Hanging Drop Hair Cell Culturing

Some important developments in the hair loss world this month.

Hanging Drop Hair Cell Culturing Method

I have covered Dr. Colin Jahoda and his 3D spheroid culturing of dermal papilla cells on this blog before. Mr. Jahoda has been a pioneer in the hair loss research world since the 1980s, but his best years are likely over. Thankfully, the Chinese are continuing from where he left off. A team from Southern Medical University (China) and Dr. Malcolm Xing (Canada) just published an interesting update on their work with 3D spheroids. They have improved somewhat on Dr. Jahoda’s work with a novel hanging-drop method. I am glad that they are continuing this area of crucial research. Note that when I interviewed him, Dr. Xing gave Dr. Jahoda a good deal of credit.

Dormant Phase Crucial for Hair Rejuvenation

Dr. Elaine Fuchs, just published an important article summarizing how stem cells get activated to produce new hair. Forkhead box C1 (FOXC1) is a key transcriptional regulator of hair follicle stem cell activity and bulge maintenance. Also see another summary of the same study. One of the interesting conclusions of the article seems to imply that premature hair loss is also correlated with premature hair greying. Something I have noticed in many people. “Hair follicle stem cells influence the behavior of melanocyte stem cells, which co-inhabit the bulge niche,” explains Fuchs. “Thus, when the numbers of hair follicle stem cells declined with age, so too did the numbers of melanocyte stem cells, resulting in premature greying of whatever hairs were left.”

Other Hair Related News and Developments

— Meiji Seika Pharma (Japan) and Dr. Takashi Tsuji, head of the Laboratory for Organ Regeneration at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology (Japan), have entered into an important partnership. Their goal is “to develop treatments to regrow lost hair.”  Apparently 12 million adult men in Japan suffer from hair loss. The partnership will focus on regenerative medicine rather than on any kind of drug development. Japan’s new laws will also help speed up clinical trials in the regenerative medicine sector.

— Also in Japan, a new article on Shiseido mostly covers things we already know and confirms that they will start trials this year. However, the ending is of interest: “The fee to receive the treatment will be at least 100,000 yen ($887).”  A lot cheaper than I expected.

— Tiny Singapore might have a stagnant and small population, but they still care about hair loss. Their scientists (and others from Stanford) recently published a paper covering the gene Axin2 and autocrine Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Complicated stuff to understand for a non-scientist such as myself.

— Antonio Conte’s hair transplant seems to have turned out pretty good.

And now on to medical items of interest:

I will shorten this section for this month since the hair loss one was so lengthy.

— An interesting recent video discussion between Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Dr. Bil Andrews and Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish. All three of whom I have covered on this blog before.

— Another recent one with just Dr. Bill Andrews.

How long until we can print human faces in the lab?

199 thoughts on “Hanging Drop Hair Cell Culturing”

  1. It’s odd Yeditepe university didn’t release any clinical data or photos to the public after three years of testing Kelopecia. But I’m glad they were honest that it worked better for women. Besides, what other products are we going to get our hands on in a month’s time.

  2. If it works better, the press announces widely. But it’s too slience.

    Im sorry that i can’t trust it.
    I HOPE University releases more data.

  3. i emailed them and asked if i can buy it from the USA
    if i can i’ll let you all know and post pics
    i’m also going to use the demodex foam
    it’s on amazon now

  4. Hey whatever happened with topical fin? Seems the buzz is over, but was there an outcome? Is it effective? Is it available?

    1. The results were on the same level as Minoxidil with just 1% i think? I can’t remember but if you search this blog there was a Brief interest post like this with details on it.

  5. Replicel treatment from Shiseido $900? Sounds pretty good if there are good results. Also, considering the technology of replicel could they perhaps use something like CRISPR to remove any faulty genes from the Dermal Papilla cells?

    I would love if we could find out more information on what their plan is for creating a natural hair cycle.

      1. Admin ques: Shiseido fee of 100,000 Yen which roughly amounts to $887 in usd. Is the whole treatment or per injection?? They didn’t make that quite clear in the article.

  6. We are going to win this. Good things to come! Thanks for the hard work admin. We are all in this together. We have reasons to stay positive.

    1. That’s cool phase follicum was completed so quickly and with no sides at even high doses. The event better news phase 2 is going to be a short 3 months. Results by the autumn time. If that works great then we can possibly see this out in 2017. That’s if phase 3 is like 3 to 5 months long as well. Fingers crossed. I have more faith in these new treatments coming to market like Samumed and follicum than cell based treatments like replicel. It’s just taking them forever with too many delays.

  7. Sad that jahoda and fuchs couldn’t figure out the cure. They were the main 2 researchers when I first started losing my hair in 2001. Can’t believe it’s been 15 years already. They said a cure would be out in 10 years lol. They were way off lol

  8. Good update Admin. Glad to see the understanding of the fundamental operation of follicle stem cells seems to be advancing at a pace.

