Hair Transplant Popularity
— A great detailed two page GQ article from Joel Stein about his efforts to reverse his baldness. He ultimately gets a hair transplant at Bosley, and includes his before and after photo. His hair transplant surgeon was Dr. Edwin Suddleson. His 1,600 grafts cost $11,000. Fairly high compared to what a hair transplant costs in most developing countries. Note that Mr. Stein suprisingly got a strip procedure. Nowadays, FUE hair transplants are far more popular than FUT (strip) ones.
— 33 year old Calum Best’s third hair transplant. He paid £6,000 for his procedure, which is the same amount that he paid for first two surgeries.
— John Travolta decided to show up at the gym at 3am, without his hairpiece. Make sure to read my other post on Mr. Travolta and his hair. Other celebrities with hairpieces include Sir Elton John and Nicolas Cage.
— Make sure to read my updated post on the best shampoos for thinning hair and hair loss. While none of these products will bring back hair to totally bald regions of the scalp, they can thicken up existing hair.
— Replicel will be presenting at the Biotech Showcase 2015 conference. I have covered this company many times, along with its Japanese partner Shiseido.
El enlase primero de replicel no se puede abrir. Hay alguna novedad importante?
Usually I stray away from natural products but this peaked my interest, and it may yours if you haven’t already seen it.
The first link, here
seems to show some rather positive results. Remarkably there is even a video to compliment this,
It is important to note that pumpkin seed oil is not the only ingredient listed, there is also octasanol, tomato powder, evening primrose powder, corn silk, and red clover powder. However if the results are real, as they seem to be, they are impressive.
Nice find Ben. Are you Korean? How did you stumble onto this video?
I dont understand why Travolta dont go for a hair transplant. Can You explain me? He worry about his hair as he Wear toupee and for sure He got the money. Is he dumb Or he knows sonething that we dont?
Does pumpkin seed oil really work?
Replicel is our best chance of a cure and they are releasing a lot of good info. I’d like to see you cover as much as you can. I think this is what we’ve been waiting for.
I’m not Korean, however in terms of this product that would be extremely advantageous if I were. I’ve combed through a large portion of Google scholar going through as many medical research papers as I can find. Edward P. To some degree PSO seems to have some affect, though further research would be lovely. Moreover we don’t know if it’s just the PSO or all of the ingredients.
Hola una duda, lo de Replicel va a servir en caso de zonas calvas donde ya no hay pelo???. Osea pelo miniaturizado que ya no se ve.
Gustavo, se supone que si porque reviviría los folículos, eso entendí yo. El año que viene sabremos si funciona o no. Para comercializarlo calculo que tiene que ser un crecimiento muy grande de lo contrario no creo que salga al mercado. Resta esperar a histogen que es similar. Si no traen la “cura” habrá que esperar por tsuji labs, jahoda, etc. Si replicel cada vez que inyecta hace crecer cabello, estamos en presencia de una cura si por mas que se repitan las inyecciones no aumenta el crecimiento, habrá fracasado. 11.8 % fue el promedio y hubo casos de 19 % asi que resta esperar por las dosis y las repeticiones.
Y de Histogen que se sabe cuando empiezan??? segun lo que vi el año pasado los resultados son bastante prometedores. Ellos mostraron fotos y la recuperación es bastante buena.
De replicel me respondieron que shiseido probablemente empiece antes la fase 2 que ellos en alemania. Pero no aclaran si ahora o dentro de 10 meses. Es terrible la espera. Si empezarían ahora en 2016 ya tendríamos novedades.
We need translators on here. Seriously lol …
LOL Mike! I have been considering deleting a lot of these comments as they are often unrelated to the particular post underneath which they appear, and typically about Replicel and/or various time frame predictions. Unfortunately, I would need to translate some of these comments before deciding on how useful they are, and am not keen to waste too much time with that kind of work every day.
Hate the idea of deleting comments, but they are becoming a bit too much.
Hola admin como andas? Que te parece la eventos en los que está participando replicel ofreciendo y disertando sobre su cartera de productos? Hoy replicel twiteo sobre el gran interés de empresas extranjeras por la terapia celular. Principalmente japon con sus nuevas leyes. Pensas que este puede ser un gran año para la alopecia? A lo mejor prontamente podamos tener noticias de Asia. Que pensas?
Un año grande(importante) lo va a ser seguro. tenlo claro.. ya sea por que salgan nuevas terapias o por que se demuestre que al final no son lo efectivas que se preveía. en el 2015 se sabran muchos resultados sobre los ensayos clinicos y a partir de ahi se podra intuir/especular sobre lo que vendra en el futuro.. asique cruzemos los dedos y seamos psitivos que la postividad atrae cosas buenas. Te imaginas que la clonacion con celulas madre resulta ser un exito rotundo? me da igual el precio ya que eso se ahorra.. la cuestion seria que tendriamos total revertimiento de la alopecia con la densidad que se tenia a los 17 años y zero entradas… eso seria un evento cataclismico para el mundo entero.. ya que las mujeres tambien estan perdiendo el pelo a velocidades horrendas.. tengamos fé
Ojalá tengas razón. Y que no demore demasiados años en llegar al mercado. Pensas que para 2017/2018 esto puede ser posible??? Saludos.