at this point in regards to AGA. I hope the best for them.
Aclaris announced Interim result that topical JAK for AA was working in late June but I have no idea when they started the trials.
They started AGA trials May 23 and by the time of their conference call probably 2nd week in August that would be 2 1/2 months. They should know if it’s working by then but really they will not know how well until a few more months as it takes 5 months for a full set of hair.
But in the very least I am glad at least they are trying. And if things go right we should know in just a few months if it works, and that would be Earth shattering. If so the topic becomes how well does it work (and we would find out that along with safety by mid 2019). But the topic would turn to how do we buy it. It could all be over very soon.
It just sounds too good to be true… but let’s hope so;)
hope for the best but expect the worst
Its coming Get Ready. We are probably less than 90 days until we get word on whether they have a (hopefully) Great Treatment for Hair loss. Less than 90 days., tick, tick…
I hope if they fail or the results are rubbish they are honest about it. Rather that than go down the laser cap / PRP route and show really shady before and after pictures at suspicious angles and zoom level to even know if it is even the same person.
Scott, in all honesty Aclaris has always shown great pictures related to AA cases.
My take on their silence, is that they are trialling different doses on different volunteers.
This in no way means that I’m over positive that the outcome would be positive beyond imagination. But what I’m sure of, is that Aclaris is set to trial a different sort of jak inhibitors called soft jaks in the near future.
I just can’t get excited about jaks. Its a 5050 and its 2 years off minimum if I was 2 years younger maybe
If anyone is expecting nw7 to nw1 regrowth from any new treatment in the pipeline will have a huge disappointing awakening. At best these treatments will give life long maintenance and modest regrowth. Which in my book is a big step forward. I just don’t see a miracle cure coming from jak, follica, SM, follicum, sisheido etc. Tsuji will have the best bet for massive regrowth due to its protocol but I highly doubt it will be out by 2020. It just seems to quick plus I would want 10 years safety data on any cellular treatment. Good thing with sisheido, follica is that they both have at least 5 years safety results which reassuring to some point. Anywho I hope we wame up one morning with a legit cure to this crap and we all can rock the d bag manbun haha together.
I cannot see a Dr. ever prescribing a Jak inhibitor that has severe side effects that warrants a black box label in my clinical drug handbook I use for clinicals, that is used for R.Arthritis, an auto immune disease.
I have seen latanaprost prescribed though and proscar quite widely, for other reasons besides hair. My clinicals are in a medical surgery unit and wound care, so I would see zero cosmetics.
The most interesting thing about this is seeing the comments from 2018. Nasa as excited as ever about Aclaris almost 2 years later and still crickets on that front. Crickets on pretty much all fronts. Sure there is some noise, some hype, that always just dies out as no real treatment ever materializes. And you see year after year these companies you are rooting for just go silent.
Best guess, an actual workable treatment with perceptible results will be ready by the earliest 2025. Don’t worry guys, its just 5 years away…
BillyZane I was thinking the same thing. It’s a bit sad reading hopeful comments from a couple years ago. I believed in those jaks too.. ah well
Puretech’s stock has nearly tripled over the last three years, and doubled in the last year. There’s no question that the market knows Follica is on the verge of commercialization. I considered buying some back in 2017 or so, and I wish I had.
Follica would be best to combine their device with the Breezula/Winlevi cream instead of Minoxidil IMO.
From what I can see, their stock price less than doubled in 5 years.
Follica also represents a small portion of PureTech’s overall holdings.
Firstly, I didn’t say anything about the last five years, just the last three (when Follica started showing real promise). Secondly, you’re probably reading the wrong chart; they aren’t listed on the US exchange (PTCHF – the chart you looked at), they’re listed on the FTSE under “PRTC”.
It’s tripled in three years, nearly double in the last year.
Yes I was checking “PRTC” as mentioned in the blog post paragraph about PureTech, but only looking at 5 year performance (which is strong, but less than a doubling). 1 year and 3 year performance both impressive.
5 years away multiplied to infinity…
This doesn’t make sense to me. I seen start ups on facebook, granted for aviation, people buying $100 minimum on penny stocks….so a truck ton of stock. These companies within a month raise over 1-2 million on Facebook lol. So, why hair loss cannot generate this and has to go to conferences and have CEO’s tr to hype their product just to eek out a few million….tells me a lot. Replicel had a few youtube videos if I recall correctly..that were promoting their tech back in 2017ish-2018.
I am saying a product speaks for itself and doesn’t need a voice if it has a high CLEAR reward. Take a supplement for body building….pseudo science…but sells, no spokes person.
