Google Alerts for Hair Related News

One of the most useful services that Google provides is something called “Google Alerts“. I am amazed at how many people still do not know about this feature even though it has been out since 2003. It has helped me tremendously in the past, both in my work-life for research purposes as well as in my personal life (e.g., getting notified once a week about electric car lease deal related news).

Basically, anytime you want to find out if a particular subject matter or phrase that you are interested in was recently mentioned on the internet (whether as a news story, blog post, video, public relations announcement, discussion board post and more), google alerts will notify you via e-mail if you request as such.

I have set up hair and hair loss research related keyword and keyword phrase google alerts ever since I first started this blog. Because the list has now become way too large, I have started moving many of my daily alerts to weekly alerts. I have even started removing some keyword alerts entirely if I have not seen anything of major interest related to them during the past year.

Hair Loss Cure Related Google Alerts for 2018 and Beyond

So to end 2017, I thought it would be a good idea to encourage readers who have used Google Alerts in the past (or who plan to do so in the future) to add “hair” related terms to their list for 2018. It will also help me whenever I miss something for rare keywords that readers might have included in their alerts. If some readers set daily alerts for subjects that I might have only set weekly alerts for in 2018, it would also be of benefit to us all.

Perhaps of even more importance and interest, you can play around with regional settings as well as language settings while setting your alerts. I am curious to see what you find in your particular region that differs from my region of the United States of America (English language only setting for me). News from China and Japan especially interests me, although the Baidu search engine dominates Google in China.

Miscellaneous Thoughts

If you decide to participate in this experiment:

Make sure that the “Show Options” feature to the right of the “Create Alerts” blue button box is expanded before setting your Google Alerts via the link I posted earlier. You might have to start typing in the search box first before the feature shows up.


  • Which hair loss related keywords or keyword phrases are you most interested in all the time (every year) and want to read about on a daily basis whenever mentioned on the internet? In my case, some examples would be “Dutasteride hair”, “Follica” and “Takashi Tsuji”. I have set up daily alerts on all those subjects.
  • Which hair loss related terms are you most interested in during the year 2018? Post in the comments if you care to share. Some of my interests for 2018 include companies and subject matters that are not exactly in the hair field, but still related (e.g., “PolarityTE”, “head transplant”, “robotic hair transplants” and so on).
  • Note that I have never set up any “as-it-happens” alerts, which seems like overkill and way too much of a distraction for me. If you are so inclined, experiment with such real-time notifications.
  • Also note that you can select to be alerted with “only the best results” instead of “all results” if you want to reduce the quantity of material that you need to weed through.

68 thoughts on “Google Alerts for Hair Related News”

    1. Seems to me that this is what Tsuji is doing which I believe starts human trials in 2019.

      I believe tsujis method can obtain 100 x multiplication so 500 healthy follicles from the donor region = 50000 transplantable

      Their aim is 2020 release although they will be only treating limited amount of people in the first year and costs are expected to be high

  1. 2018 is going to be a big year for regenerative medicine, I think.

    I look forward to developments with PolarityTE, but I’m of course interested in Shiseido and Follica’s final trials and potential market releases next year.

    1. Im hoping follica comes out in 2018. Not that I don’t want sisheido to come out as well but follica will be the easiest treatment for us to use and it would be cleared from all phase trials for those who care about long term safety. Easier to drive to a derm office or an ht clinic that offers follica locally then flying to Japan to culture cells then wait for it to be ready and go through all that. I’d do it but easier to do follica approach.

        1. I’m not enthusiastic about follica (Lithium + dermabrasion). These treatments have been around forever and are just being rebranded.

  2. I just saw this on YouTube, this is the most ridiculous I’ve seen on treating MPB using leech -, im thinking is she for real? And you got this guy let her put leeches on is head and they are disgusting blood everywhere far out…..

  3. I am a woman who just diagnosed with AGA ;( …. I am very depressed… I am not woman anymore… please admin and everyone here tell me is there any hope? Is there any of the new treatments that will be effective for FPHL or are these researches just for MPB? I am afraid of min and spironolactone because of side effects and loss of effectiveness. I am on iron supplements for 6 months because of deficiency without any regrowth. That confirms AGA.. Will the new treatments like jak inhibitors be free of side effects?? I like optimistic comments about jak inhibitors, but I am afraid of side effects. What about shiseido? When is the release time?? I am so tired.. so ugly.. I just want my hair back :(

    1. Sorry to hear about your hair loss. Unfortunately, neither JAKs nor Shiseido have shown robust hair regrowth in humans conclusively as yet when it comes to AGA.

    2. There’s no hope. All is lost.

      It definitely feels that way. They are testing JAK’s, FDA approved drugs for hair loss treatment in about 3 months.

