Update: South Korea’s Epibiotech (formerly Stemore) was working on a PGD2 inhibitor hair loss product called SM-003. However, in 2023, it was no longer showing up in the company’s pipeline page.
Update: January 2021 — Topical cetirizine 1% (a PGD2 inhibitor) leads to significantly greater hair growth in men with androgenetic alopecia.
Prostaglandin D2
Numerous groundbreaking developments have occurred in hair loss cure research during the past few years. Among the most exciting is Kythera Biopharmaceuticals’ Setipiprant prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) antagonist (inhibiting) product.
For a better understanding of the link between male pattern baldness (MPB) and PGD2, this 2014 paper from the famous Dr. Luis Garza and Dr. Ashley Nieves is excellent reading. Also worth reading is this 2012 paper from Dr. Luis Garza, Dr. George Cotsarelis and others.
In the simplest of terms, prostaglandin D2 levels are elevated in balding scalps, and inhibiting PGD2 could prevent baldness from progressing. In order to do this, you target the PGD2-GPR44 pathway (since PGD2 binds to the GPR44 receptor).
What excited me even more so than the research behind this subject matter is the following 2015 audio interview with Kythera founder and at-the-time CEO Keith Leonard. When I first heard it, I felt like he really knew what he was talking about and was sincere. Mr. Leonard seemed very excited about the “elegant” science (from Dr. Cotsarelis and his team at the University of Pennsylvania) behind this product.
Unfortunately, it seems like Mr. Leonard is no longer with Kythera. Moreover, when I checked Kythera’s website today, the pages with a listing of board of directors and management were missing. I would not read too much into Mr. Leonard’s departure, as the release of Setipiprant is still at least several years away in a best case scenario. To learn more about Kythera and Setipiprant, read my post from 2015 in its entirety.
Clinic Made PGD2 Inhibition Products to Treat Hair Loss
What made me think about this subject matter this week after several months of forgetting about it was an interesting new article published three days ago coming from India. Apparently a local clinic named “Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic” is now offering PGD2 inhibitor therapy for hair loss. The article is full of typos, bad science and ads. My immediate reaction is that this Indian clinic’s product is likely to be totally ineffective and a sham.
Nevertheless, this development is not surprising at all considering that so many hair loss forum members have been experimenting with similar homemade products for several years now. So perhaps such a product is not too difficult to manufacture/compound? Even something like topical cetirizine is thought to help androgenetic alopecia via reducing PGD2.
Are we about to see more hair loss clinics offer proprietary products that inhibit PGD2 or is this just a one-time thing that will spread to very few other places? A decade ago, very few hair loss clinics offered lasers or platelet-rich plasma therapy to treat hair loss, but now both are commonplace worldwide. Can PGD2 inhibition therapy follow a similar path? With PGD2 therapy, I do wonder how much the patent held by Kythera negatively impacts the chances of other competing proprietary products from hair loss clinics becoming popular and legal, especially in the US?
Homemade PGD2 Inhibitors to Treat Hair Loss
There is a good chance that Setipiprant will significantly aid patients with androgenetic alopecia. The only problem is that clinical trials for Setipiprant will not be completed for several years. So not surprisingly, many people on hair loss forums are creating their own versions of Setipiprant or PGD2 inhibitors and testing them, or purchasing them from oftentimes sketchy vendors. The vast majority seem to have tested these “ghetto” products with no groundbreaking results to report.
However, as is always the case with such experiments, a majority of people are probably not even remotely correct in getting correct ingredients, dosages, vehicles and more. In any case, I will leave you with some links to the said hair loss forum threads further below.
Also note that I plagiarized the “ghetto” term from “Swisstemples” who I have mentioned on this blog several times before. He used to have an excellent page on his site regarding “The Postaglandin Protocol.” He also had a page on things to buy and use (where he uses the term “ghetto protocol”) that included products to combat PGD2. I do not take any responsibility if you do what he suggests and get nasty side effects. I would never try any of this myself unless I had a really good chemist friend.
Note that people use various essentially synonymous terms for the products that they are trying in some of the below links, including “PGD2 inhibitors”, “PGD2 receptor antagonist”, “PGD2 blocker”, “PGD2-GPR-44 receptor antagonist” and “CRTH2 receptor antagonist”.
— BTT thread on homemade PGD2 inhibitors.
— Ramatroban (a PGD2 receptor antagonist) that many people seem to have purchased. I have no idea about safety and legality issues.
— Seems of interest regarding CRTH2.
— An interesting recent HLT thread (now gone) on CRISPR type gene therapy to fix the three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Specifically, rs545659, rs634681 and rs7167 have been found to be responsible for this PGD2 sensitivity.
— Resvertarol and PGD2? Not sure about this one.
— Quercetin and PGD2 video. Not sure about this one either, but many other hair loss forum posts on this subject.
Thanks Admin. I haven’t has a chance to start digging in to all of the links provided. So far, is there any evidence that PGD2 inhibitors prevent hairloss or regrow hair? (The regrowth being the miracle). I know that’s the obvious simple question that everyone is working on through sometimes “ghetto” means, but has any lab had any type of positive results? If so, then surely it’ll be a trend and more.
The problem is that PGD2 isn’t the only tentacle of the MPB hydra — it’s just one of many secondary effects caused by AR activity in dermal papilla cells. I think seti and other Gpr44 inhibitors could have some benefit as secondary treatments though. A lot of people may see a reduction in shedding since blocking PGD2 or its receptor should prolong anagen (and this can thicken hair too), but I don’t see how it will stop hair follicle miniaturization in the long run…
You’ve got to cut off the head to kill the hydra. The head is over activated stat-3.
Thanks for the kind of hair loss for improving the HL industry
Still waiting for kelopecia. Any news on that? That seems to be the only thing released this year which probably could do with some personal investigation.
It should be released first of june in turkey
Thanks as always for the post admin.
I can’t get excited about PGD2 inhibitors. Seems like the industry isn’t looking for a cure when I see stuff like that or ‘topical fin’.
Here’s hoping Shiseido release news about their clinical trials and waiting on an update from Riken lab on their hair follicle regeneration work.
As for kelopesia, I’m almost certain it will be completely ineffective. It’s interesting they use foreskin cells, but i’m it’s been attempted countless times by bald men throughout history.
Histogen have very good news!
Tiz I am the guy ‘active member’ that emailed Sahin about Kelo. I’m going to be emailing him back at the end of this month. I don’t think Kelo is a cure obviously but I do think it’s results trump minox.fin by pictures on google alone
Kelo b/a pics below. there are 3 legitimate photos from the university i’m aware of. But beware there is a tv station that photoshopped an illegit b/a pic sensationalizing kelopesia if you google image kelopesia it’s the first pic.. (every hair strain is identical to eachother) –that’s not the university obviously
the only male kelopesia before/after photo i’ve seen is pretty good for 11 days….. think abuot it —its only ONE treatment but better results compared to swiss temples huge list…
Translate “Gun Uygulama” = “Day Application”
That’s an 11 day result………….NOT BAD
I don’t know why RoboC or people are skeptical of treatments they havent even seen yet, i’m more skeptical of PGD2 inhibitors like Setipiprant than i am of this…. where is swiss at? crickets
it’s weird they put 11 days pic for man and 30 days pic for woman
ya i know i totally agree… it makes me skeptical like RoboC. but I still have more faith in Kelo than seti. CB RU Seti etc they all seem like wierd flops to me i need more b/a photos from pgd2 inhibitors to remotely care
it’s not the same freaking bald head! Where are the dark spots ?
