Category Archives: George Church

Dr. George Church: The Augmented Human Being

On very rare occasions, I write posts covering biological or medical subjects and breakthroughs that are either:

a) Groundbreaking, but entirely unrelated to a hair loss cure, or:

b) Potentially related to a hair loss cure (and grey hair reversal) in the long run.

This post on Dr. George Church falls under the second category.

Dr. George Church

I have discussed Dr. George Church a few times on this blog before. In my opinion, there is a good possibility that he will be known as one of the 10-20 greatest scientists the world has ever witnessed when all is said and done. Interestingly enough, Dr. Church got an F on one of his graduate program college courses at Duke University in 1976, and he has proudly posted that letter of rejection from Duke on his current Harvard University website.

Dr. Church was adopted as a child. In his own words, he has had “early-onset health problems (insurance companies take note): heart attack, carcinoma, narcolepsy, dyslexia, pneumonia, motion sickness.

Several days ago, a new interview (more like a speech) of Dr. Church was posted on YouTube, and I was very impressed by the range of subjects that Dr. Church covers in this video. The title of this video is “The Augmented Human Being.” Hopefully, this augmentation will imply a full head of hair for all, even though that is probably the last thing that Dr. Church is thinking of when he discusses things such as CRISPR and genetic therapy in the video.

It is quite revealing that the above video only had a little under 500 views when I embedded it in this post, despite being online for two days. In sharp contrast, the one week old gorilla enclosure video now has close to 11 million views. Dr. George Church could bring back that now dead gorilla back to life, just like he will the extinct woolly mammoth.

Dr. Church is currently 61 years old, but from the looks of it, I doubt that he will retire anytime soon despite his health problems. He is a vegan dyslexic narcoleptic workaholic.

During the past few months Dr. Church has been all over the news almost every single day. Some highlights:

Aldous Huxley increasingly looks prescient.

Hair Loss News Items of Interest

Hair loss news first:

— I just found out that Devon Grimmé from Follicept unexpectedly passed away today at the very young age of 27. He made many helpful comments over the past year while testing Follicept’s product on himself. Also see my post from earlier this year regarding Follicept.

— Kythera submitted an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) to the US FDA for KYTH-105 (Setipiprant).

— The renowned Dr. Claire Higgins recently made a great presentation on re-engineering the human body. I found her team’s experiment and findings on hair growing dermis transplanted under non-hair growing epidermis growing hair through the previously barren epidermis very interesting. In contrast, the hair growing epidermis transplanted over non-hair growing dermis ceased growing hair.

It makes obvious sense of course since the critical dermal papilla cells are in the dermis that lies below the epidermis. The most interesting part of the below video, however, is at 33:47 during the question and answer segment where she mentions how people are now using “rollers with spikes on them” to stimulate dermal papilla cells.

I have mentioned dermarolling and microneedling based intentional wounding on this blog before. It is great to see that even Dr. Higgins thinks there is some legitimacy to this crude concept. Unfortunately, the wounding has to be done at a very precise level, manner, frequency and duration. So most  hair loss forum members who are doing this are unlikely to be doing it correctly. I can fathom a day in the near future when we will go to clinics to get professionals to do this for us. i.e., we will pay to have someone injure our scalps and bleed us, all in the name of more hair.

— On rare occasions, I promote someone or some idea on this blog that I do not fully understand or even trust. The only reason I do this is because my intuition tells me that there is some serious potential behind this person or idea even if some of the subject matter goes above me. If a person is extremely passionate about his idea, is also very intelligent (especially when it comes to hair, chemistry and biology) and is well spoken, I get an urge to post about him or her.

Getting back to the subject matter, this new Swisstemples hair loss treatment blog is extremely interesting and the author has also e-mailed me a few times. He does not sell anything directly as far as I can tell. I would probably not buy anything from sites that he starts to recommend, since some of these products may not be 100 percent safe or thoroughly tested. I am more cautious than most when it comes to taking drugs, especially oral drugs.

A lot of guys are participating in “group buys” of products from strangers in China and Eastern Europe. Absolutely foolish in my opinion, but perhaps the fools will have full heads of hair while I continue losing ground on Finasteride. I only posted this link for the entertainment and educational value. I will not participate in these group buys.

–Very surprising that the BBC had such a speculative article: can a bang on the head lead to hair loss?

Spironolactone is a potentially miraculous product for some, and also very cheap. Besides helping with hair loss, it can even reduce persistent high blood pressure.

— I mentioned Arfy and Ernie Primeau in a post from 2013, and just like the latter, the former is back again with a vengeance. The hair loss world is quite something. Why on earth would one want to go watch a movie on a weekend night when one can find far better plots on hair loss forums?

— An interesting new video on balding.

And now on to medical items of interest:

Amazing videos on bioengineered organs.

— At first they were blaming the Chinese for moving too fast, but now they want to do it themselves. Western scientists seek permission to genetically modify embryos.

— George Church is a brilliant scientists and he is all for genetic engineering.

Spanish cancer patient receives 3D printed ribs from an Australian company in a world first surgery.

Getting closer to an invisibility cloak. Perhaps a future hair loss treatment may involve visuals…i.e., we will have others (and the mirror and the camera) see us as we want them to?

DARPA brain interfaces coming.