    Also glad you’re summarizing scientifically complex findings even if you don’t fully understand them yourself.

  9. Lots of interesting stuff thanks for your wonderful effort admin. As far as I know though, stem cells don’t decline in number with age, they become inactive through aga and stop transforming into progenitor cells, which are the transitional cells towards many different follicle cell types.

    1. yeahh… Cotsarelis.. thanks to him this discovery… it’s true… but yet to be discovered something to make that knowledge useful… as always…

  10. Woww…Really… really NICE @k.

    Thanks for share it!! Very appreciated!!

    Great job admin. Awesome blog!!


  11. I got a reply from the old Turkish man in the video Dr Sahin
    Someone said it was a perscription here and doubt it will be OTC in USA so I asked — that person was wrong, we will have the opportunity to buy it …

    Dear Justin,
    We hope to complete the registration process of Kelopesia soon. It may take a few months then of course you will be able to buy it. Regrards,
    Fikrettin Sahin

    Fadi — I talked to Paul S. (demodex researcher in canada admin referred us to last month) I’m on his list, I called back to give him my new cell number and he said the foam is already here in the lab, didn’t say when he would send it though. He seems wrapped up with other work, so i asked him will i be able to buy it in the event I don’t get it (for free from you).. he said “well yeah, i mean it’s already being manufactured like i said we have it here.” The product he’s studying thats “10 times more effective at killing demodex (and it’s offspring) is called “Cliradex” if you amazon cliradex foam you get “Blephadex” whether or not this is the foam he was referring to I’m not sure at this point.. i don’t llike pestering scientist for some reason. makes me feel uncomfortable with myself.

    1. From your past pessimistic comments, I am very surprised that you think there will be a cure by 2030! I would have guessed that you would predict 2100.

      1. admin just an fyi you gotta change the slogan on your twitter page… it reads this time the cure is 5 years away. but now its 4

        1. Thanks, but I have said by year-end 2020 so still 4.75 years left. Will change to 4 years in July and please remind me!

      2. Do you still think there will be a “cure” in less than five years? If that’s the case, what do you think it will be? Because for it to be less than five years away, it must already have begun or about to begin Phase I trials. As far as I know, there’s nothing in trials right now that come close to a cure; in fact, there’s nothing in trials right now that has demonstrated results that better minoxodil.

        1. You guys need to chill.

          Plenty of candidates that could be a full blown out cure within the next 5 years. We are enormously overdue. It is coming. We just sequenced the damn human genome 20 years ago. For one, JAK-STAT topical formulation is EXTREMELY promising, immediately stimulates anagen, shows inductivity with dermal papilla cells, progenitor cell activation almost instantly which bald scalp is lacking in AGA, is not dependent on lymphocytes aka it is a hair intrinsic property and not solely a immune system attack. Also regulates melanocyte communication and STAT 3 interacts with the androgen receptor. Not only this but you can stop androgens and still Interleukin 6 and cytokines can iteract with the JAK-STAT pathway still. Hence stopping test/dehydrotest isn’t going to kick the dormant follicle back into a anagen again. Then their is Replicel which looks to be very promising as well. And who knows how close Follica is with how tight lipped they are being. Often that could be very good news as intellectual property for something this big is highly guarded. Perhaps Cotsarelis selling his rights for prostaglandins to another pharmacy company for maintenance purposes and it just goes to show how confident they are in their project of hair follicle neogenesis. We are due for news from them later this year. People need to stop panicking I think we are much closer to a full blown out cure than people realize. These things take time but in my opinion we are finally getting down to the nuts and bolts of this. We’re overdue for at the absolute very least a new vastly superior treatment within the next 18 months or so. Have faith and great work admin

  12. Hey guys I’ve been reading every article and comments on this site and it’s really getting depressing b/c the reality is that scientists in essence still don’t know what to do about MPB and all we are stuck with is snake oil and pills that can potentially leave us impotent or surgery that the common man can’t afford and its never the same.

    Oh by the way I need your opinion on something. Do you believe that this is hair loss? The photos are of and actor who has something similar to what I have.

    The right side


    The left side.


        1. YOUR NOT THAT BALD, as the guy in the pic?!?!?! AND YOU COME HERE ASKING IF THIS NON BALD MAN IS BALD TO REAFFIRM OR CALM YOU FROM YOUR REALIZATION YOU ARE BEGINNING TO POSSIBLY BALD!? F OFF, seriously. VERY seriously. Some people are bald and come here to read about treatment potentials, and your so insecure you have to come here to ask such a stupid question. PLEASE keep your confidence issues and crap to yourself and get counselling. This isn’t a self help website, you people are annoying. Sorry to the admin if he doesn’t agree, but people like you, jones and non English speaking peter saying he’s going to kill himself need help desperately. This isn’t the place.

