Finally Revamps its Hair Loss Forum

HairSite Forum History

When I first started reading about hair loss online around 15 years ago, my favorite place to visit was probably At the time, it had an excellent and very active hair loss forum. Unfortunately, this has not at all been true during the past several years. The domain name was first registered on February 24, 2007, almost 20 years ago. I am pretty sure that the owner has always been the current one: Mr. David Tse.

The most surprising thing about HairSite was that of all the numerous English language hair loss forums out there, the forum had by far the most unique and somewhat convoluted layout. For most new visitors, it was often very frustrating to navigate this layout. The threads could be viewed via “board view” or via “thread view” if you were able to notice those options. It took me months of visiting before I even saw those choices and realized what they meant.

Many times a subject would have many pages, but you had to see a small font “next page” option and remember to check out all pages. Adding to the confusion, it was often not clear how the HairSite forum software decided on when to move a new thread that you might have initiated to the top of a forum category versus keeping it lower down the page and less visible to visitors.

On top of all this, there were 100s of valuable original content pages within as well as within the affiliated that you had no easy way to access. Usually you just stumbled upon them by accident or when David linked to them in the forums.

Over the years, a number of people complained about the HairSite forum and website layout, but the owner David stuck to his guns and never revamped the forum. He did make some tweaks, but he kept the overall unique layout and appearance of the threads and comments as is.

Some of the most prolific and interesting forum posters on HairSite were for whatever reason very attracted to its layout and never posted on any other “normal looking” hair loss forums out there on the web. HairSite was the first forum to have a very active hair multiplication section and perhaps that was a big part of its charm. I liked the fact that the HairSite forum was the simplest one out there and had relatively few “categories” (i.e., what some also call “sub-forums” or “subsections”). Most hair loss forums out there seem to have at least 20 categories.

Even in recent times, select posters have decided to post their very unique stories solely on HairSite, despite the fact that the forum has become much less active than most other English language hair loss forums out there. For example, last year I was lucky to stumble upon Christopher1’s experiment with a topical JAK inhibitor for AGA as well as his Kerastem treatment testimonial threads when considering the fact that I was rarely visiting HairSite at the time.

David has in general been very hands-off in terms of the links that he allows on HairSite (especially in the non-hair transplant sections) and he rarely censors discussions. Most forum owners are not so open minded. Even worse, some limit hair transplant related discussions to only advertising surgeons, which is a shame. e.g., if someone asks “who is the best hair transplant surgeon in county XYZ?”, people should be allowed to discuss any of the options out there, but some forums only allow discussion of advertising surgeons. I have not checked recently, but I presume that David still allows discussion of all hair transplant surgeons, advertisers or not.

Some of the Best Thread and Posts from the Past

Over the years, HairSite was without a doubt the best place in the world when it came to discussions about Dutasteride (brand name Avodart) and Dr. Coen Gho. Both subjects are among the 10 most discussed topics in the online hair loss world during the past 15 years, with only the former justifiably so. HairSite was also one of the best places out there when it came to the initial years of discussion related to Aderans, Histogen and Intercytex.

In more recent years, HairSite has become the best place to read about the world’s three most experienced (in my opinion) follicular unit extraction (FUE) and body hair transplant (BHT) hair transplant practitioners in Dr. John Cole, Dr. Arvind Poswal and Dr. Ray Woods. All three of these esteemed surgeons participate on the HairSite hair transplant forum section and often make very though provoking comments. The latter two sometimes getting into entertaining soap opera type arguments with each other.

Many of the old HairSite forum comments and threads were often very interesting or comedic (especially in the hair multiplication and hair transplant sections), and it is too bad that I never saved my favorites (although a huge number of old links seems to be nonexistent today anyway). However, my favorite parts about HairSite entailed David’s extremely detailed and useful surveys and statistical summaries. David put in a huge solo effort in these compilations. I have linked to a few of these on this blog before.

Below, I list some of my favorite efforts from David that are worth reading and I will update this list if I decide to spend more time on searching the archives. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find many that I remembered, and I think most of those were in blue colored pages within HairSite that seem to be gone now.

  • The hair transplant patient summaries by surgeon is exceptional work, even though it only covers advertising surgeons who post before and after photos on HairSite. After clicking on “Details” next to a surgeon name, make sure to go to the top right of the new page to see all the results (e.g., Dr. Arvind Poswal has 10 pages of results).
  • Over the years HairSite had a number of excellent pages on Dutasteride (brand name Avodart) user surveys. This is the best one that I could find for now from the archives that are still visible.
  • Interview with Dr. Monahan during a time when numerous people thought that Avodart was the cure for hair loss and were obsessed with this man.

HairSite Forum Finally gets a Real Upgrade

At the beginning of this year, David announced that the HairSite forums and website were both getting upgraded. I was extremely pleased to hear that as I did not want HairSite to go extinct and felt like that was slowly happening to all the forum categories on there other than the hair transplant one. After some delays and hiccups, yesterday the new HairSite forum finally went live and what a nice surprise to see the final result. I encourage blog readers to join that forum if you have not done so already.

True to form, David has once again created the most unique and unusual hair loss forum out there (and the most simple one yet again). This time he has combined all main forum categories into the same page, with the “category” column indicating the subject matter (Note: I am using a desktop. Mobile view is very different).

There is a selection menu on the upper left from where you can pick a category so as to only see threads for that particular subject matter if you so desire. You can sort the viewing order by clicking on some of the columns (both ascending and descending options available), but the default sort by the “Activity” column from most recent to oldest is probably best most of the time.

I love the “User” column icons with forum member first name initials, that are like what you see nowadays in phone text messaging apps. In this case, you can even hover over the icons to see who started the thread, who is/are the most frequent poster(s) in the thread, and who made the last comment in the thread. Very useful and succinctly presented.

