Category Archives: Hair System

Scott is Getting a Hair System

Update: January 17, 2025

Earlier today, I read a post on Reddit about a robber in Pakistan getting beaten up. The most interesting part is that his hairpiece (or hair system or toupee) gets knocked out at 2:08 into the video. Note that in a poor country like Pakistan, the quality of hairpieces and hair systems is usually pretty bad. Not many can afford to dole out thousands of dollars for a quality system such as worn by Pavel Durov or Elton John or John Travolta.

I added this news here because I am curious as to whatever happened to regular reader and commentator Scott? He liked to go on parkour adventures in developing countries in Africa and Asia. He documented his hair system journey on video solely for this blog’s readers. I hope he is ok, as he has not commented on HLC2020 since November 2020.

June 9, 2018

FYI: Scott has provided us with two new personal video updates that are at the bottom of this post.


For the past 5 months, one of this blog’s readers named “Scott” has regularly posted interesting comments. A majority of these have been useful and intelligent. I mention this fact because it allows me to trust him. Over the years, I have seen many crazy or fake or spamming or agenda-driven commentators whom I would never take seriously, but Scott is legitimate. He has always posted from one IP address and used one name in all his comments. Moreover, he uses his real e-mail address (only visible to me) while commenting, which is rare.

Scott is 36 years old and based in the UK near Manchester. He has had two hair transplants in the past. I am assuming neither were megasessions involving too many grafts, since he still has significant hair loss. Several weeks ago, Scott decided that he was finally going to get a men’s hair system and use it until a cure for hair loss finally arrives.

I told him that if he sent me before and after photos, I would add them to a post on this blog. I did not really expect him to take up that offer, but he went one better! He created a before hair system video for this blog’s readers, and will post an after hair system video in several more weeks. I have embedded the before video at the bottom of this post.

In the past, when I conducted a poll on whether people would wear a hair system or hairpiece, 56 percent of voters said that they would never consider such a solution to their hair loss problem. A nevertheless respectable 26 percent said that they would definitely consider it, and 18 percent said that they might be open to the idea. The responses to Scott’s hair system plans from other commentators have followed a similar pattern, with far more on the skeptical side than on the positive side.

I can’t imagine that even a modern day high quality customized hair system will be able to continuously withstand Scott’s crazy outdoor parkour hobby. Especially when adding the weather and elements into the mix. Scott told me that he made the hair salon aware of his hobbies and asked if the hair system would come off during a back flip. They responded with a negative and said that even if he goes swimming, driving a convertible in the wind and so on, the piece will not come off his head.

Even if you hate the idea of hair systems and hairpieces, it is still worth watching the latter part of the below video to see Scott in action (FYI — he has had fibromyalgia for the past 7 years).

Scott’s Before Hair System Video

Update 1: The after hair system video has now been added by Scott. What do you guys think? I was expecting his new hair to be combed backwards, but this works too. Maybe some of us at HLC2020 will think that we can tell it is a hair system. However, Scott told us about it in advance and showed us his before hair system face and scalp, so we are a bit biased. Even with this past image of Scott ingrained in my brain, I thought that the rear, side and crown views in the after video looked entirely believable as being native hair. The frontal view was a bit suspicious due to the length of the hair.

I think people on the street probably won’t be able to tell, especially since Scott’s face looks like a younger (mid-20s) person’s face. So the lengthy floppy frontal hair does not look out of place.

Scott’s After Hair System Video

Update 2: Scott has added his 4 week post hair system video. He also e-mailed me the following:

“So due to my heavy training program and the record-breaking heatwave we have had in the UK since I put this thing on, I did need that re-glue at week 4. I go in tomorrow. The total lifespan of the system is 7/8 weeks, but with my training and heat I might need the re-glue in between each at week 4, or maybe just for the summer months then in winter I go in only every 7/8 weeks. Not sure yet. As before, I included some training footage on the end, because it was how bad it looked on training footage that made we want the system. In this footage I have the hair :-)”

Scott’s 4 Weeks Post Hair System Video

Pavel Durov is Elon Musk’s True Soulmate

It has been a long time since I wrote a post on celebrity hair loss or regrowth.

For the past 24 hours, Russian Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has dominated the news cycle due to his sudden arrest in France yesterday. Telegram apparently has 900 million global users, driven by its hard-core approach to free speech.

There are numerous conspiracy theories floating around as to the reason(s) behind his arrest. Twitter (now “X”) CEO Elon Musk has come out in full support of Mr. Durov, even initiating the trending hashtag #FreePavel.

Many people think that Mr. Musk is concerned about his own potential future arrest, or at least the clamping down of free speech on the X platform.

It has long been thought that 53-year old Elon Musk has likely had several hair transplants in his life. He started significantly balding in his 20s. However, Mr. Musk jokingly credits “working on his Crown Chakra” for the hair regrowth success.

Elon Musk Hair Regrowth Miracle
Elon Musk Hair Regrowth Success.

Pavel Durov and his Hair System

While reading about 39-year old Pavel Durov today, I was amazed to see his before and after hair growth transformation. A topic that has dominated a large part of the online discussion in the aftermath of his arrest.

Pavel Durov Hair Regrowth
Pavel Durov’s hair regrowth is likely due to a quality hair system, and not due to a hair transplant.

Almost everyone in the hair loss world agrees that he wears a hair system (sometimes mistakenly called a hairpiece or wig). Some of the news articles and Reddit discussions also suggest a hair transplant, but I highly doubt that this kind of result is possible with hair restoration procedures. Dr. Gary Linkov agrees and thinks that it is a hair system or a quality modern wig (not common in the past):

Pavel Durov and Elon Musk’s Love of Children

Pavel Durov and Elon Musk:

  1. Are both multi-billionaires.
  2. Both run world leading social media platforms.
  3. Both wanted their scalp hair back, and managed to do so in different ways. And both likely started balding early in their 20s.
  4. Both prefer not living with a wife. Mr. Durov never seems to have been married.
  5. Both claim to be extreme supporters of free speech.
  6. Mr. Durov does not own a home. Mr. Musk is known for his aversion to owning homes, and often couch surfs.
  7. And now we find out that like Mr. Musk, Mr. Durov also loves siring children and likely has over 100 kids by now via sperm donation. Easily beating Mr. Musk and his 12 children. My bet is that Mr. Musk will have at least 30 children before he dies. Especially considering that his father Errol Musk had his last child at the age of 76. And considering that Mr. Musk is obsessed with declining global fertility levels, especially in Europe and Asia.

Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Musk joked that Mr. Durov has rookie numbers compared to Mongol empire ruler Genghis Khan (who fathered 100s of children).

I think these two guys are “soulmates” in the truest sense of the word.