Category Archives: Vivek Nigam

Yet Another Dr. Nigam Response

Several weeks after I conducted the interview with Dr. Nigam, he sent me a more detailed reply related to a question I had about why he respects Colin Jahoda’s work so much. Below is Dr. Nigam’s unmodified response.

Dr. Nigam’s Response

Regards to my opinion about  Jahoda’s approach and research, I am impressed with him primarily because I think his work has potential application possibility in the “now” and just not in the future. Plus I find his approach street smart, yes I am impressed when he injected his Deramal cup sheath cells into his wife’s forearms. My approach is similar where in I test various hypothesis on my own scalp and or on consenting individuals, once there are studies confirming the safety of any new protocol.

This way like a street smart researcher I can focus on those protocols which shows potential for cure rather than wasting huge money following one protocol for 10 years with the full fledged clinical trial. Any research to MPB cure requires amendments, modifications, additions and subtractions in the protocol as new facts are discovered. Of course the regulations related to Stem Cell research and therapy in India does give an advantage.

If you look back into three major companies who are into research for MPB cure, like Intercystix/aderans, they spent all their money and time into single tunnel view approach i.e isolating Hair Follice Stem cells and culturing them. And in last 10 years so many new facts have come to the fore which they are unavailable to add to their clinical trial, any time they would want to add a new protocol they would need to restart the trial. Same happen Replicel and Histogen and Follica. They all started the clinical trial with dermal cup sheath cells, growth factors in hypoxic conditions and FGF9/wounding respectively.

But none of the company where no where close to find the cure. As of now my focus is on 3D Spheroidal Trichogenic dp cultures, Trichogenic hair Epithelial stem cells culture, Progenitor bulge stem cells cultures, WNT, SHH, Nogin, FGF 2/5/9, Insulin growth factors, VEGF, EGF, KGF, Follistation etc, Trichogenic freshly isolated dermal papilla cells. All the above is in my present protocol. In  the coming months co culturing of epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells and will incorporate and test other new facts which may improve my protocol as they come into the published domain. 

Nearly everything, even those things that appear original are derivative. Einstein said “The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” but i don’t want to hide any sources but want to give due credit to every research whose experimental facts get Incorporated to my protocol. My job is to apply my wisdom like a visionary with street smart commonsense to test what works now on human scalp with an open mind and pour in my efforts, money and time into those line of applied research rather than having a fixed tunnel view research approach.

I firmly believe that places like India where Stem cell regulations will be laxed for a year or two. should be the place where leading 8-10 researches should be testing their theories on consented human scalps rather than wasting time and money on lengthy clinical trials. Once the many clinical trials as the process show promise, then the respective companies can go back to their respective places and start their official trials. This what exactly I am doing.

And humbly without boasting I have shown results with Hair Multiplications in last 1 year which has not shown by any company on the human scalp through out the globe. I am always open to share my work and collaborate with any like minded researcher or a barter company. Another thing which is common in this industry is people patent everything without testing on single human scalp, once they patent others don’t show interest in that field of patented research as they will not be able to utilize it commercially. And of course the traditional Hair transplant industry gets scared with any success anywhere even partially with HM.


Dr. Nigam Photos

Dr. Nigam also sent me some interesting photos last week. Not being a scientist and not being in India at the clinic, I will not try to analyze the legitimacy of these photos.  I respect and appreciate the tremendous efforts taken by the enigma that is Mr. Nigam, and will continue to author posts on him and his work for the many like myself who are interested.  In the end, even if it all comes to naught as has happened so often with numerous western companies, products and researchers in the past decade, this is an interesting rapid development the likes of which I have never seen in my decade plus following online hair loss research and forum developments.

Perhaps Ray Kurzwweil is correct in his prognostication of accelerating technological developments, bolstered by the 100s of millions of newly educated from the east? Will the cure for hair loss come from China or India? Or will the Japanese and South Koreans show that they are still the boss in Asia when it comes to new technological developments? Or will the USA surprise most of us projecting its decline (relatively speaking of course) yet one more time?