  13. honestly i’m no one to have an opinion but I think if we are ever going to have “a cure” like we all dream of, I know it’s going to be from CRISPR .. you listen to what the scientist are talking about curing hair loss seems like nothing. I’ve heard cures for any virus, cures for any genetic mutation, EDITAS is working on blindness right now guys… Dont get me wrong i love shiseido and believe they are going to hit the home run but CRISPR is literally god like

  14. @Julian IDK because when grows his out it looks thick and full and it doesn’t look thin or receding in anyway. Could it be some diffusing b/c I have something similar to his but very minor plus I had a cowlick near my left temple that’s been gone for 4 years which is almost an inch gap while on my right temple it’s a small patch missing which is less than half an inch.

    This is how he looks like with long hair,


  15. Love your work admin. I come on here once a week for a checkup. Do you still believe 2020 is a viable timeline? Do you think the treatment will be affordable for the ever age person when it comes.

  16. Admin!
    I’m looking forward to the day you write a blogpost with the title: Here it is! “The cure we all have been waiting for”.

  17. I really hope for a solution that dosen’t turn out to have a list of side effects! I vote for regeneration and stem cells! I hope they find a cure where dead hair follics can come to life again without putting some harsh medical stuff in the body! And please let it not be a topical cream we have to put on our scalp 2 times a day everyday for the rest of our lives :(

  18. What do you put in the word “cure” admin? Could it be a 1x a day topical that stops and regrows 60-70% of the hair with no sides or is it a one time treatment that takes any high norwood to a dense NW 1 never to fall out again? The latter is not realistic at this point in time in my opinion

    1. Fingers crossed a better treatment comes out in two years. I think we will see a new treatment next year. The industry needs it. Now a cure is quite a stretch. Sesheido might have something really good but I don’t think they will give you an 18yr old nw1 again. I mean they would have posted some pics of cure like results by now. We haven’t seen shit from them. Kind of shady. Well I’m going pray something comes out ASAP. We don’t deserve to lose our hair. What’s the most upsetting thing about it is people think we lose our hair because it’s nutritional or that we are not using Rogaine. There is no compassion for us. I would love to carry an electric razor when I go out and shave everyone’s head like a nw7 when they make a comment about balding people. Let them live the night mare for a few months till there hair grows back. People suck lol. Sorry for the rant guys just had to get it out.

      1. Nobody is showing pictures in there results. Besides who can blame them? Everybody overanalysing how a guy’s hair was combed forward in the Histogen photo. Because yeah, he had so much good quality hair in his hairline they just styled it out instead of the picture being what it was, a good result.

  19. 22 yrs old and been obsessed with finding a cure to baldness.. I’ve been on RU58441, Lipogaine 5%, Regenpure Dr & Regenpure Nt for about 7 months Results are minimal. Any recommendations?

    1. Minoxidil and Finasteride, if you can’t handle the latter then quit. But Minoxidil 3 months in has been working for me, no side effects and my hair is definitely thicker. Would you look good bald though? If i’m being honest, i would either shave it off or try to maintain until something better comes out. With the former you have more opportunity to just get on with your life as these treatments are so time consuming.

  20. Here’s to the future my brothers, it does seem bright and full of hair. Great post admin…..looking forward to see some more data on the Turkish cream.


    1. This blog is realistic. Today exists a HUGE DEMAND for a new treatment for AGA. The countdown has begun for new treatments for MPB. GREAT BLOG.

  21. Why does everybody feel like the cure is still so far away? Admin just laid out multiple different progresses that may all lead to a better understanding and an eventual cure. There’s nothing solid yet but I feel there is a lot of effort going in to advancing treatment of MPB these days and it’s and something big may be around the corner.

  22. You guys better pray for Replicel miracle. Everything else is in the distant future. I’m sure admin is aware of this.

  23. Why do people think they’re just going to pop a pill everyday as a cure. I think there won’t be a cure unless we can genetically modify parts of our DNA.

    Treatment is popping a pill or applying a new topical, if it lasts it’s a cure if you need to continue with the treatment then it’s not a cure. Admin has repeated, we will see better treatments for sure in the next 3 years. A cure? Who knows, perhaps something utilised by CRISPR can help produce a cure.

    1. “A new genetic technology called CRISPR may enable scientists to make permanent changes in a person’s DNA.”

  24. Admin, just came to thank you once again for your hard work :) it makes it easier to deal with this nightmare.

    Fingers crossed!