The moles are the same, it’s just a different angle and different lighting. I don’t see how there’s any visible progress tbh
It is clear that these photos have not been taken from the same point. It becomes obvius if you see the freckles on the scalp. No improvement here.
Paul Phoenix where? The cure is in the futuro for mans and woman That born in this decade. For us hope a Good tratment in this decade.
@Suzana. Just Wait
according to Sahin women with androgenic alopecia react a lot better. Safak Sezer is the turkish actor and nephew of Sahin in the press release with the founder of Yeditepe Univeristy (tall white haired man) and the two women who discovered and helped develop with Dr. Sahin in “the Department of Genetics and Bioengineering at Yeditepe University Istanbul Turkey.”
lol but then again it’s from the desert where people ride donkeys and everything is a scam especially since i’m american and i know everything
There’s no deserts or camels in Turkey…
but there are donkeys haha, and if there is one thing i learned it is not to trust turkish people no joke – -‘ they are the biggest scammers in the world
Dude egg head.. That name suits you…
So does Safak Sezer have a full head of hair now?
Paul phoenix, please tell me what the histogen good news is? I could use some good news!!
Ignore him, he sends all these cryptic messages, and tells people to be patient like he knows something we dont, then the next day its all “Hair loss industry is a shame”..whatever that means
@stead : And yes , hair Loss industry is pathetic and deplorable.
I only tell you this : Hair Stimulation Complex WORKS for Male Pattern Baldness . I’m so sorry for people who don’t want a new treatment. It’s over. New treatments are coming.
And yes @Stead. You don’t know nothing….By the end of this decade we have a treatmentS maybe a cure.
Reservatrol is a COX inhibitor. Not beneficial
All I can do is laugh hahaha haha. I love you guys :)
Paul no offense man but please stop posting false Great news on this forum buddy. That’s worse than my conspiracy theories lol. If you know of great news please show proof and evidence please. Giving us false hope is really dick. Histogen is postponing their trial to next year if they even go through with and the release date is now 2019. Where is the amazing news man?
Mjones i stopped shedding on finasteride 1 mg and nizoral shampoo, i want a natural anti inflammatory to put it topically one time per day, and i want a growth stimulator what about minoxidil 15% vs 5%, what about regrowth factors fibrolist skin solution.
Fadi, that’s great buddy. Don’t add anything yet. Let the Propecia do its work. Shedding stop which is amazing news! Give Propecia at least 12 to 18 months to take effect. I’m sure you will get regrowth in a year. Do not add Rogaine yet. Please don’t do it. Hair takes time my friend. You can add coconut oil to your scalp, it’s a great anti inflammatory and great for your hair. Let Nizoral and Propecia do its work. Save Rogaine for a few years down the road. Worst thing you can do is get greedy and impatient and then not know which treatment is really working.
i used to use minoxidil alone for 8 to 10 months without propecia with no results, then used propecia for 4 years stopped for couple of months during these 4 years with a result of slowing baldness progress, i added nizoral 2 to 3 months ago to propecia shedding became normal. i want to get thickness and huge regrowth that why i am asking about minoxidil to start after couple of months on nizorla and propecia.
Oh in that case go ahead and add it in buddy :)
Mjones – Where does it say they are delaying their trial? As well as the new release date?
Erich said Hellouser had good news about Histogen too … Erich will post as soon as he finds it at HLT
As of yet , hellouser has not posted it . I will link it here when he does
BTW, Coen Gho stated in a recent article he is very enthousiastic about / pleased about the developments of RIKEN, especially as this gives way better options for burn victims or other patients with scar tissue to get their entire hair back.
Team Riken! 2025 baby
Mjones, where did you see that news about Histogen?
Someone mentioned it on here Mman. They saw the histigrn slide deck
“someone mentioned it on here” lol
Someone also posted on how you can make $73/hour working at home!
I did find this over at HLT right now . Some sid conference on may 13th . It wont let me link it on here , but these are some of the people and topics.
Friday, May 13, 2016:
Dr. Cotsarelis and Dr. Washenik
“Effect of Prostaglandin D2 on hair follicle growth and its impact on hair follicle stem/progenitor cells”.
Angela Christiano
“Gene expression signatures and ALADIN score correlates with response of alopecia areata patients to treatment with JAK inhibitors”.
Alex23 you are a loser man….
K. Washenik and Cotsarelis Abstract:
Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and its synthesizing enzyme, PGD2 synthase, are present at higher levels in balding versus non-balding scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia. Our previous observations (Garza, 2012) in a mouse model that PGD2 inhibits hair growth via CRTH2/ PTGDR2, one of two PGD2 receptors, led us to hypothesize that PTGDR2 is the key receptor mediating the hair growth inhibitory activity of PGD2 in human follicles. In this study we tested several pharmacological PTGDR2 antagonists for their anti-PGD2 activity on human hair growth in vitro. We found that PTGDR2 antagonists reversed the growth inhibition mediated by PGD2, in a dose-dependent manner (p<0.01), by reducing PGD2-triggered apoptosis and maintaining keratinocyte proliferation. Topical administration of PGD2 to mice resulted in shortening of the anagen phase and accelerated entry into catagen, while applying a PTGDR2 antagonist to mice extended anagen phase, resulting in longer hair. RNA-Seq analysis on cultured human hair follicles showed decreased expression of hair follicle progenitor cell markers, such as CD34 and K19, in the PGD2 treated group. FACS analysis of mouse skin cells showed decreased Ki67-positive cells in the secondary hair germ population prior to anagen re-entry in PGD2 treated mice (p=0.029). These results suggest that PGD2 suppresses the activation of the secondary germ/ hair progenitor cells. Our findings further underscore the key role of PGD2 in regulating hair growth and indicate that pharmacological antagonism of PTGDR2 may be an effective approach in preventing and/or treating alopecia in patients sensitive to PGD2.
I assume Angela is only discussing AA at this moment … ¿
Seems like it. It’s all she cares for.
this will let her make money because jak killed AA
I downloaded the app on the app store on my iphone… You can read through a bunch of the abstracts. Search SID 2016 on the app store. A whole lot of really interesting topics to read about. Angela Christiano is also co-author of another paper in which topical Curcumin (the active ingredient in Turmeric powder) promoted Anagen reentry in mice whom were in Telogen with kinetics similar to Ruxolitinib and Tofacitinib, the two compounds that were used in her October 2015 research paper. It works through inhibiting the Jak-Stat pathway just like the prescription compounds. It also has other effects such as inhibiting IL-6 and NF-kB, etc. It wasn’t able to fully keep all of the follicles into the Anagen phase but the authors hypothesize that the reason is because of delivery. Not enough of the Curcumin was making it into the dermis. So the authors said they were going to try and reformulate the vehicle for a more optimum delivery.
