About Us

HairLossCure2020 (HLC2020) Logo
HairLossCure2020 (HLC2020) Logo.

Welcome to the HLC2020 hair loss blog. My name is Jay. It is actually my middle name. I prefer not putting my full name and phone number here, as I want to avoid people then finding my address and personal details on Linkedin, Facebook etc.

Purpose and Mission of this Site

The purpose behind the Hair Loss Cure 2020 (HLC2020) blog is to cover the latest news and developments in regards to a cure for hair loss. Existing hair loss treatments for both men and women are also analyzed in detail.

Hair transplant and hair restoration procedures are also covered regularly. For those with major hair loss, hair transplants currently offer the most effective solution to their problem. HLC2020 gets advice from some of the most renowned hair transplant surgeons in the world. All of them are members of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS).

I am also in regular contact with some of the world’s leading hair loss research centers. These include researchers ranging from: prestigious universities such as Harvard University and Yale University; to renowned scientific institutions such as Riken and Sanford-Burnham; to governmental labs and hospitals.

This site’s mission and goal is to aid in the search for a hair loss cure. This blog can help further progress via enabling the free flow of information. Open communication in one place between all interested parties will hopefully be of good use. Please also make sure to also read the privacy policy of this website.

Our Social Media Links

You can find HairLossCure2020 (HLC2020) and follow us in the following places:

HLC2020 on Twitter.

HLC2020 on Instagram.

HLC2020 on Pinterest.

HLC2020 YouTube Channel.

HLC2020 on Threads.

Where HLC2020 has been Cited

Hairlosscure2020 has been cited in numerous newspapers and scientific organizations. Amongst the highlights include:

  • Vice.com.
  • Slate.com.
  • Science Direct.
  • Cell.com.
  • Golf Digest.


I am not employed in the hair loss industry, am not a physician, and am not a medical expert. All of my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. Any hair loss treatment related decision that you make should only be taken after consultation with a medical professional such as a dermatologist.

Your personal decisions should never be based on my opinions and conclusions. Moreover, you should read many other hair loss blogs and forums out there, rather than just trust the opinions of one blog author such as myself.

Contact Us

To contact us, please use our contact us page. We will respond to your questions or comments only if relevant and appropriate. It is usually better if you share your thoughts in a comment to one of the posts on this blog. This would help other hair loss sufferers too.

Advertising Opportunities

I accept ads from various sources, including: Google Adsense and Amazon; “natural” product vendors; hair transplant surgeons; laser device manufacturers; clinics offering platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments; and more. This does not mean that I endorse any products or procedures that are in those ads. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

In almost all cases, I have never tried those products or procedures on myself. Some could be unsafe and some vendors could be unreliable. Unfortunately, without advertising income, I can never devote enough time (20 hours a week) to this blog. You should always do your own detailed research on hair growth related products or procedures that you are considering.


All content on this blog is copyrighted and should not be used without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.