Dr. Nigam’s 3D Spheroids via Hanging Drop Method


Dr. Nigam’s Incubator


Stem Cell Injections in Mumbai


Dr. Nigam Interview Part 2

Part 1 Here

Me: If you hire a western scientist to work at your lab (even if its a non hair loss related biologist), it will boost your credibility drastically…that is if you care about credibility on forums etc…

Dr. Nigam: Yes, Dr. Gerd (Lauster) will be the first.

For the time being..I am not for marketing or credibility..I want real success in this field..and it would speak for itself…I would rather focus on meeting, communicating with relevant people..who can help me solve the problems I am facing as I move forward with newer experiments..Ask Mwamba..I have already solved the problem of scarless fue..first in the world..which is a small achievement but achievement contribute in the hair restoration industry

Me: Wow that is a big achievement if you can present it at a conference.

Dr. Nigam: Yes I will present in a conference. Lot of potential associations we spoke ..and will finalize shortly critics cannot believe even this…but Mwamba was so excited about this ..that he will be offering at his clinic shortly.. I can take any scrutiny to prove..that we have solved the problem of white dots or scars in hair restoration…at least let me prove this…and than may be people can go to the next level to scrutinize and think about the denovo doubling and partial success with pure hm injections. Donor regeneration…we are moving it is non aga scalp…by injecting dp cultures, hair stem cells and growth factors

Me: What did you discuss with Dr. Jahoda at the recent ISHRS 2013 Conference? Any other interesting interactions from the conference?

Dr. Nigam:

 Discussed with Jahoda..
1)How is he thinking to improve the trichogenicity of 3d spheroidal dp cultures. Shared what I am doing to achieve the same.
2)Also discussed how we are planning to produce mass scale 3d spheroidal dp’s with pva coated low adherent tubes.
Also discussed the problem I am facing in transferring 3d spheroids from the petri dish in the lab to the patients any movement dissociates the cells.
What would be the ideal number of cells per 3d spheroid of dp.
In his presentation he spoke about the master regulation gene which christiano is trying to locate, upregulation of the same should be sufficient to enhance the trichogenicity of the cultured dp cells.
He also mentioned in his presentation that… as on today hair doubling is upper part of amputated follicle with intact dermal cup sheath can create it’s own dermal papilla…as the demal cup sheath cells are progenitor or mother cells to the dermal papilla cells.
That is what I have been talking about and doing…with further addition of fresh trichogenic dp cells and growth factors into the upper bisected follicle. Also Met Dr Washenik, discussed their research work and findings at Aderans, showed my work ,spent a good time with Dr. Cole and Dr. Mwamba. Met a whole lot of surgeons…few called me the rebellious doctor..!
I was approached by seven surgeons from Canada,USA,UK,who were quite interested to be a part of our research activity and offer their support, for furthering our work and how they could incorporate the same,at their clinic.
Interesting among them was this team, who were working with induced pluripotent stem cells from Las Vegas.
I will be present in major stem cell conferences and would visit stem cell research laboratories in Japan, China,Germany and UK in next six months. Not only stem cell hair conferences and lab but also other than hair, stem cell conferences and labs.
Due to better funding,people researching in other diseases with stem cell ,are moving faster ,specially in the field of 3d culture and enhancement of trichogenicity of stem cells. I believe the next advancement for mpb cure would be:
1) Tissue engineering with stem cell and growth factors to enhance donor regeneration and better survival of the implanted grafts…with the fusion of hair restoration with the tissue engineering.
2) Next stage would be activation of dormant follicles with tissue eng.
3) And ultimately creation of neofollilces which are dht resistant, with autologous stem cell and or induced pluripotent stem cells.
If aderans, replicelll, dr nigam have produced at least, in few patients scalp, sufficiently good amount of Terminal hair with hm injections alone…,and why should every or most of the scalps… not respond the same way
The time is not too far before the success percentage improves with pure hm injections .
Had the regulations been more relax, for at least autologous hair stem cell, scientists would have been closer to cure by now.
My applied research work is dedicated to these scientists.
Not an individual… but the group of experts likes cell biologists, immunologists, genetic experts,allied biotech experts,nano technologists, hair transplant surgeons etc. with high tech laboratories, with clinical the right location with relax regulations.. is the only way to reach cure faster…. this is what I want to do …. and getting investment for such a team effort.. will not be difficult.
Will be at Berlin next month to meet Gerd….trying whatever I can…