It just goes to show how vitally important delivery is with topicals. All these internet guys who just rub different formulas on their heads…. you have got to master delivery and timing to really get an effect off of topicals.
Yeah , it appears so , thats all they have listed on the site . Who knows , maybe she will mention something about pattern baldness hopefully.
@mjones what about emu oil?
I mix one drop of emu oil into a quarter size lump of shampoo, mix it together and shampoo my hair with it. It’s good for the hair and scalp. I never applied it straight to my hair and left it on for hours. It’s way to sticky and thick
ya i was joking satirically i’m half middle eastern.. I don’t actually think like that.
Marijuana AGA
DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg is behind the conspiracy Mjones lol
has anyone ever seen pics beore and after of wounding and PGD2 inhibition ? I haven’t seen ONE. please someone show me
Nope. I haven’t seen pics of anything that ever showed good regrowth. Just half ass pics like kelopesia and histogen and kerastem. I find it all strange that they can cure areata completely but can fill in a bald crown or hair line yet with all these treatments. Shady business.
@mjones where to buy cocunut oil?
Whole Foods grocery store or vitamin shoppe
Hair cloning is the only way. Tsuji. The Chinese perhaps. Everything else is hooey!
Agreed with Chris. But I need any hooey treatment in the meantime can’t hold on till 2030 for hair cloning. Plus tsuji said 2 years ago hair cloning will be available in 10 years and now he says he won’t start trials till 2020 lol. It’s all bs man. I wouldn’t be surprised if they can clone hairs now and just keeping it hush hush till they feel like releasing it
I believe in Tsuji but of course we will need regular updates from them and a promise that the 2020 starting date for trials is as good as set in stone. I think his timelines will turn out to be a lot more accurate what the various American teams have given before.
I mean, Tsuji has released some highly impressive findings such as the artificial skin with hair follicles. He also made new teeth in mice and published pictures.
He seems very optimistic and forward thinking as opposed to the cautiousness and negativity shown by the American teams (who have releases nothing like the kind of advanced stuff Tsuji has).
I get the impression that the US teams are just comfy getting their research funding and touring the lecture circuit – not actually finding a cure. I read that Dr. Christiano has received 12 rounds of research funding since the 90s and Cotts is on the gravy train as well. Complacency is bound to set in.
I just trust Tsuji lab to deliver on this. I feel that they are ahead of the curve and in the ascendency now.
If their trials start in 2020, surely 4-5 years would suffice before a partial market release since it’s Japan?
In the meantime I am keeping an eye on what happens with Shiseido, though their silence does nothing to encourage me. Imagine if the reason they’ve been quiet is because they realised that Replicel method doesn’t work LOL.
Otherwise, there’s Dr. Brotzu’s lotion slated for 2018/19 release and kelopesia next month. I don’t like to think too much about these small time treatments as they are most likely to be failures. I’d rather focus on the full cure even if it might be further away. I think if it comes in the foreseeable future it will come from Japan.
Maybe this site should be renamed tsujihaircloningcure2025. You know, send some real positive energy of expectation across to Japan. Hashtag tsuji25
I can’t remember where I read it, but hair cloning is already possible to be done. However, the cloned hairs could only live for two weeks. So there you have it the good and bad news. LOL.
So as i mentioned yesterday , im going to give topical fin a try . What i want to know is , has anyone heard of a website called medical wellness center . Com ? This place will evidently do an online consultation with you ,and write a script that you use at a pharmacy in Pennsylvania that mixes the formulation with up to 30 % minox and can add some other things in , like a made to order . I am curious if anyone here knows or has tried them before i go through the process . it seems legit but almost to easy .
I beleve to the cure if after 2025. Treatment That can stop alopecia progress maybe in 2020. The pharma Know the is no race.
@Paul Pheonix
You need to se a psychologist. Alopecia is not you worse disease….
During a recent speech at a stem summit, Dr. Gail Naughton said she had financial investment from investors in Czechoslovakia… a country which no longer exists >,<
She goes to the summit for free food… Don’t worry about what she said…
@ brindey really? Seriously? And where we can all see this presentation?
That’s 4 months ago not the latest
Didn’t say it was the latest. Susana asked to see the video where she mentioned Czechoslovakia and it’s that one.
Welp looks like we won’t get a cure in the prime years of our lives. Very sad man
I don’t trust anyone in the hair loss industry they are worst than used car salesman. At least used car salesmen give you a car that works for the most part. Hair loss industry releases treatments that barely work. It’s a joke. If by 2018 there is no new fda approved treatment for hair loss then I wouldn’t count on any till 2030 when they figure out how to properly clone hairs
2030 is my personal mid-range estimate for cloning cure, IF and only if Riken are successful in solving it.
Best case scenario would be 2025. (2020 clinical trials start + 5 years until first release. Dr. Tsuji has in fact said somewhere that treatment could be available 5 years from when the clinical trials start.)
I don’t think it will go further than 2032 at the latest because Dr. Tsuji would be in his late sixties by then and he will certainly want to profit financially and for his legacy/acclaim sooner rather than later. I would imagine he will want to solve this and announce it to the world by the time he’s in his early sixties, which would be around 2025-27.
Seems like a long time but for potentially a full cure it really isn’t.
Cotts and co. will lead to nothing believe me. Cotts is winding down now after 26 years of promising much and delivering absolutely nothing.
We should support Riken. They are the good guys, with both medical and human integrity to help us all.
@Riko. That’s very cool but don’t underestimate Dr. Cotsarelis and follica.
Cots has good stuff coming. His time line is accurate for normal clinical development of a new treatment. He started follica back in 2006. Average time it takes to deliver a new treatment is 10 to 12 years which lines up perfectly with his 2018 release date. His treatment won’t be a cure but I do believe it will grow a lot of hair. It’s going to be something we have to keep up with though since part of his treatment requires using a device you use at home. Tsuji is really good bit way in infancy stage and he hasn’t even proved that it works on humans. The best solution would be a jak type of solution that can kick start hair growth all over. Hopefully cots will use jak in his new treatment and derma wounding to get the topical into the follicles. Do that once or twice a year at a local ht clinic OR dermatology office. Keeps ht clinics in business too so protest on their part to block treatments
@mjones what about http://www.hairloss-research.org seems great and rare news.
Good additives to your regimen. However don’t expect much from them just healthier hair you current have. No regrowth
do you mean maintenance?
Mjones wasn’t it you who said that a dermatologist who works with Cotts laughed at the idea of a cure coming anytime soon?
Personally I don’t have much hope in the wounding thing. I read a paper (I think from Penn) dated this year which highlighted the issues with this technique such as it causes scarring around the wound and hair only grows in the middle part of the wound.
And either wounding is the cure or it isn’t. It’s meant to create new follices. So what is this half way house treatment involving wounding if not creating new follicles?