33 thoughts on “ Finally Revamps its Hair Loss Forum”

  1. 15 years ago? Christ, brothers have been waiting a long time for a cure.

    Such a cruel disease. They’ve got to fix it soon. It is a sexual death sentence and confidence destroyer.

    1. Dude, you need help. Everyone of my ancestors has been bald pretty much, I’m here,so ya they all had wives. Jason Stathom is bald and relatively short, and is banging a victoria secret model. STOP being so over dramatic, at this point I’m guessing hair is definitely not your only issue…but ya, bald is like being a girl with a bad set of tits and not ass…surgery can improve them but theirs still other things that make a person bangable.

      1. Your ancestors lived in a world that was chiefly patriarchal and governed by Judeo-Christian value sets: monogamy, a man keeping one wife, wives being loyal to, serving but also depdendent upon their husband, etc.

        All of that has changed now we live in a radical leftist, socialised world. Women can be and many are married to the state. Not only can they now brush monogamy aside, they can also choose to select the top 20% of males.

        Now granted, the top 20% of men is not going to be an equitable distribution to the 80% of females that go after them, but therein lies beauty of their psychology; they would rather share a top 20% male than settle for a lesser specimen.

        Furthermore, thanks to technological tools such as Tinder, Facebook, etc, this range is even tighter, with men even in the top 80-89th percentile being routinely passed over, as women have far easier access to the top 10% of males now.

        Trust me when I say the overwhelming majority of severely balding to bald (NW3 to NW7) men will be in the bottom 80%.

        There’ll be outliers, of course, like the aforementioned Jason Statham. Bald men but with high, high status, facial aesthetics, skull shape, height, and/or money.

        I’m confident a cure will be here within the next 10 years, but it is devastating for people like me who will be between 31 and 40 then, and whose life and prime years were already utterly decimated.

  2. Thanks, never knew about that forum and the great surgeon data links. Will join Hairsite only if it becomes more active.

    1. Admin I remember going on hair site when I was 19. Crazy how 15 years flys by right. All the dutasteride hype, GHO, intercytex, Aderans etc. Kind of depressing that nothing has come out since. Well the brightside is things has definitely advanced and fingers crossed we get a new treatment in a couple years.

          1. Το θέμα είναι να πάρουμε τα μαλλιά ας πίσω. Να είναι το cure. Και η replicel είναι καλή

            1. Den pistebw oti to replicel tha exei tipota. Ola delays kai malakies me aftous. Twra to sisheido proxorane me phase 2 stin Japan. Psilo fobame na balw cells sto kefali mou etsi pws tha to kanoune.

              1. Πιστεύω μέχρι το 2020 θα έχουμε βγάλει μαλλιά. Υπάρχουν πολλές θεραπείες που ετοιμάζονται να ερθουν

    1. Volkan dut terrifies me. I’m glad it saved a lot of your hair though and that you had kids. I heard it’s very powerful with nasty sides. Propecia saved my hair for since 2001. It lost its potency 4 years ago but still not bald so I am happy for that. I hope something comes out ASAP so your kids won’t have to suffer from this crap

    1. We got a bunch if good news now things are going in trials so it will br quiet… Samumed wilk be presenting there second phase ll trials soon

  3. Just registered to that website and received the following activation mail:

    “This is an advertising site for our paid sponsors and advertisers. The contents, videos and photos on HairSite are provided by paid sponsors and are not endorsed by HairSite in any way. The recommendations, results, and representations made by our sponsors or advertisers do not reflect the opinions of HairSite. This site is to showcase successful hair restoration results only. It is not the mandate of this site to engage in the discussion of failed, unsuccessful procedures or complaint cases; comments of such nature, including external links, may be removed from the forum.

    I guess it’s not that neutral.

    1. Of course he promotes advertisers. But the point is that over the years he has allowed discussions of everyone and has put in a ton of time collecting stats etc… As I said, I hope that he still allows all discussions.

      Most forums have advertisers that are promoted or, if not, they sell many products. Bit foolish to think that people would spend 40 plus hrs a week doing something for free nowadays.

      1. Indeed. Anyway, first time I’ve heard about this website and found some interesting posts there, so thanks for letting know.

  4. Admin, did you ever watch this?

    Edit: Link no longer works.

    If you look at the Follica bit on the pipeline page, it’s called RAIN? I know there’s something on the new website to do with Rain. Odd though.

    Also confirmation of the 2017 pivotal study, first half of 2017.

    1. Thanks Mike, please see my latest post… and fyi also make sure to read my first comment in the comments to that new post.

  5. Hey guys i got a question that i would like some input on. Is it normal for one side of your temple to recede before the other? About a year ago i noticed one side was receding, and when i looked at older pictures one side has been receding for like 4 years at an extremely slow rate! Now the other side has signs of receding too, do you think the other side will be just as slow? Like one side of my temple is probably like a NW.5 and the other side is worming there too

    1. My whole right top of my head from temple to crown is 50% less dense than my left. It’s normal, just a bad balding pattern

    1. No, but I am a Red Piller like them, but they go way overboard.

      They claim you need to be 6’2, have male model facial aesthetics, be 8% bodyfat lean and ripped, be a CEO, drive a Lambo, and have NW0 hair just to have girls look at you.

      I believe in a more common sense approach that good looks, some decent level of status, being in decent shape, not being below 5’6 and having NW2 hairline or better will get you in the game well enough.

      But being over NW3-NW7 means you have a hell of an uphill battle.

    1. lol Miscer confirmed! U aware?

      Like I said, I don’t think it’s a complete death sentence but you have to have so many other factors to make up for it, like face, money, height, etc.

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