Top 20 Hair Loss Studies of 2023

Two very interesting new hair loss related videos on YouTube this week yet again.

Top 20 Hair Loss Research Studies of 2023

Just like in 2021 and 2022, Dr. Jeff Donovan (Canada) has again come out with a list of his top 20 hair loss research studies of 2023. This doctor always has very interesting insights in his videos.

It is too bad that he devotes 6 of the 20 to alopecia areata (AA), a condition which afflicts just 2-3% of all hair loss sufferers. In contrast, androgenetic alopecia (AGA) accounts for 90-95% of all types of hair loss.

Of course I am not downplaying the much worse suffering of AA patients. Their patchy to total scalp hair loss and sometimes total body hair loss (including eyebrows) really stands out. However, luckily for many of them, new FDA-approved JAK inhibitors have really worked well and are almost a cure. Albeit with the potential for very serious side effects.

Dr. Donovan is also impressed with other 2023 published studies related to:

  • The need for scalp biopsies in black women with hair loss.
  • COVID-19 and telogen effluvium, and COVID-19 vaccination related hair loss.
  • Tinea capitis fungal infection of the hair.
  • Nonscarring alopecia.
  • Folliculitis decalvans.
  • Lichen planopilaris.
  • Scarring alopecia.
  • Centrifugal cicatricial alopecia.
  • Acne keloidalis nuchae.
  • Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp.
  • Discoid lupus.

This leaves only 2 out of his top 20 studies of 2023 relevant to AGA. Very disappointing. One of these is two is about female pattern hair loss monotherapy with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and minoxidil. The other from Spain examines the safety of low-dose oral Minoxidil in patients with hypertension and arrhythmia. A concern that has prevented many people from trying out the popular hair loss treatment.

Advancements in Regenerative Medicine for Hair Restoration

Of more relevance to us androgenetic alopecia sufferers is Dr. John Cole’s great new video on advancements in regenerative medicine for hair restoration. A summary with slides can be read on T-Lab’s website.

Dr. Cole has given valuable feedback to me many different times over the past decade. In areas that include platelet-rich plasma (PRP), exosomes, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and more.

In this video, he breaks out the key autologous, allogeneic and xenogeneic cell therapies for hair loss. This includes PRP, platelet lysate, platelet rich fibrin, SVF, mesenchymal stem cells, amnotic membrane, wharton’s jelly, cord blood, exosomes and extracellular matrix.

13 thoughts on “Top 20 Hair Loss Studies of 2023”

  1. I think a very disappointing year, not really in terms of new research and new companies, they have increased in an historic fashion, but more in terms of not having our hopes fulfilled. The results of pyrilutamide for the phase 3 trial shocked many of us. Now, still we shouldn’t be too hasty to dismiss pyri, but it’s at least very surprising to see it not perform better than the placebo group, and it does put a dent in our hopes regarding topical anti-androgens. Anyway, looking at this in a wider context can only make us hopeful. The industry is picking up steam FAST and technological advancements are always happening. And let’s remember, the most important thing in life is NOT hair! I just want to say, before we celebrate Christmas, that I accept 100% every one of you with or without hair. Maybe this won’t help anyone much coming from an anonymous nobody, but I will spread this attitude everywhere I go. You are always human first and I want happiness for everyone that reads this. Happy holidays!

      1. In a more recent posting in that exact thread Moeman also confirmed he is still seeing progress, which is a big plus.

        No diminishing but inreasing returns would be truly astonishing.

      2. From what the Reddit guy says, his trial was for safety and it used the same dose as the monkeys. So the next trial will (or may be) about dosing, which he guessed would likely be a higher (since we’re larger and heavier than monkeys). Gives me some hope since he did have some results. Up the dosage and who knows? Also, it’s supposed to take many months to see results so I don’t think we’ve seen all we’re going to see on this just yet.

  2. As of 2023, no treatments in phase 1 or 2 have shown superior efficacy compared to finasteride or minoxydil. And stem cell therapies are at least 10 or 15 years off. And no super AI will solve it because we won’t get AGI level before 2035. I should have started finasteride 15 years ago, but I believed all the promise of histogen, samumed and so on.

    1. Are you saying you believed the half knowledge, trolling and speculation on social media?

      As I said before, hope can be a dangerous trap.
      I hope that you are now using proven treatments under medical supervision.

      In the future, you may use unproven treatments in ADDITION to existing proven treatments. You can only lose some money, but not your hair.

  3. Hi,

    Off topic question i’ve been using finasteride for over ten years. i’m thinking of switching to topical i’ve only just become aware this is available, is there anyone on here who has or is using it and where is the best place to buy this. i’m in the uk. Or Admin if you have posted a previous link on this could you redirect me.


    1. I use it, but still in the early stages. I’m only on 0.25mg strength. It’s like water, so it’s very runny. You apply it with a dropper and you don’t need much to cover the the whole crown and vertex area. It comes in a giant 200ml bottle. I’m also on sublingual Min at 1.8mg, just up from 0.9mg which I started on. However, my hair is much worse than before I started!!! Until a month ago it was looking fine. I also seem to be shedding heaps. I’m aware this often happens with Min in the early stages, but it’s a really sh*t process to go through – not to mention extremely depressing. I’m hoping this will end soon and get some re-growth, but I’m not holding my breath? If it doesn’t improve in a few months I’m ditching the whole shebang. Due to both meds needing to be kept being under 25 degrees, it’s a bit of a pain to travel with too. I buy the meds from Pharmacy Smart Compounding in Melbourne, Australia. They are very reasonably priced and will last you for ages if you ask for repeats. They are part of Sinclair Dermatology (unfortunately you have to go through them to get the meds. I’m not a big fan of the docs or the practice – but there are not many other alternatives atm. In regards to hair loss, they seem to be the ones all other regular docs refer you to). You also don’t need to have endless 3 month appointments with Sinclair. It costs too much. Insist on getting 2-3 repeats. Book with a “Dermatology Fellow”. They aren’t as expensive and all the docs there fill the same prescriptions anyway. You can send them headshots, book an appointment and have a consultation via Skype. Have a look at their website. Btw: if you’re doing fine on regular Fin – I would definitely stick with that. I’m no doc, but I’m sure it would be stronger and more effective than topical if you’re already doing well on it?. Don’t change what ain’t broke would be my best advice. Hope this helps.

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