The thought of them developing treatments on purpose and not full cures to appease hair transplant docs makes me feel queasy but that’s America for you.
i’ve said a lot of immature comments here but this one is going to top all of them. If we dont get a cure in the next 5 years and immortality doesn’t work out both which are highly likely then what is the use? Who cares? I always felt being bald in my late 40’s wouldn’t be bad at all it’s thinning in early 20’s that sucks. who cares? older bald guys don’t look bad to me at all, it woudl be akward to have a judge napalitano in your 60’s etc… if immortality doesn’t work out — i’m not going to care about something as trivial as my hair. immature comment complete
Well said egg head. I need to just wife it up ASAP and I really won’t care after lol. Broads are hard to come by that are wife material .
you should! my girlfriend been together for 5 years. It really helps the insecurity process when you have an attractive woman laughing at your pain and then apologizing because she didn’t realize it actually bothers me. There are women that literally CAN’T see the problem which makes me wonder if AGA is still in the gene pool because of women like my girlfriend lol.
I really believe that men care about it much more than mature women. Women grow old and gain weight, and men grow old and lose hair. For most, that is how it works. It is easy to be bothered by it, but if you aren’t going to be semi attractive when you are bald, you probably weren’t exactly tagging chicks left and right beforehand. So what has changed? lol
I agree with Egghead. Most 40 year olds I see are balding, but not bald. They look fine. They have to stay fit and have good teeth.
Disagree egghead.
Sure, hair is more important in youth for dating, but it’s still important in middle and old age for self-esteem and getting respect. I feel just as sorry for old balding men. In fact, old balding men look worse than young balding men.
Most people are still active into older aye now. Most politicians are 50 plus. I’m sure 50 to 80 would not say no to having a full head of hair again.
The hair is important at all stages of life. Not only for young people.
I’m just saying Louise CK guys in their mid 40’s … I don’t know I’m just saying right now in my late 20’s I really don’t care about my hairline in my mid late 40’s…
Not to glamourise the Nazis but google Reinhold Hanning who is a 94-year-old former Nazi guard.
Dude’s got a full head of hair on him and I for one think it makes him look very good and youthful for 94.
I saw the video now. I confess I had high hopes. But to say that raised 9 million of this country is ridiculous….
Is a shame that this ppl Joke about this condiction only to seek money. :/ histogen shame on you.
i think she meant to say czech republic.. but still big mistake and very unprofessional.. if she is lying it will catch up to her.. they cannot BS the fda and real investors..
hi Susana i am totally with you on this Histogen thing and some idiots don’t get that point. She is just stalling people for funds with nothing going on…..
One simple thing guys if she had the product of what she speaks about…she doesn’t have to look for investors …they will come to her.
I googled and noticed that from 2009 2013 the story is the same. To use the same pictures in the presentations. They want to get back so why not show new photos of these patients? Some of them have already had treatment for more than 2 years.
If they have nothing , how did it pass a phase 2a trial?
I believe they did up to a phase 2a trial , is that all for just saftey , im asking not being sarcastic. Dont they actually have to prove it works somewhere in that level of trials. I sure as hell hope they would have too anyway .
Speaking about photos;
what boggles the mind is that all these new hair growth products have before and after pictures and they all have different lighting and the head are never in the same position.. or some seem to have wet hair then dry hair.
These companies position themselves like they are professional and well funded and intelligent but can’t seem to get 2 photos with the same conditions. SCAMS
How difficult is it to take a 2 pictures with the same conditions? I can do it in my office.. no windows and just close the door and turn on the light.. same conditions.. take the pic after a shower and the hair is dry.. same darn angle.. done.
Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University in previous research found that topically applied Emu Oil reactivated dormant hair follicles, returning miniaturized follicles to their original size. These findings, along with its apparent firming, anti-aging effects on skin prompted Dr. Holick to apply for a patent, the details of which were published in the US patent registry 1998:
Use of Emu Oil for Stimulating Skin and Hair Growth
Several subsequent studies have identified specific mechanisms by which Emu Oil can produce a hair growth stimulation effect.
A single pilot study conducted in the UK on humans assessing hair growth produced positive results:
New Emu Oil Study from England
This just published study demonstrates that Emu Oil can have a hair follicle restoration effect even under burn wound conditions that exceed in severity the inflammation incurred in Androgenetic Alopecia,( both MPB and Female pattern hair loss).
Emu Oil also had the effect of modulating the inflammatory/healing response, thus ameliorating the acute effects of the burns on the skin and hair follicles.
Dermatol Res Pract. 2016;2016:6419216. doi: 10.1155/2016/6419216. Epub 2016 Mar 16.
Effects of Topical Emu Oil on Burn Wounds in the Skin of Balb/c Mice.
Afshar M, Ghaderi R, Zardast M, Delshad P.;
The goal of this study was to determine the effect of topical Emu oil on the healing of burn wounds and hair follicle restoration in superficial II-degree burns in the skin of Balb/c mice. Thirty-two male Balb/c mice with burns on the back of the neck were divided into two groups: The Emu oil group received topical Emu oil twice daily, whereas the control was left untreated. Skin biopsies were obtained on days 4, 7, 10, and 14 of the experiment. Then the specimens were viewed with Olympus SZX research microscope. The Emu oil treated burns were found to heal more slowly and inflammation lasted longer in this group. The number of hair follicles in the margins of the wounds increased through time in the Emu oil group compared to the control group. Also, the hair follicles in the Emu oil group were in several layers and seemed to be more active and mature. Moreover, Emu oil had a positive effect on fibrogenesis and synthesis of collagen. The findings indicate that although Emu oil delays the healing process, it has a positive effect on wound healing and it increases the number of hair follicles in the margins of the wound.
This particular study has clear implications for the treatment and/or prevention of Androgenetic Alopecia, as it points to the specific inflammation modulation effects (AGA is established to be a hormone mediated inflammatory condition) that facilitate hair follicle regeneration.
In a published study, Emu Oil was combined with Rogaine, which significantly enhanced its hair growth stimulation effects:
Published Study: Emu Oil Enhances Effectiveness of Minoxidil
Prior research, has found that low temperature processed
Emu Oil produces hair growth effects, but has never been able to fully explain why. We are now able to more clearly elucidate the multiple mechanisms by which this occurs.
Fadi – hairloss-research.org research is good, the natural products there including emu oil are ok. but after going on the super regimin for 1 year I saw absolutely no results. Emu oil was the only thing I didn’t really take that I probably should have.
The man “Kelly” that runs that site is from North Carolina he is a dad his kids went to California University 10 years ago and he has no pictures. When I asked him if he makes any money or sell things on his site — he said no. which was a bald face lie.
He is a dropshipping affiliate for life extension obviously.