  25. @Breezy, im with you on your interpretation of a cure. Personally im not optimistic bout an actual cure in our lifetime. Im just hoping for a treatment that wont make my beloved (by many) dick go limp…sigh

    1. Propecia can grow hair on the crown like that if you are a great responder. However these pictures look fake. I love how these before and after pics show one guy bald with auburn hair then the after pic his crown is filled in and his hair is dark brown black lol. Tired of these scams!
      I do think these new treatments will be better than Rogaine and Propecia. Now a cure lol I highly doubt it. I think we will get more regrowth with these new treatments but I don’t think a Norwood 7 will become a Norwood 1. After the disappointment of Samumed regrowth it looks like we are still way behind in the regrowth area. However SM did stop further hair loss which is great and regrew 10% which is better than nothing. If you are a Norwood 2 to 4 a possible cure could be at your doorsteps by 2020. Histigen, Samumed, follicum, sisheido then some random topical like Italian or Turkish study(if it works like they claim) this could be the magic trick. The ultimate solution would be replicel sisheido with massive regrowth like 40k hairs all over the top of head. Pay them 25 thousand bucks for the procedure and never have to deal with baldness again.

      1. The color ‘change’ could be due to the specific lightning conditions. If you look at other facial features (like the ears, head shape, crown whirl) of the patients, I think almost all of them are the same person before and after.

        However, the question is, are these Fin only or Fin+Transplant results?We probably will never know for sure.

        In some kind of way I’m waiting for an update on topical FIN. Just to fill in the gap between now and the moment Histogen will be released for instance.

      1. Has someone NW5-6 having an SMP is not that of a bad idea if well done. You don’t feel as ‘bald’ anymore because of the hairline back.

        But at the same time, something very important is that you must wear the buzz cut, otherwise that just doesn’t work.

  26. Sad that the only options we have are lousy fue, smp tattoos on your head. Soo pathetic. You see this being advancements and you just get discouraged. Shit even a new effective treatment probably won’t ever come out the way it’s going

    1. mjones you were posting under two names before using the same IP address, and your IP address keeps changing now (smart idea and glad you learnt to do that). However, please do not post here if all you have to offer is discouragement. If you believe what you are saying, it is very stupid to visit hair loss blogs daily. Why not just move on and come back in 2020? Or go to a depression website and forum…probably the best place for you to get help?

  27. Dear Admin,

    Great job on the post. I, however, suggest that you disable the comments thread on this blog. The only thing more discouraging than the current state of research is having to read depressing comments from the likes of idiots like mjones. Does this guy not have anything better to do with his time? I believe he’s been called out numerous times before. Either get a P.h.D. or do us all a favor and give it a rest.

    1. Haha what did I say? Jeez. No need for name calling guys. I was just simply stating the obvious. All I said was that if they keep focusing on smp and fue transplants as being acceptable then a cure like treatment will never come. I will just stop posting on here. I was better off when I stopped writing on this blog. BTW I just heard that replicel cancelled their trials in Germany.

    2. Thanks Crispswan. I will monitor his comments for a few more weeks and see how it goes. Every few months this blog gets commentators who do not believe a cure is coming, but they still keep posting comments here daily to discourage others! I mean repeating yourself once a week is fine, but daily is really odd and represents a mental disorder. Even more annoying are commentators who do not want me to write anything about hair transplants, Propecia, wigs, SMP etc.. even though all those options do help many people. Some guys just care about themselves and what they think will benefit them.

  28. Admin, you may want to edit what you wrote about Tsuji with what user, Swoop posted on noth HLT and BTT.

  29. i dip in sometimes once a week or once a month and other times once a day when something is happening like turkish unviersity thing.. Often smart or stupid commentors will post links and insight to things i wasn’t aware of. Replicel discontinuing german trials for example.

    Mjones thinks the illuminati is hoarding the cure for male pattern baldness. and for the past year has been posting highly hopeful and then negative comments depends on the weather… i don’t think he’s bipolar but definitely grieving.

    I think of this blog as a central hub or a google of this subject and research is why i continue coming here

  30. ya but mjones must be full of shit theres no sight of what he said being true. it would be a good idea to ban him admin he’s brought nothing but drivel to the table i think nosyu and friends can agree

  31. mjones: thats it im out of this website for good…im not coming here anymore…im done with this thing…good bye guys….

    One week goes one…meanwhile mjones secretly stalking this website…cant control himself….

    After one week: Hello guys Im back (as if we were missing him) …Im back from rehab….hi everyone..again starts cursing all those people…f this hairloss..blah blah blah….

    Dude mjones if you are really that desperate get a fue transplant…it is the best option we have now…you dont need to suffer that much…trust me it works like a charm…

    you know what once a wise man Ron Jeremy told me…fu.k it and get over it…. cheers mate

  32. We all know that a new treatment ( more likely treatments) is coming in couple of years or maybe months. But we should know that the cure will take time to be available in markets. Creating a new follicle means recreating a new organ so this will take time except in one condition if the cure discover accidentally. About SMP, wigs or even a new camouflage will be a great addition to the hairloss world. Here am saying and am responsible for it, if they make a new wig that you can put on your head permanently without any problem and looks natural then I will choose that option!!!!

