If you reside in the US or Canada, you have almost certainly heard of Dr. Jordan Peterson. For a few months last year, I was really into watching his videos, but then got bored and a bit disenchanted for various reasons. Today, Youtube recommended me an old video of his from a 2010 lecture. This is what his hair looked like in 2010:

A closeup of Mr. Peterson’s old hairline shows clear balding:

In recent years, Jordan Peterson has lost a lot of weight and at the same time gained scalp hair! Just like Drew Carey. Image below is from 2018. I would not be surprised if Mr. Peterson got a hair transplant, since his frontal hairline looks a bit too perfect now.

I would have to agree.
Without doubt. I’ve thought this for ages. I think it look great. I love Jordan Peterson but he’s actually commented on his hair growing back before and claimed it was his diet. Disappointing. Clearly a transplant in my opinion
Yes he did. I his fan I a notice his hair changes.
It looks like the only thing that could happen in the next few years is growing hair cells from the back of our heads and planing them over the top of our head LIKE a transplant except we would provide more hair. I think that will happen within 5 years as it appears no drug will ever work (I still have my hopes up for JAK but as others have pointed out if it had worked it would be all over the internet).
Thus transplanted hair cells from the back of our heads where more cells are created in a petri dish then injected into a person’s scalp. (But still holding out hope for JAK and if that drug does not work then no drug will ever work)
We just have to move on.
Drugs will never give the results seen in Jordan Peterson here. The cure is a good hair transplant. Tom Brady, Peterson, Kevin Costner, Billy bob, Matthew mcconaghey … ect.. have all had hair transplants. I don’t give a crap what any of them say, diet and a magic lotion cannot re-grow that amount of hair. Once you start losing your hair you can’t stop it then re-grow it, right now at least. Like I mentioned earlier, I’m giving it 4-5 more years to see where things are then I’m getting a HT. I don’t think my loss is enough to get a HT anyways right now. Everyone disses HT people but they’re the only people release before and after photos. HT is the cure now and will be for the next 20 ish years. Hair grown in a dish then placed somewhere else is still a HT.
I’m getting a HT next month. Trying to decide betweem FUT or FUE. Even with a scar, I think I can hide it with scalp tattooing. Wish me luck.
I believe there will be more options than only hair multiplication for hair transplants in the next several years for regrowing hair. Also these transplant will be highly expensive, so I am not keeping high hopes for that. I think wounding combined with some topical will be a great way for regrowing hair (follica). In the thread on hairlosstalk there was one guy (chen) that had regrown large parts of his slick bald frontal hairline, with microneedling and minox
@nasa_rs – is this not what Shiseido/Replicel are doing?
Very curious on their phase 2 results @admin. No results published but they have not cancelled the trial either.
We shall soon see Aclaris results just a few months away. They said by summer time 2019 they would provide data with photos (if I recall correctly).
Right now Trump has the best option for real results, HT and his Prescription. He probably got the prescription in his younger days and he has managed to hang on to his hair in back whereas Joe Biden’s is gone since he probably does not take anything.
Waiting for Aclaris results then if there is a will there is a way.
All my opinion.
It’s funny, handsome, you have called nasa out on his jak obsession, but it seems you are also invested (emotionally) in … RCH-01.
The only one who needs to move on is you Nasa!
@nasa_rs Absolutely agree !
Can’t wait for that time when they pluck 100 grafts from the back of my head, multiply them to 10,000 and transplant.
Can’t wait!
Well maybe he was very very stressed in that period.
He’s been in the public eye and in front of the cameras thruout that whole timeframe. If it was a transplant we would have seen it.
I had a hair transplant and i can tell you that it’s noticeble for some time after the operation.
But i guess that he gets exposure even in hair loss blog/forum.
Short answer yes
Long answer absolutely yes he did
I saw him at the Sydney Opera house two weeks ago, I was sitting at the left of the stage and had a good view on the back of his head.
The top of his head is very thin (but not so much the crown) , he grows his hair a few centimetres long and curls and spreads it around with gel to cover the thin areas.