After saying all that is there some truth to that research – yes get a DHT testing kit and take that whole regimen your DHT –will go down. but hairloss can resume even with very low DHT levels
i willl try emu oil
Honestly, the Histogen bashing has finished being sad and now it’s just pathetic. The sense behind most of the Histogen bashing posts are:
– Combover
– No new photos
– No updates
– No investment
– Fake data
Has anyone here ran a biopharmaceutical company before? Because i haven’t. I’m interested in reading positive news, but it’s Histogen “blah blah blah blah”. Some of the more reasoned posters on the forum can see what they’re doing and taking the clinical trials for what they’re. Instead they’re willing to stand behind Follica, JAK inhibitors(i like this too) and Follicum when for all 3 there is literally no final product and final product trials.
Honestly, i would love 70% regrowth and if HSC can deliver that then i’ll book my appointment in Mexico or Japan. You guys can wait till your NW5 before you see some sense. Open your eyes a little and consider what people are saying about it, because from my perspective and i didn’t quite realise this at first but the results are much more impressive than sammumed and there is a handful of injections that bring results over 1 year minimum.
They recorded 123% increase in recorded hair in an area the size of a nickel. 123% in the injected area alone.
How are you guys missing this evidence and the pictures that come with it? https://vimeo.com/149787339 7:50 you can also see the effect on the scalp and skin there, it looks more rigid and less smooth. One of the key notes about AGA is about the hair turning into skin cells and the smoothness of the scalp.
Gail is correct. This is far better than any lotion, clinical treatment on the market so far. But hey, let’s ignore the facts and comb it aside.
Thanks Breezy. Histogen…MAYBE will be the next treatment for hair loss (MPB). Sorry. “This is far better than any lotion, clinical treatment on the market SO FAR.,,”
Lol she skips over that slide at 7:50. “123% increase in terminal hair” haha gail is either losing her mind or veering into criminality/fraud.
I hope that one day in the not too distant future, teamtokyo comes good with cloning and we can all look back at the likes of histogen and replicel and just laugh at the way it was.
When will the hair cloning? In 2030 my grandchildren would have been useful. science can not back this up. They mock us. We’re not stupid. baldness over exactly how and to what company?
Thanks for the post Breezy. I appreciate your outlook on things. I’m not in a camp that I think Histogen is a sure thing but I’d say it is 7/10 (in admin’s terms) – meaning it could be a complete failure. The other 70% where I have hope doesn’t mean it is the cure but a very real treatment that will help us all in some dramatic way (possibly making minoxidil and propecia obsolete).
The big problem with the other posters here is that they are rather obtuse with both their comments (calling people idiots) as well as their ability to read data.
I’ll address the data points as the comments aren’t really worth the time. If you guys are going to knock their data you need to learn how to interpret data correctly. What Histogen is presenting (and until you show me otherwise) are very humble numbers while being ground breaking at the same time. The numbers reflect a very small area on your head, smaller than a nickel.. When they say x% – they are referring to that specific area, which has a radius of .67 millimeters, or a radius of 1.34 cm. For those of your who still can’t comprehend that, it is about 1 and a third of your pinky finger nail.
Understanding what they are measuring: There are 2 data points here – one is counting just terminal hairs (the big thick hairs) and the other total hair count (vellus and terminal). Both are just as important and I’ll explain why. Terminal hairs are what we consider “good quality” hair. In the studies I have seen from various companies, including minoxidil, it is much easier to turn a vellus hair into a terminal hair – I don’t know why but the numbers show it to be so. So while it is great to increase the terminal hair count, if you can’t create new hair your results will ultimately be limited with what is already there. That’s why that number is great but needs a second number of total hair count go up as well to truly be considered effective.
Finally reading the numbers: I’ve seen a lot of people get upset when looking at the data because they think that they are somehow being fooled. The truth is they are not looking at all of what is being presented to them but get tunnel vision when they see a specific (typically high) number/ result. For instance on the last post someone took numbers from a slide @7:16 in the video Breezy posted before and exclaimed something to the tune of “baseline hair count: 179, 12 month hair count: 263.5 that doesn’t equal a 73% increase, histogen is a scam!!!” The poster was correct but only one thing. A change from 179 hairs to 263.5 is indeed not a 73% increase BUT the poster didn’t really take into account that the 179 hairs to 263.5 was measuring total hair not terminal hair. The 73% came from terminal hair and if the poster would have taken the time to read the line above that number they would have noticed that it says a 47.2% increase in total hair. Do the math, it checks out.
Just on this post, there is a comment from Brindley getting up in arms about the 123% increase. Again, check the whole slide. That is for terminal hairs (something much easier to achieve). The total hair count is at 51%. It isn’t a ridiculous number, in fact it is very modest.
Please stop being reactionary. Stop calling people stupid. It is offensive to the people who actually consider a 45 to 50% increase in hair (in a nickel size area) to be decent results. They aren’t blowing my mind but Histogen definitely does not fit into a conspiracy of trying to sell you something that they can’t prove – the issue is you can’t take the time to read/ watch the entire presentation, slides or whatever it is presented to you. If you aren’t convinced that is fine. I understand but really don’t bash the company continuously because you need more info. There are plenty of things that come up on this site that I think are ridiculous in terms of actual treatments but I keep my mouth shut out of respect that other people think that it might be a solution in the future. If I disagree, I’ll put my theory that is backed by some real observation out there in hopes that someone can prove me wrong but I do it in a respectful way, without insults. You’re dragging down the site and making my balls itch.
Why get histogen when replicel comes out the same year and replicels results r long term or permanent n histogens r short term results? Even replicel said histogen results will b short term
When/ if we have both options that will be a legitimate question. I’d need data on both treatments “long term” results to make that decision.
Right now, if both came out, I’d consider getting both if they were priced reasonably and their results remained the same. If one showed markedly better results within the next trial I’d probably go with that first and see where it goes from there.
Hellouser confirms Histogen commencing Phase III in July 2016 for a release in Mexico in 2018.
Excellent post
Really awesome. Taught me a few things as well.
People are forgetting this is also completely safe according to their trial studies and with increased dosage they saw better results. This all doesn’t stop you from getting a HT, using Minoxidil or using Propecia. It’s totally not a cure, but a boost?
Another time again: Histogen (HSC) + FUE. THE BEST COMBO.
I think an HT right now would be completely reasonable… if it is necessary and you are a good candidate.
I’m personally trying to stay away from the knife and oral drugs. I’ve tried Minoxidil 5 years ago and saw results on my hairline but putting it on was a pain and made me over sensitive to whether or not you could see the dry flaky white crap that would come off (I still remember a month or so after quitting, scraping it off my head). That along with having my partner kiss my head one time when it hadn’t dried made me cringe. It is just too inconvenient for the results it produced.
With that said, while I’m not a doctor and would feel irresponsible giving you any real advice – the way I see it is they say you typically have to get multiple HTs because your hair loss progresses. And from what I’ve read it is typically every 5 years or so to make sure it looks good and covered. I personally think that we will have a new treatment within that time which makes sense to me that a reasonable HT (nothing drastic) would be very appropriate right now.
Me personally… I’m waiting for a treatment before I make any big decisions like that. Once a decent treatment comes out I think that the prices of HTs will go way down. Also, you will be able to supplement whatever you got with the new treatment which will make the HT even cheaper. If you’re lucky you might not even need one.