  33. I thought i would post this thread: http://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=59524

    TL:DR for those that don’t understand Spanish. In Spain people can make their own topical formulations. As i read it he is using 2% Finasteride and Minoxidil topically.

    “Hola, yo llevo usando finasterida TOPICA y minox desde hace 15 años” He has been using this for 15 years topically and he’s 43.

    This seems to be true as in Spain or Madrid you can have topical formulations made with the specific percentages. There are photos there.

  34. Is the Cure For Baldness Close? – Men’s Health

    Interesting article from men’s health magazine. Puts most possible solutions for a cure into great perspective. We might be almost there! Interesting how Dr. Cots method is mentioned as still being a little ways out though.

  35. Why we think that a cure should be in the market til 2020, i mean look at the jak inhib in Alopecia areata cases it actually cures it right but its still in second clinc trials and need one more to get the fda approval. My point is until 2020 we could see a cure without being released, that wont change the fact that the cure is found before 2020 so dont give up a cure can be found til then.

  36. Thank you admin.
    Recently there are many pessimistic comments that is unfounded in this blog, for example, no cure by 2100 or
    Illuminati dominates hair loss cure, but I respect your realistic article and some commentators.

    1. Good News. :) more and more Labs are working in alopecia. If in 2 or 4 years happend to come to the marke some thing close to a cure Will be one of my happy days of my life

  37. Lmao, the Mens Health article…haha! Every mens magazine has an article like this once a year. Thank god we have a site like hairloss2020!!

  38. I went from nw 1 to 7 in one year, we have a history of baldness in our family, but noone experienced it at my age, nw 7 just turning 20 and I have way lesser hair than my dad. My point being that stress has a huge impact on hairloss, like most people don’t even realise how huge. Just basic stuff but I’d like to advice everyone that is loosing or has lost hair rapidly to double check their nutrition, mental state and body alignment by visiting a physiotherapist or corrective chiropractor (best option) by the evidence I have so far is that certain cases of scoliosis and unproper posture can directly affect hairloss. I’m not going on propecia because of my mental state (slowly recovering from severe depression) I tried it for a month and things didn’t turned out good my libido was solid as ever but the mental fog was out of proportion.As my body and mind slowly recover I’m noticing extreme hair growth spurts. Also I’d like to address everyone that let’s baldness affect them in a bad way, as much as It makes you suffer I want you to understand that it’s just a drop in the water, it’s just the next shitty thing that unfortunately happened to you, and I’d like to invite you to start thinking about all those shitty, bad and horrible experiences and things that happened and are yet happen as nothing more but a challenge, nothing more than a way of helping you become a better and stronger version of yourself. That was all that I had on my mind for now : D. Let’s go 2020!! Keep up the good work admin.

      1. Well I will just give you an example with my case. My posture had some problems a while back, so I went into one of my research/learn everything from youtube/wikipedia and so on modes,and as we all know the Internet is filled with bad information unfortunately, so basically I messed up my alignment even more ending up overextended posture, which is kinda rare most people have the opposite case. So basically my back was constantly flexed causing constant inflammation, constant pain around the upper back and so on. After a while I ended up with scoliosis because of the muscle imbalances in my body.So constant inflammation/pain coupled with scoliosis and the inability of the body to supply proper nutrition in the (I forgot the medical term) but basically the spine because of the scoliosis + the stress that all this can lead to is basically a recipe for disaster. And when you add the fact that I was in pretty big caloric deficit during the time all this happening .. And ya you get the point. All this is just to show how important it is to understand why and what triggers an extreme and fast shedding personally to you, if you are experiencing something similar, I mean I know without doubt that I would of gone bald anyway but if I actually listened to my body I could of postpone it by atleast 10 years give or take. Stress kills.

    1. DNP I totally agree. I experienced a very sinilar situation. From a NW1 or even -1 lol to a NW5 in 1-2 years. Surprisingly it all started at the same as my neck and back pain which was diagnosed as spinal misalignments. Family history is so much different than what i’ve experienced. It all makes sense as many doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory medications for my neck pain and it is obvious that inflammation is a main cause of MPB. One thing I also noticed is that my hair color changed a lot , it became much lighter which is also causing my thin crown area to appear torally bald. I am undergoing ostopathy sessions and they are really helping with the pain but obviously not going to reverse hair loss. Do you have any suggestions on how to reverse baldness in people like us? I heard a chinese herb called peony may help. Any insights?? Thanks dude

  39. Hey admin, I want to apologize for saying negative stuff on here. I reread my posts and it was wasn’t cool putting a depressing tone in the forum. So I want to say sorry to those that got offended and sad. I promise I will keep all negative thoughts to myself. I also wanted to let everyone know I am going to set up a dermatological visit with Dr. Cotsarelis soon. I have a connection at university of Pennsylvania and just received a letter in the mail today that my previous dermatologist is now working in the same team with Cotsarelis. Once I get the office visit dare setup, I will let you guys know what I can find out from him and follica. He might be more open to talk to me since we are from the same part of Greece. Once again sorry for the depressing posts.

