Category Archives: Ralf Paus

Ralf Paus is the Ultimate Hair Geek

Update: Dr. Paus answered some questions in the comments. Also make sure to see his new company called Cutaneon.

Dr. Ralf Paus might be the most prolific hair loss researcher in the world. I have covered his past work and his Monasterium Lab (Update: now called QIMA Monasterium) many times on this blog. However, it is only in 2021 that I have become a true fan.

Make sure to listen to Dr. Paus’ two latest Dermasphere podcast interviews below:

And also check out the below interesting March 2021 video (with Dr. Paus in the second half):

Dr. Ralf Paus
Dr. Ralf Paus presenting in 2018.

The problem I have with covering Dr. Paus is the fact that his work is way too extensive and wide ranging. This is probably due to the fact that he collaborates with numerous co-author scientists and researchers.

Moreover, besides via his own Monasterium Lab (Germany), Dr. Paus is affiliated with:

Dr. Paus and his team’s most discussed recent work was in relation to the olfactory receptor OR2AT4 and its impact on hair growth. In particular, via the synthetic sandalwood odorant (perfume) Sandalore. Also see this 2020 update on its use for telogen effluvium.

It seems like Dr. Paus and his Monasterium team are especially focused on developing topical cosmeceutical and nutraceutical type hair loss products. They also offer pre-clinical and clinical research facilities, including for pharmaceuticals. Their principal scientist is Dr. Marta Bertolini.

Dr. Ralf Paus Interview

Dr. Paus has offered to answer reader questions in relation to any of his hair loss research. It might take him a while to respond since he is so busy. Please post your suggestions in the comments to this post.

As I noted previously, Dr. Paus’ copious work covers a wide scope (and extends for two decades). Moreover, in 2021, he has already co-authored six new papers per PubMed. All related to hair.

On the Monasterium Laboratory site, they list their clients to include Allergan, Follicum, Giuliani Pharma, L’Oreal and Shiseido. I have covered all these companies many times on this blog.

Monasterium Laboratory and Ralf Paus

I have written a separate new post about Monasterium CEO Dr. Ralf Paus and his extensive hair loss related research experience.

According to Monasterium Laboratory’s news page, they moved into a brand new research facility in 2018. It is located in this modern nanobiotech research hub.

Monasterium Laboratory
Monasterium Laboratory.

Monasterium Laboratory in Germany

Recently, I stumbled upon the website of a new company that Dr. Ralf Paus has started in Germany called Monasterium Laboratory Skin & Hair Research Solutions. Although the company started in 2015, it seems like their website only came on-stream in 2016. Update: It is now called QIMA Monasterium and the website address has changed.

On the website, they have an image from their famous study on the olfactory receptor (OR2AT4) and its impact on hair growth. Apparently the company and its partner even released a product in Italy in 2017 called (previously Bioscalin) Tricovel Signal Revolution and it supposedly stimulates the OR2AT4 receptor. This product targets the sandalwood scent (via the synthetic sandalwood‐like odorant sandalore), which was in the news a lot in 2018.

Another interesting study that the Monasterium team has published recently concludes that the antidepressant Fluoxetine (Prozac) promotes human hair follicle pigmentation and could prevent grey hair formation. This is interesting and surprising, because there have also been some reports that SSRIs such as Prozac can cause hair loss in some patients.

Caveat and Research Activities

During the course of my research for this post, I read this wikipedia entry on Dr. Paus’ wife (with parts of it also involving Dr. Paus). There seems to be some controversy regarding their past work.

Nevertheless, this does not seem to have prevented Monasterium Laboratory from having a pretty solid list of advisers and collaboration partners.

Among Monasterium’s clients include the below ones that I have covered a number of times on this blog.

The US, Japan, South Korea and Germany lead global hair loss research activity. Germany has been lagging the other three of late, so I am glad about this new company’s addition in that country.

Update: Monasterium Laboraratory has a new patent approved and updated on January 20, 2021. It pertains to a proprietary active agent that “activates, enhances, inactivates, blocks or dampens the cellular response of the taste receptor TAS2R4”. Apparently, this impacts hair growth regulation.

Ralf Paus: Founder & CEO

Dr. Ralf Paus is the founder and CEO of Monasterium Laboratory. He is a prolific hair loss research scientist. Make sure to listen to this excellent Podcast from October 2020 in which Dr. Ralf Paus is interviewed by Dr. Luke Johnson (University of Utah) and Dr. Michelle Tarbox (Texas Tech University). The latter two host the Dermashpere dermatology related Podcast.

Key quote:

“Hair follicles are continuously stoned.” — Dr. Ralf Paus

Dr. Paus also makes the below statement in relation to Cyclosporine, Wnt signaling, Wnt inhibitors and the future of a hair loss cure or treatment.

“There is light at the end of the tunnel.” — Dr. Ralf Paus

The only issue I have is that most of Monasterium Laboratory’s work seems to be in relation to finding cosmetic agents for hair growth promotion. I remain skeptical that any cosmetic product can regrow long-dead hair in fully bald scalps, but hope I am wrong.