That’s why I never touched Replicel, soon as I seen them trying to raise through youtube etc…Nope. I have more faith that taking nettle root and palmetto extract will work over replicel.
I’ll take a gamble on a better stock….assuming you will lose everything you invest in, but invest in something where the tech or service speaks for itself. ….I want my next bitcoin @ $100 gosh darn it. Ha.
for years we could have used clean energy for cars … but instead we continue to use fossil energy … if baldness has not yet been cured it is only for reasons related to a certain type of economy …
Totally agree with Lorence. Everything has to do with money. Plain and simple.
Excuse my ignorance, but if I want to buy stock in Shiseido – does it matter if I buy the 4911:TYO one or SSDOY stock? Are these basically the same stock, traded on different exchanges? Or is the Tokyo one I am after, as the product is developed and released there? And would there be any point in all buying Replicel, as they seem to be dependent on Shiseido?
I bought 2 bitcoin in 2010. I bought tesla in la summer 2019 for 40. Great trades, but when it comes to hairloss trades..its a tough one. If its a full blown cure on international media I’ll buy it obviously, but until then it needs to be that blatant for me to invest.
I was wrong about shiseido repcf IP arbitrage Didn’t lose anything but it was a total dud. … Its not hard to imagine that the traders on these forums are going to be the earliest most profitable winners given the speed attention and understanding.
I believe hairclone had an offering years ago. I could be wrong but it looks like Japan vs UK on cures. Tsuji vs hairclone. I haven’t heard any pre 2023 claims outside of those two. But claims are ambiguous so we’ll have to sit back and watch what happens.
I have noticed a few times when Replicel made a positive news Tweet, the stock goes up the whole current or next day by a lot. Then it always comes down. But if their is a plugin on Twitter that can notify you ASAP each time Replcel Tweet’s, would be an easy way to make some quick gains.
And congratulations on the great Bitcoin and Tesla moves @egghead!
And looks like WSB on Reddit has also been banned or became private?! Sick.
Allergan is also both an investor and a business partner of Stemson. If their hair cloning research succeeds they will win big in many ways.
Good point. Forgot to add that crucial one, even though I covered it last year.
For those wondering how Elon got his hair back, well this interview shows the back of his head with the FUT scar showing through his short hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQD2ThKR8tU
Great catch!
He’s doing some many in the tech world that changing how ppl lives, why can he show interest in fixing hairloss since he suffers one himself…
I wish he would use his engineering mind and billions of dollars to come up with hair cloning. He’s all about making life better that would help society so much.
The social media induced stock increase only works so long as everyone agrees not to sell and cash out. Once someone wants their money and starts the sell-off, it’ll plummet faster than any stock in history (because it’s value is based on nothing). It’ll just be a bubble with all sellers and no buyers. I guess it’s a game to see who can press sell at the right second. Once this GameStop crashes, people will be less bold to ride the next social media driven stock increase. I hope the laws of greed prevent social media from destroying capitalism. It has already damn near wrecked democracy :-/ Most human institutions just aren’t equipped to handle so much information flow, particularly when the info is intended to game the system and is without any basis in reality.
Agreed, although it is still fun to see so many large hedge funds and Wall Street big guys nervous. There are at least 5 other stocks that WSB has pushed crazy high this month too. Buyer aplenty for now it seems, and I expect the SEC to take action this year or else this game will continue each month with new ticker symbols.
A possible cure via cloning, be it Stemson, Tsuji, Hairclone or whoever, won‘t be exceptionally expensive.
Especially StemsonTx will lease their technology to hair surgeons, meaning they have to pay a fee for the instruments and the cell-cultivation. They in turn will try to sell as many cell-transplants as possible.
I mean I don’t know it for sure, but I know how Allergan works. They basically have access to every plastic surgeon in the world, as some of their products (eg botox, fillers, implants) are by far the best on the market (and the most expensive ones too).
It’s all about scalability, not exclusivity.
I don’t use robinhood to trade and I closed my bb position yesterday afternoon. If anyone use robinhood on here file a SEC complaint against robinhood. Robinhood crooks need to be shutdown.
Agreed. Apparently, half the Robinhood members (dominated by millennials and younger) own GME. Politicians from both the far right and far left have come together to heap criticism on Robinood today.
Several Tweets I read suggest that one or more of the short pushing hedge funds that got hurt most by all this (or the ones that are expected to get hurt the most?) conduct a large part of their business on Robinhood. So there could have pressure on RH to act immediately on behalf of the bigwigs, or governmental pressures too.