    1. Now that would be super useful. Thanks! And negativity is also welcomed once in a while. Just not in every post.

  40. guys a small request we all are not happy with hair loss…so please dont post anymore stuff that how derpessed you are…it makes the situation more worse…just post good stuff like developments, new technologies and please do respect admin for what he is doing….

  41. I am pretty sure many teams might be hurrying up their research to release a cure…as the first one will make billions…I am betting on JAK inhibitors…lets see

  42. JAK inhibitors in my opinion has a 50/50 chance of working. One point is that it grew hair back on AA which was awesome to finally a see a treatment grow back dormant follicles. Now how much of AGA is caused by immune disorder and how much of it is dht related. Now if JAK can hit the follicles to where it activates hair growth irregardless of what force is attacking whether it be dht, inflammation etc then theoretically it should grow a full head of hair since AA patients hair follicles are practically dead just like aga. Christiano better be doing some test trials now to figure this out.

    1. I thought you were done posting here. Yet like clockwork you come back, much to everyone’s chagrin. It’s only a matter of time until your pessimism comes back. Do us all a favor and just see a therapist. None of us here can help you with your mental state.

      1. Chill. It isn’t that easy to come on the board with positivity all the time. You can get a bad hair day, hear some bad news and then start moaning about the delays/lack of hope.

        Back on topic. Christiano for me is talking in the broader sense of effecting the hair cycle. I reckon if you can keep DHT levels under control then using a JAK Inhibitor will kick start the growth. Imagine Samumed and JAK Inhibitor, if Samumed application for 90 days can stop further hairloss and JAK inhibitors can exhibit the same regrowth in humans as it did in mice, then you might be seeing a powerful combination treatment.

        I know there is tons of negativity here, but i was skeptical about Samumed. The more i think and read other peoples posts, the more i realise it’s a big deal. 10% regrowth on high norwoods? Stopped further hairloss? Didn’t all recess after stopping treatment? Is it completely safe? That’s a big deal compared to existing treatments. Literally if that was released today, i would have my problems solved with those Phase 2 results. JAK Inhibitors whatever way you look at it is doing something really powerful, if you think both of these drugs are actually not that far away. JAK Inhibitors are in the market orally for other purposes. Samumed is an extremely safe product with good results, if they push really hard for global distribution after Phase 3 maybe there could be a treatment in 3 years max. If DHT is still an issue, throw in 1% fina/duta topically with Ketoconozale (maybe as a champu) and that’s a good treatment for this horrible condition.

        1. Thank you Breezy for understanding exactly what I am talking about:) Crispswan, I don’t need a therapist bro. Not sure how long you have been losing your hair but I have been it it since 2001. Been through all the excitement of aderans, OSH1, dut, intercytex, etc and then seeing them all fail. I promised the admin I won’t post another negative comment so I’m not. Just going to say it blows getting your hopes up and then seeing a new possible treatment fail time and time again over 16 yrs. However, now it seems to be a different game. SM, JAK, Sisheido, follicum, Cots are really attacking hair loss at a more direct angle so I’m pretty sure a much better treatment will be out soon :)

    1. This is huge too! I can’t imagine them rushing to solve MPB, but i believe CRISPR will cure this ailment one day. :D

  43. Mjones sometimes is right and sometimes give some wired info. Nobody is blocking the treatment and all researches are working hard to get the cure. Just nobody should say we are getting a cure or treatment in x number of year but always say ” hair loss industry is improving” and improving really fast.

  44. Guys, regarding JAK inhibitor…there is not possibility to regrow just a part of lost hair. It will be a cure or it will not work. But I am sceptical since they didn’t test it yet.

  45. muscular dystrophy, sickle cell disease, HIV Aids, Blindness, Herpes … CRISPR is already capable of eliminating. NO STDs… New software being developed to enhance accuracy, mapping data mining the genome.

    Replicel/Shiseido, Follicum, Sahin-Broztu, SAM, JAK, Follica, Theracell, and others might be outdone by CRISPR.

    Oh my god, If CRISPR is what I think it is life just got a lot fing better.

  46. @Mjones, im glad your still here posting. I understand your frustration. Im also only barely staying optimistic myself. Right now im hoping we’ll have some news from polichem regarding their topical Finasteride. I re-read Admins post about it yesterday, and it sounds like it could be a good solution for some of us until other treatments become available. They are currently in phase 3 (or was) so news could pop in any day now:-)

  47. The 10% is not the hair you were born. It is 10% of the hair you have on this Day.

    There are good News but dont be so blind. :)

  48. What i have understood so far is that you can editing the dna by using CRISPR method, you can cut the dna in certain ways and removing tumor or hiv cells for example but could have been created new organ by using this method?