An international study, published in the journal Science has led to a promising breakthrough in the field of anti-ageing medicine. A vitamin called nicotinamide riboside (NR) — already known to boost metabolism — has been found to restore the body’s ability to regenerate and repair itself.
The regenerative capacity of cells and organs deteriorates with age. The “powerhouses” of cell function — called mitochondria — lose energy over time and prevent cells from regenerating as they once did.
Research teams from Switzerland, Canada and Brazil studied how these changes occur over time. The role of mitochondria in metabolism has already been identified, but the scientists were able to demonstrate for the first time that healthy, functioning mitochondria were important for stem cell function.
In younger bodies, these stem cells usually regenerate damaged organs by producing new, specific cells. “We demonstrated that fatigue in stem cells was one of the main causes of poor regeneration or even degeneration in certain tissues or organs,” explains Dr Hongbo Zhang, a PhD student on the team.
The study set out to revitalize stem cells in the muscles of elderly mice by giving them nicotinamide riboside (NR). This substance is close to vitamin B3 and is a precursor of NAD+, a molecule that plays a key role in the activity of mitochondria. NAD+ levels can be diminished by the stress related to ageing
Health section of Newsmax dot com I will post a link ASAP
Edit: Link no longer works.
Especially the part:
“Kaye acknowledged that Thorn intended to target specific conditions, indicating low hanging fruit like hair regrowth. On April 5 2016, Thorn announced the launch of a joint venture company, “Tricogeneca Limited”, with IK Clinics Founder and Director Dr Irum Khan, which will provide stem cell treatments for baldness.
“We’re going to opening a therapy clinic in Freeport in September to offer treatment. It’s probably the end of male-pattern baldness, and we’ve been inundated around the world for when’s the clinic opening,” he said.”
That’s a joke…no?
Thanks yoda!
Good to see thorn news yoda… yes it’s opening September I haven’t got the call back from medical director yet now I can see why
trials start in July. Histogen estimates Mexico release in 2018.
Phase III trials start in July. Histogen estimates Mexico release in 2018.
I really wish she didn’t pick Mexico as a place to release hsc. There is no way I will travel to Mexico for any medical procedure. I’d rather take my chances with Thorne in the Bahamas at least I won’t get kidnapped or robbed by a taxi cab from the airport. I hope hsc will be available in Japan and Canada in 2018. Or if they offer hsc at the airport in Mexico haha so I won’t have to walk out of it.
Either way it doesn’t matter. She will delay trials again in July. It’s the typical histogen way of business
Wow. Once again Classic american that has had zero time outside of his comfort zone. I’d be willing to let you stay at my place in Mexico City (if available here) but I don’t want that kind of energy around. I’ve been messed with more times in Chicago, LA and San Francisco (each individually), never actually living in any of them, than I have in Mexico City, living here 4 years. Get a grip dude and then get a passport. Your tv is feeding you some good bullshit.
Ps. Admin, you def have a place to stay here if it goes down. First round of mezcal is on me.
Lol thanks Curious.
Sorry about all these people making stereotypes about Mexico, Turkey, Bangladesh…but I guess I myself made one big one about the Bahamas!
Curious I actually have a passport and travel to many international countries for work. I actually have homes in other country than the USA. Have tons of family in Greece where it’s safe and where they don’t have cartels and cut people’s heads off for drug trades. So slow your roll big guy. Mexico is not safe. If you are told to not leave resorts in cancun or Cabo and to not take local taxis then your county is not safe. I don’t hear them saying that about greece, Italy, Canada. Japan, Germany etc.
Yeah thats the news hellouser had about Histogen
Hey Histogen is fake or not, please somebody help
It’s real just taking forever to be released. Effectiveness is still being questioned but it does grow hair.
Yoda no one here believes in thorn.. I was called stupid. Now I’m in their database on the list for clinical lol because I made contact. Don’t try to debate forum blog people their deadset
Czech Republic and Turkey
Two countries that were mentioned by Histogen previously as being places they are trying to have HSC partners.
She said they are aiming at Turkey when Spencer Kobren said there is a large market in Turkey for hair transplants and other cosmetic surgery.
Czech Republic she said at the Stem Cell Summit Dec 2015. I don’t care whether she said Slovakia in the name or anything, that was just a mistake a lot of Europeans also make when they talk about those countries which are seperated for a while now.
From another source I understood earlier that some MD’s are testing HSC in Belgium, however I can’t verify that, sorry.
It they are able to release it in 2 European countries, the entire balding EU community will be able to fly there cheap and in max 2/3 hours, and get the injections.
Czech Republic is much better than Mexico. Hot girls too. Get some hsc. Thicken up hair. Boost confidence. Hit on some broads in Prague lol
Turkey?!? No way I’ll go to Turkey, you chirp mexico and not Turkey mjones?! What’s up with that?
I’m going to laugh my ass off if Thorne actually beats all the companies like follica, replicel, histogen, Kerastem. Priceless business move to move research and clinical practice to a stem cell haven. It will be medical tourism for patients and much safer than mexico. Bahamas will make a ass load of money in tourism and Thorne will make tons of money from curing baldness to fund other stem cell therapies their facilities will produce.
Dutasteride (Zagallo) approved for hair loss to be released soon.
Thanks Ty!
Is thorn m true? Not a single result posted and a claim of curing baldness !
That Thorn article looks like it was written by a child…
Jack Kaye of Thorn Medical doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s meant to be this bigshot businessman and yet he hasn’t even looked in detail at the efficacy of kerastem style, adipose fat treatments. If he had he would have seen they suck.
He trusted his business partner who told him that fat injections +ht was the cure lol and to hire Dr. Irum Khan who is a ht doctor who also does prp and scalp tattoos.
Jack Kaye should have dobe his research and opened discussions to mega-fund half-way potential treatments such as wounding and replicel.
Kaye may be rich but he is a wally for investing in what will turn out to be a useless treatment.
I only hope that down the line Kaye realises his mistake, drops Khan and decides to pumps money into a half-way decent treatment like that Doctor (Xi?) working out of China and Canada who is working on CLONING cure but needs funding money to make it happen.
From admin’s interview last December with Dr. Malcolm Xing, who is working on derma papilla cell cloning.
“Not sure for these final trials before the end of 2020, but we are working at this goal. Yes, we need funds from government and industry to move this application forward.”
He needs funds from industry to move this forward.
Thorn Medical $$$ + Bahamas facility + Dr. Khan’s adipose + ht = fail
Thorn Medical $$$ + Bahamas facility + Dr. Malcolm Xing’s nano-coated derma papilla cells treatment = potential unlimited hair CURE
Somebody get Jack Kaye in contact with Dr. Xing pronto.
You should write a letter to both and play matchmaker…seriously. I was thinking he same thing but I’m lazy and don’t have time to follow it up or anything.
yawn brindey i’m not trying to start another thorn argument but your comments are about as presumptuous as hellouser, swoop, baldings and friends. clearly none of them have a clue
1. Thorn isn’t adipose kerastem.
2. Dr. Khan is the practitioner not the scientist.
3. Dr. Bashir alluding to cloning — this is cloning not adipose,
4. It’s not iPSC it’s SCNT implying why it’s so ahead of it’s time.
5. As yoda pointed out Jack Kaye ‘hotshot business’ man, is got more money invested than all the compeition combined. Their not begging for money like the rest.