He has claimed on YouTube that the ‘literally nothing but beef and water’ diet his daughter champions has grown his hair back.
He has also stopped taking antidepressants (SSRIs) as a result of his diet, and according to google some antidepressants cause ‘telogen effluvium’ which is reversable. So who knows.
Shiseido our Japanese partner that tried to sue us for skirting RD investment maintains frosty relations but still able to present an at market version of our product in summer 2018 its going to be an exciting year for us in 2018.
Lol smh face palm. Follica I love watching mat lauer with hair pre me too with cots with hair barking on about how 3 to 5 years that’d would have been 2010 …. Face palm. Like that music man “Its a miracle its a miracle.” Smh. You just have to laugh
This scumbag has definitely had a minor ht.
His hairline is sooo fake.
It goes with his personality.
while he’s certainly not a perfectly admirable person he’s not a scumbag.. not a racist or transphobe either.. so yeah.. meh
To me, he is.
And the fact he refuses to admit he’s had a ht is indicative of what a phony he is.
Egghead I feel you man, I’m right there with you. So discouraging.
Getting a HT later this month. Hair Cloning is not coming out soon. I’ve had enough.
The Aclaris website now labels Androgenic Alopecia testing “exploratory”. Seeing that they don’t do this for AA, where we know it works, I’d call that a significant downgrade of expectations.
Still, AGA is still on their website in late phase 2, so that’s better than nothing I suppose.
Their pipeline also shows Atopic Dermatitis as Exploratory.
It’s a big plus that even after all this time they still show JAK for normal pattern hairloss. They could be working with the different JAK’s for various results.
We shall see soon enough within a few months their results, hopefully.
From what I noticed all the new treatments are just new methods of attacking mpb but with the same effectiveness as propecia minox. Haven’t seen a single picture with Wow factor! Tbh, all the wounding pics hlt might be propaganda or fake. I could be totally wrong but most people in their trial forum have not produced anything close to “somebody” results or that other guy. I’m still hopeful for follica, SM, CB, maybe Rivertown, for being released as new treatment within 5 years. It won’t be a cure by any means. As for tsuji, sisheido, I lost hope. Any news from histogen? That was my biggest hope back in 2014 lol.
If tsuji hairclone or terskikh don’t make it. It’s game over. There’s no way follica or follicum can do 100% regrowth unless the 100 hairs per cm claim is real. Tsuji thus far has good prospects stating their still on track for at market next year.
I don’t think he has. It’s just a good stylist/styling method, and the fact he’s gone grey.
This image hows he’s got the same receding at the temples and behind the front of the hairline going thin
Egghead, I thought tsuji said they aren’t sure they will start human trials yet. I think I read that on hlt. If follica can grow 100 hairs cm2 then that will be good enough for full coverage. Hopefully all these follica delays are done to produce these results. My derm told me hair cloning is many years away from going to a clinic and getting it done for the common man.
Filarako, Follica is a joke.
Don’t be another douchebag.
I’ve got to say it, the ONLY real hope we have is JAK. Its here now just do not know how well it works.
@BEKOO, great find!!! Hopefully our chemists or participants with chem background can tell us if this is legit?..hopefully people will chime in!:)
Hate da bs, you are probably right but it’s the only one that will be released. So filarako get used to using joke follica for new treatments, or fin and Rogaine. Hair cloning is years away. Gamiseta file.
File, how can you be sure it will be released?
And if it is, what makes you think it’s gonna be effective for higher Nws?
Hair multiplication is the only solution mid-term. I agree with you, though. It’s at least five years away.
In the film “Rise of Jordan Peterson” (2019) there is an opening shot of him cooking outside with buzzed sides and back. A VERY clear linear FUT scar can be seen in the shot. Mind you, this footage is from 2015! Additional restoration was done after that to greatly improve density.
I can hear that heavy Canadian accent “if you don’t like it, do something aboot it!”
Apparently he switched to a keto diet and that’s how he also lost weight. Look up the keto diet and how carbs are worse than cholesterol. I wish he would talk about that!