  49. CRISPR sounds very promising but it’s still in the pitree dish stage in labs. This probably won’t be available to the public for a very long time. Like 2040 or something. I wouldn’t want to mess with my genes, that just sounds very a scary and one little mistake can you really fk you up lol. A good question here is that if they do take out the hair loss gene from is via CRISPR would that just atop further balding or will it also grow back our hair to nw1?

  50. Thanks for keeping us updated admin, you are doing a really good job here.

    I just don’t understand how we don’t have a cure yet, and can’t stand getting bald anymore, this is destroing my life, i’m 26 years old and balding since 16. Visit your blog gives me a little hope.

  51. Because companies such as rogaine and hair restoration physicians dont want the cure to go out. Think what it would do to their market. You guys are blind if you cant see that. They probably have the cure already

  52. hi guys, today I got a package from that thyocyanat solution in Germany (pilot series). They claim that it could regrow hair in some people. I will give it a try.

  53. Matt, I humbly disagree with you. Remember Blockbuster? They were a huge multi billion dollar corporation made obsolete by a small emerging start-up called Netflix. My point is that we live in a capitalist society. Businesses are constantly driven out/consumed by other businesses. It’s basic Economics. To believe that there is a conspiracy theory to hide a cure is an insult to the very women and men that research the topic.

    Also, when did you become a P.h.D Mjones? You and your stupid medical timeline predictions. You know nothing about CRISPR/gene editing. Pick up a book on George Church instead of sulking.

  54. Dear Admin, can you publish a new post about hair transplant surgery specially for high norwoods ? I am really so depressed now. I want to hair transplant but I’m norwood 6 may be. So can’t get enough coverage. Is it be worth to hair transplant for norwood 6 ?

  55. Crispsan I’m not going to even argue with you on your comment. I promised the admin I wouldn’t. All I am going to say is if you think you will go to a doctors office in 5 years or 10 and ask for your mpb gene taken out of your DNA then you are in for a disappointment bro. I’m not saying CRISPR won’t work. I think it’s the next big thing in medical science but it’s in infancy stage. It took Rogaine 8 yrs of clinical trials to release the foam version lol. You think gene manipulation will come out faster lol? Come on dude, don’t be jerk to me when you know I’m right.

  56. Admin, whats your opinion on kerastem? Also, do u forsee histogen coming to mexican in 2017/2018 like naughton said in hellouser’s interview? Ive asked in the chat but you havent replied, no big deal, im sure youre busy.


    1. I read several negative testimonials on Kerastem recently so not too optimistic. No idea about when Histogen will finally come to the US or Mexico :-(

      1. Kerastem, like PRP, is a scam. Anything sold before going through an efficacy trial is a scam – no ethical person would sell something for which they have no proof of working.

    1. It probably works for non aga hair loss. Can’t see them restoring 30 to 60% of our hair and this clinic not being all over the news.

  57. I hope Kevin Washenik finds a way to make the results of kerastem much BETTER. Based on the European clinics that offer it, it’s not that good. Maybe these new set of clinical trials here in the USA will be a more effective version of it. He stands to lose a ton of money if it can’t produce at least Rogaine regrowth results.

  58. This might sound strange but has anyone heard of putting medicinal leeches on their head? I feel like it would help with blood flow and may even have similar results to PRP. Most major hospitals carry leeches ( I would know because I work at one), so I really don’t see the harm, just wondering the cost.

  59. VERY INTERESTING STUDY 2016. Safety and Efficacy of Rice Bran Supercritical CO2 Extract for Hair
    Growth in Androgenic Alopecia: A 16-Week Double-Blind Randomized
    Controlled Trial

    We will have new treatments much sooner than people think. The study is spectacular.



    1. Great, thanks,

      Keep posting these kind of things!

      I always hope the results for men are indeed as good as those for women. Because, very often women gain more hair than men with certain treatments.

    2. Interestingly when rice bran is extracted through supercritical CO2, it produces antioxidant beta-sistosterol as a by product. This has been proven to inhibit dht.

    1. The before after pics look decent. I wish they would do a frontal picture. But they never do. Stupid hairline is always the hardest to get growth. These pics actually look better than histogen lol

        1. Haha. I totally agree with you, curious. He tries too hard. It’s irritating.

          The award for biggest curmudgeon on this blog goes to…… MJONES in a landslide.

          1. Please send me the award. I will add it to my other accomplishments in life:) I like all the attention I’m getting. BTW just to make one thing clear, I never attacked or insulted anyone on this site. I may have said some depressing or negative things on how some future treatments won’t work that great or take forever to come out but I never called you guys idiots,bi polar. So slow your roll with that stuff.

  60. nice find paul, but this is from last year any word on where to get it or see new befor eand afters? 4 weeks is pretty fast

    1. Btw, viviscal has not been evaluated in clinical trials for men, but a 3 month rct published in 2015 had some convincing pictures for women.