Admin, I am not an expert but have been following this with great interest as I love business and am an investor. I find it hard to believe that hedge funds conduct much if any business on Robinhood or similar platforms…but that’s just my guess. I think the huge issue for these smaller retail platforms is that a sizeable portion of their customer’s purchases are on margin…………….meaning they have loaned them money to buy stocks like Gamestop and therefore secured by Gamestock stock. Because the price of these stocks is so far out of sink with the fundamental value of the actual business, Robinhood’s collateral (i.e. the stock) isn’t worth anywhere near what they have loaned…….therefore Robinhood is at risk. In fact, Robinhood has already tapped one or more of their credit lines. I think TD Ameritrade has a much more reasonable approach in that instead of restricting the purchase of stocks like Gamestop, they simply restricted their customers from being able to buy them on margin. I’m not taking sides in this “war” although I do chuckle at this group of largely novice investors being able to take down a hedge fund.
Make sense. I was also surprised to hear people saying that one of the big hedge funds was buying via Robinhood. And that Robinhood was giving them proprietary or exclusive trading information. But good chance a lot of those allegations were incorrect due to so many millions of people getting mad at RH yesterday.
I agree………….I was listening to Bloomberg this am and they said that, although there would most certainly be conspiracy theories (admittedly one of the first things that came to my mind was big pressure of some kind from Wall Street), Robinhood had already tapped its investor group for an additional $1 billion. What I don’t understand is: “What is the exit strategy for these Gamestop investors who have bought in and keep buying in at these incredibly elevated prices.”
Also, probably premature but on my list on publicly traded companies is Frequency. I am thinking/hoping for a formal pipeline announcement in late 2021. I believe the molecular cocktail details and toxicology studies are complete.
Admin that’s great reporting. But do you have any new info on histogen data release next month? I feel like its probably not going to be that great.
Wish I did. Then, depending on the news, I would buy or short Histogen :-)
Admin, what is happening with stemson? why you never cover them?
Hi Admin, you mentioned Shiseido is working on their own hair loss cure separate from RCH-01, I’ve never heard of this. Would you happen to have the source?
Good catch. Perhaps I should say treatment instead of cure. Shiseido’s scientists have released many papers in the past and they were working on hair growth even before partnering with Replicel. e.g., Jiro Kishimoto’s past work.
How true is this news ?
Thanks. Same story as this one from yesterday:
Those pics are very good! Actual real hair growth not 4 hairs like rivertown. Now if this is real then I am super excited. However, I know somehow this will get shelved or rogaine makers will burn all those herbal plants down so they csnt make a working treatment lol. I know how this will turn out…
Thai mangrove extract hey?! If they want to burn it down, they’re gonna have to wade through a lot of plastic bottles first. (In low season on Koh Phuket for example, the amount of rubbish that washes up from the monsoon winds is mind boggling).
Admin watch the government is going to come in and put more regulations against the retail trader to “protect us” its all bs it’s not a free
And fair market and the SEC knows that. The people that say they are on our side be careful of controlled opposition.
I fully agree Woofy.
What does this mean, “Considering how expensive hair cloning or hair multiplication will be (e.g., Dr. Takashi Tsuji and what could have been), many of us will need to hit the jackpot.”?
The part “what could have been”, are you saying there’s no longer a potential treatment coming from Tsuji?
or just that the cost is prohibitive/infeasible?
I meant what could have been in 2020/2021 if it were not for Covid and then Organ Technologies backing out. Now I still think they can bring out something, but not likely in the next several years.
Hey admin have you heard of the company techshot , there using microgravity to clone human tissue and organs saw it on Bloomberg quick takes on YouTube it’s about a year old v8deo. Thought you might find it interesting.
Thanks, will take a look.
Hi Admin, are you planning to participate in Fortunis webinar with Stemson co-founder Geoff Hamilton? According to their Linkedin page they will also talk about clinical trials and commercialisation. Sounds quite interesting!
Since they have yet to even start Phase 1 clinical trials in humans, I do not want to make too much effort for now. I think someone in our chat (or in a message to me) last week said they would try to attend if free.
Not sure if this study on citrizine was posted already
Samumed Phase 3 trial finished on December 31st 2020. Clinical Trial page last updated January 12th 2021. Results soon and release later in the year/next year?
Admin already covered this :) welcome back from Vacation/Holiday.
check previous post for your Answer :)
Admin, this is kaanixir
Replicel just published the results of stem cell hair injections.
This was from their twitter post recently
I do not see any results published insofar as hair growth goes. I am pretty sure that will be up to Shiseido later this year.
And can you remind me again who is kaanixir? Thanks.