6. They are releasing this year —not in 1,000+ days try 120-160………. big difference
You want to attack me saying i’m “stupid” like baldings.. OK we will know who is “stupid” if you see them on the NASDAQ and LSE this year and open clinic in september Nassau. Either way if the claim is real – we will all know THIS YEAR as in … 4-5 months from now… Let’s see shiseido, follica, histogen
In the mean time I’m here because admin pumps out some interesting post and some of the commenters here are really intelligent/funny people but honestly because I’m in this companies clinical database waiting for correspondence i feel like I’m in the patient waiting room killing time .
Just wondered, have they talked about how much it costs yet?
those two investment bankers literally think they don’t have any money and their putting up a market float as a bluff and “IPO” hype … litereally … too industry professionals actually believe that.. so callow
Hopfully the thorn thing pans out , they are looking more legit then i gave them credit for . Also good news from Histogen . Its nice to have some good news once in awhile!
Why aren’t any of the major news outlets like cnn or bbc covering thorn medical and their claims of a breakthrough? the nassau guardian is literally a tiny local news in the bahamas.
do we really think that a full fledged cure to a thousands year old problem would only attract the interest of a tiny local news outlet?
cure for aids found – story page 6 of the nassau guardian
I agree it seems fishy with thorn , however, they do seem to be a legit company . Where my issue was with them initially is, they said they have the cure without ever doing any testing on a human that anyone knows of . I get really tired of hearing those big claims and being let down .
Truthfully im still a little on the fence about them but ,they are starting to win me over .
World Renowned Researcher Confirms Pivotal role of Inflammation and Fibrosis in MPB
This is what we have been saying for years. Inflammation, and eventual fibrosis are ultimately what causes hair loss in both MPB and FPB, not DHT per se. DHT simply initiates this process.
Reducing DHT and /or blocking its binding to receptors can be readily accomplished with either pharmaceuticals (Propecia, Dutasteride, or Spironolactone) or Natural compounds such as Black Tea(Theaflavin) Extract, a combination of either Mega Green Tea Extract and Super Absorbable Soy Isoflavones, or PalmettoGuard with Astaxanthin.
Many prefer to use natural compounds because of the numerous additional health benefits and the side effects associated with these particular drugs.
This research article points out that simply blocking or reducing androgen actions is often not enough to resolve hair loss. Inflammation and its eventual consequence, fibrosis must be dealt with as well.
Inflammatory Phenomena and Fibrosis in Androgenetic Alopecia
Ralph M. Tr�eb
Department of Dermatology
University Hospital of Zurich
Zurich, Switerland
In androgenetic alopecia the genetically predisposed hair follicles are susceptible to androgen-stimulated hair follicle miniaturization, leading to replacement of large and pigmented hairs by barely visible depigmented hairs. The result is a progressive decline in visible scalp hair density that follows a defined, age- and sex-dependent pattern. Major advances have been achieved in understanding peculiarities of the androgen metabolism involved. Nevertheless, clinical practice has shown that simply blocking androgens has only limited success. On histologic examination, the miniaturization of terminal hairs is frequently associated with perifollicular inflammatory phenomena, and eventually fibrosis. Therefore, sustained microscopic follicular inflammation with connective tissue remodeling, eventually resulting in permanent hair loss, is considered a significant cofactor in the complex etiology of androgenetic alopecia.
Several of our long standing, and in some cases patented, hair loss treatment recommendations directly address the perifollicular inflammation alluded to in the above research:
Emu Oil: topically applied, immediately ameliorates inflammation , and it is this anti-inflammation effect that is thought to be behind its hair growth stimulation effects.
Emu Oil Hairloss and Frontal Regrowth
Optimized Resveratrol combined with Super BioCurcumin: a patented oral hair growth treatment combination from Italy that its research team found cured both perifollicular and neurogenic inflammation.
The Hair Growth and Anti-aging Properties of Resveratrol /Curcumin
Super Absorbable Tocotrienols: a patented hair growth treatment that in addition to stimulating hair growth via its� anti-oxidant/anti-inflammation effects, raises testosterone in men. For this reason it is often used by those coming off of Propecia.
Tocotrienols from Red Palm Oil Induce Hair Growth
Mega Green Tea Extract/Grape Seed Extract/ Taurine /Zinc combination: A patented combination by L�Oreal sold in Europe under the name �Hair Mass.� It counters hair loss by quelling peri-follicular inflammation and with the addition of Taurine, fibrosis.
A Hairloss Treatment Pill for Men and Women from L’Oreal
Even though I use all of the above, these treatment compounds are also effective as standalone treatments. However if your treatment regime only involves lowering and/or blocking DHT at its receptor sites, your results as this research stated, may have limited success.
For optimal results you want to address not only DHT, but inflammation and fibrosis as well.
@mjones How to deal with fibrosis ?
Not to sound rude but your question is ridiculous. If people knew, no one would be bald by now.
they are trying many treatments but no one is approved is effective, but this does not mean it is not effective, so lets try one oef them.
Yes of course but with you asking mjones, it’s ridiculous because if he knows then he wouldn’t be balding now.
I do scalp massages to soothe my scalp. Been doing it for 5 minutes every morning and aftrernnon. I noticed decrease in dandruff by a lot and less scalp pain but no regrowth at all. Still losing ground. I don’t think emu does anything but make your scalp soft and moisturized. Been using it on my temples for 6 months and got zero results.
Doesn’t wounding work as a countermeasure to fibrosis in MPB? It breaks up the fibrosis into small enough portions so that the body can absorb it, and regrows healthy new skin (with new folicles undamaged by androgens)
So Dr. Irum Khan and/or Dr. Mamhood Hussain Bashir, aka the unknown one operating from a suburban house in London, just figured out how to clone hairs?
Are we supposed to believe that?
This is at the level of Nigam. Man, Jack Kaye must be thick as pig **** if he really believes it. Dude sounds gullible as anything.
He would have been better off funding real hair researchers with a proven track record. People like Cotts and Jahoda. But he invests in Nigam 2.0.
Jack Kaye, Chief Executive & Founder of Thorn Medical, is balding.
All the more reason for him to fund legitimate scientists working on breakthrough and legitimate treatments. Dr. Malcolm Xing for example.
Fund Xing in Bahamas and start a hair cloning arms race between Xing and Tsuji of Riken.
Jack Kaye if you’re reading this – get in touch with Dr. Malcolm Xing, he needs funding partners to bring nanocoated hair cloning to the bedside table.