  61. I shall be buying some Rice Bran Oil after reading that report. Great find guys! Will let everyone know how I got on (I’ll try and post pictures too). I’ve been meaning to purchase some Castor oil too….I may compare the two.


    1. Well if you want the stuff they used in the article then you need to go to the link above, because that’s the only place in the world you can get rice bran oil that is extracted via co2.

      1. Also if you read it only says a maximum of 2% concentration. Don’t go slathering this all over your scalp haha.

    1. It is dangerous. It seems in china they’re making all sorts, micro pigs, mammoths lol.

      Perhaps we will have a nice tour of china one day and go for a single AGA treatment from a Chinese doctor.

    2. Great find egghead. It’s good they are moving this into human trials. I hope I am 100% wrong and this crispr stuff comes out soon. I want my hair back just as much as anyone else

    1. JUST TO BE CLEAR FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL! drugwatch.com is not a primary source of literature according to those of us in the medical and biological sciences. Even the pubmed links I posted above are not, however pubmed is a database that searches the primary literature. For instance I can search pubmed for low HDL associated with AGA and I can find the abstract of the article, then I will want to access the full article so I will go to linkedout-> full text, and try one of the links. In this example of HDL associated with AGA it took me to the journal of American dermatology which is a primary resource.

  62. I think this is the longest time since we’ve had a new post; admin must be cooking up something good…or he died.

  63. Guys of any of you have lost on frontal or in little bit in crown and the rest is stable.. Get a fue transplant from a good surgeon.. That really works well… But if you are overall thinning in a fast pace… Might have to wait for something to come up…

    1. Farhan I have always had the same thought. I suffered from extreme shedding for almost a year. By extreme shedding I mean like crazy. This left me with a thinning crown. Lately the shedding has stopped and my hair has been stable for some time. After a consultation with dr rahal he recommended 2k grafts to cover the whole area. However, my fear is that if I get the transplant and later on experience the same shedding i’ll most probably end up in a messy situation. However, I always think how people like wayne rooney were able to get a decent transplant and coverage although they had reached nw6 stage. What do you think? Have you had an fue transplant yourself? And how was it? Thanks mate

      1. I lost my hair at frontal temples and I had two fue sessions until now.. It’s really good… But you need to find a good surgeon.. Hair transplant won’t do any shedding…

        1. Hey Farhan. I have frontal thinning particularly on the right temple where it has been relentless. The left half of my entire scalp is much thicker than the right side. I would get an fue but my hair is not stable. It just gets worse and worse each month. I have a diffuse and ugly hair loss pattern. Since Propecia stopped working for me and Rogaine starting losing effectiveness after a year not sure what options I have. Fue would have been perfect if my hair loss was stable. I think Rogaine foam really messed up my hair. Fingers crossed something good comes out very soon.

    1. If it is done by a good one it is almost undetectable.. But Still some one checks you real close and they have hair transplant knowledge they might… Other than that it won’t show up… The over all result will be good.. And also I use toppik to make it look extra thicker..

    1. No he did not but when there is no news, what do you want him to say ? Plus he has something else to think about, he has family and friends!

  64. Is anyone trying out that Rice Bran Extract? Was thinking about starting Minoxidil, but the extract seems like a better alternative?

    1. I ordered some yesterday. Any advise on how to use 3% of it on the scalp? 3 drops of rice bran and 97 drops on a different oil and mix?

  65. i had erectile disfunction for 6 days straight on finesteride.. it was the darkest week of my life. i almost cried when it came back lol seriously me and my girlfriend took a picture hahahahaha

    1. I had the same experience, Egghead. It really made me view hairloss a little differently. It made me realize things could be worse. lol

  66. Replicel / Shiseido still aiming for 2018 in Japan. We have to be patient guys … or something else like Histogen hits the market in 2017.

    I don’t see anything about Replicel cancelling trials in Germany, so Mjones please explain?

  67. Off topic

    Admin , all check follicle thought .com

    Big deal pharma buying out Dr Christiano

    Company for jak inhibitors

  68. this is good, but, I wouldn’t overstate that this is a “big” pharma company. Just for a little reference, VRX-Valeant has tanked since Oct. and some question what the equity is actually worth if anything…but its market cap is still over $9.5 Billion USD, and this comapany that took over Vixen has a market cap of roughly $300 million, which falls into the kinda very micro cap almost (under $1 billion is small)…anyways this is good considering Histogen can barely raise anything for their $25 Million bond issue…which is pathetic in the capital markets…anyways HOPEFULLY Christano stays on as a researcher!!!! That’s worth the most in my opinion. Money backing her up. That’s all.

    1. never mind really…this is mainly a company who only previously had two drugs or something in the pipeline. If this works and is safe, this stock could likely go up 5 fold from here easily lol. We’ll see.

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