RoboC no one’s supposed to believe anything until it happens which is this fall… we’ll see then which side the presumptuous remarks originate the company or the commentators
obviously i’m not defending Thorn here, but I am skeptical they are a scam after dropping 20 million on a facility. The 2 InvBankers that said their broke and they’ll never make it to IPO. Think about that …industry professionals asserting on this blog that they don’t have any money and they are not actually going to float NASDAQ or LSE it’s just a claim to IPO hype.. their just saying their going to do something that profound when they actually cant afford to .. because they want themselves to look good… think how asinine of a presumption that is coming from two guys in the industry. And cherry on the cake slander me for thinking that sounds ridiculous. They already spent 20 million on the side for a little facility LOL COMPARE THAT TO HISTOGEN.
Ad hominem atacks on Thorn skeptic side that’s all – no logic. just fearful sarcasm, jokes, and ad hominem attacks. The only logical question on skeptics side is “wheres the science, photos, evidence etc” which I would ask where is the company -Magic Leap’s evidence photos and science? –they got none does that make them a big scam too?
Hi egghead.
It’s just frustrating to see a rich company pumping huge resources into a joke treatment when those resources would be better channeled towards genuine researchers whose work is being greatly hampered currently due to a lack of funding.
Two years down the line when Thorn realise their mistake, not only will they have wasted time and money on a joke but they will probably be less willing to invest in the hair regeneration field again.
Nobody has ever heard of Dr. Mahmood Hussain Bashir. If you Google his name, all you find are various dodgy “companies”and different UK home addresses.
Who is Dr. Mahmood? What are his credentials? Where is his research?
I guess we’ll see in september if thorn is a scam…
I feel like the new Thorn article deserves its own post.
And since they are claiming a “cure” to be out by this year or next year, I really feel like we should have a discussion about it and the mechanism of action for such cure
Thorn medical is not important. That’s all.
Once Thorne is mentioned on CNN then I will be really interested. They sound legit but not sure if their hair loss cure is legit as they make it out to be. Very bold claim to say you cure baldness. That is huge news that needs scientific proof and puctures. We shall see
CNN Hahahaga what are you 90? That’s a joke of a news channel.
Guess stop being a d bag. You get what I am saying. If you hear about Thorne curing baldness on a main stream news channel then it will have more validity. MSN, BBC, CNBC, NBC AND ABC NIGHTLY NEWS, COLBERT REPORT, LOCAL NEWS STATIONS etc, are those better news sources for you Guest or are those for 90 year olds too?
Yes those are better. You really seem offended lol. Just annoying you and your temple recession at 30 something. I’m more bald at 25 and I can’t get a transplant since the doc said it’s too early since I’m likely going to be “very bald” lol. If I was you I’d find the best hair doc in Toronto, or US somewhere ( I’m Canadian) and be done. Propecia doesn’t work on your temples well and your loss rate seems very slow. You’re lucky. But I do like reading some/most of you’re posts for entertainment so don’t disappear haha
Guest 99, I would do a fue, but I’m losing hair all over in diffuse way so ht won’t work for me. So it would look good for a year or two then look weird because the rest of my hair will be much thinner since Propecia lost effectiveness.
For the member here who is on their waiting database list ( i forgot who), any new feedback to you?
Its egghead i belive on that list
@admin I was reading another forum and someone brought up a good point. Has anyone boticed that Histogen is working with Dr. Zierling whos whole practice has had multiple scams and controversies? I was excited about Histogen 2018 and Mexico but now Im not sure. Admin do you believe the photo by Ziering’s partner trial of HSC? What are your thoughts on Histogen partnering with Craig and does it hurt our faith in Histogen ?
On a second note, what ever happned to the advancement of the FDA and the enactment of expedited FDA trials. If I recall there was a bill set forth to speed up trials. Seems like this blew over
Hey Matt I heard that Congress is looking to vote on the fda expedited trials this June and supposedly the Fda is looking at it as positive movement for the country Healthcare. We could be skipping phase 3 soon or have quicker phase trials. If you Google it you will find the article about it. Looks like they want to pass this before the new administration
Lol Matt… Where have you been for the past couple of years?
To answer your question: Yes, everyone has noticed that Dr. Ziering is working with Histogen. And yes it has created a lot of controversy here on the site/ blog.
With all of that, the photo stands for itself. There is obviously regrowth. There is also some kind of combover happening. What this amounts to is: results and a combover. Take what you will from it on your own.
Does Ziering working with Histogen automatically mean Histogen is fake/ scam? No. They have their own results apart from him and when they do another trial, they will have another set of data apart from him.
I don’t know what Admin’s attitude towards Histogen but my own are that on a 1 to 10 scale, they are at a 7 – meaning I think they have a 70% chance (based on the information available) that they will create some kind of treatment that will be a major break through in how we treat hair loss. A cure-all hair loss product… most likely not. A treatment most likely.
Histogen is sad but fake or no Better than finasterideSince I saw that used photos and data today show in 2016 are the same 2009 for me it is enough. If a patient had so much progress one year because it does not show what result of 5 years of treatment?
Yes Susana…yes…Histogen is better than Finasteride. No sexual and neurological sides, no shedding, don’t take a drug every day? Do you want more? Thanks.
Yes Susana, in all probability histogen will be an ineffective treatment. I would not get my hopes up about it.
In my opinion, stem cell hair cloning based on strong science from Tsuji lab is the best potential future treatment and very possibly cure for alopecia. Dr. Tsuji has stated that they aim to begin human clinical trials in 2020. Riken has teamed up with a pharma company on a 3-year contract in order to continue with preclinical research on their hair multiplication method.
We can only wait and hope that they are successful. It is unfortunate that we have to wait many more years but that is the situation we are in simply because they are still in the pre-clinic stages.
The only thing I can think we could do to help bring the treatment sooner is to create a website called something like RikenAlopeciaCure in order to gain momentum, generate a buzz and expectative hub, much like this site but focused on Riken’s work.
Maybe just maybe they might help to hasten the process a tiny bit if Riken acknowledge and appreciate our earnest support. Any little thing we could do to shave a few years of waiting is worth doing.
Enough with these silly things like histogen and replicel which take oxygen away from real and effective potential treatments. The histogens and replicels of this world have played games with the hair loss community for far too long now, it’s bordering on sick.
I disagree , I think histogen will be an effective treatment , with “treatment” being the key word. They are one of the only companies that have had Q and A with hairloss forum members . They are the only one i know of going to phase three trials. They also release lots of testing data and speak often at conferences in front of other bio companies. Lastly , if they didn’t have an effective treatment , that was at least somewhat better then what’s currently out there, then how did they make it this far?
Histogen, is legit guys. I just looked at the photo and their is definitely lots of regrowth and thickening of the hair. This would be an awesome treatment for low to mid Norwoods. 1 to 4. If it can stop further loss and grow back hair and thicken then it’s great.
As of right now I’m not excited about tsuji. He is still in mice studies and hasn’t shown he can grow hair on human scalp with aga. Once he does this in the year 2036, expect delays lol, then I will be ecstatic
What about cromolyn? I thought I saw a study that mast cells were increased in balding areas too. Mast cells release pgd2…. So if they can be stabilized with cromolyn….
Anyone ever tried sodium cromoglycate to treat their hair loss? I read that it can inhibit pgd2 levels.