      Now the hair loss community is evenly split on whether it will work or not. I say it will work and everyone else says no, and that I’m crazy to think that even if it work it would takes years to come out with the treatment and I say early 2019.

      For Auto immune hairloss it is a miracle, just incredible results. Hoping for the same for aga as they have special formula for dkin.

      Now go live your life.


    3. Use oils, peppermint, rosemary avd castor oil. I’ve noticed some women maintain avd get regrowth. Get Nizoral 2% shampoo and use it 3x a week. It’s an anti androgen avd will help you with hair growth and lower shedding. Take a favorite is MaxiHair by Country Life. Also give the iron supplements time to work. It can take up to a year to see regrowth with iron supplements so be patient. Plus check your vitamin D levels and your thyroid levels. You could have thyroid problem causing hair loss. My cousin who is a female suffers from female pattern hair loss aga. She does the above and still has her hair after 20 years. She thinning hair for sure but styles it where nobody can tell. Take the vitamins, get iron levels up, do topical oils and gently massage it into the scalp avd leave it for an hour before showering and use Nizoral. You can try Lyseine supplements for thicker hair too. To answer your question…all treatments will have side effects including jak. We just don’t know what the new treatments side effects are yet.

    4. I’m sorry that is happening to you. I don’t know if you considered it but if you haven’t and are a good candidate I would look at getting a hair transplant. There are a lot of good surgeons. I personally like the work of Dr diep in California. Like others have said don’t let it dictate how you live your life. Good luck stay positive.

  4. I’m not sure if they ever specified about aga anywhere else. So I emailed polarity te this was their response:

    Thank you for your inquiry about SkinTE™. SkinTE is a human cellular and tissue-based product derived from a patient’s skin and is intended to repair, reconstruct, replace, or supplement that patient’s skin tissue/integument. Whether an individual patient’s particular condition may be appropriate for treatment with SkinTE™ is a medical decision to be determined in consultation with a licensed and trained physician. Currently, a derivative product of SkinTE is in development with the goal of delivering a solution for people in need of hair restoration, including androgenic alopecia. We will provide updates on the development progress as appropriate. For additional information about SkinTE™, please refer to our website:

    1. Isa great find bud! So polarityte is actually looking to treat aga. Is that what I am reading?? If so, they should be able to fast track it to market release right like their skin treatment?

    2. From their website

      If successful in the burn market, we plan to explore entry into other markets, such as acute and chronic wounds, cosmetic/scar revisions, and hair regeneration.

  5. I signed up for Google alerts and thru an alert today saw this:

    Edit: Link no longer works.

    The link sites both sell and buy ratings for Aclaris so it doesn’t mean anything in particular. However, I am going to see if I can access some of the actual reports to see what their recommendations are based on. Note the hedge funds and institutional investors that have increased their shares. All you can possibly read from this is that there is some speculation going on but of course that could have nothing to do with the AGA component of Aclaris. Nonetheless, compare this to Replicel where the stock is and has been flatlined for quite some time at the bottom of a downhill slope…even as trial results are due to be posted relatively soon.

      1. Very interesting……… would appear that Neal Walker has some credibility as a businessman based on value created in the past with sales to Allergan and Accenture. If I have the time, I will research this from the standpoint of a possible gamble on a small investment in Aclaris. From a quick look at the buy/sell ratings in the last 6 months, one research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two have issued a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating. The company currently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $39.20. Cantor Fitzgerald is the most bullish with a target price of $50. I haven’t read the research details but since Aclaris only has 1 approved product, I would guess the upgrades are related to 1 or more products in their pipeline.

  6. Isa just confirmed PolarityTE is looking into AGA. That’s no doubt news worthy. We will all be on the edge of our seats the next few months to see whether their applications pans out as the seeking alpha analyst short them. If their science is successful then our odds sky rocket.

  7. Caution – my speculation only – PolarityTE “Whether an individual patient’s particular condition may be appropriate for treatment with SkinTE™ …. (AGA) “is a medical decision to be determined in consultation with a licensed and trained physician.” I read this and wonder if they just said in plain english, it’s up to your physician to use SkinTE for AGA if your physician is cool with it.

    “Currently, a derivative product of SkinTE is in development with the goal of delivering a solution for people in need of hair restoration, including androgenic alopecia.” – This tells me “All of you guys bothered us with emails so frequently we realized we were sitting on something huge so we created a “derivative product” that focuses on cloning hair for AGA.

    1. Hey Egghead…do you think it would be a good idea to buy stock shares in COOL..PolarityTE? I’m thinking of buying some. I know you are good with stock investing. Wanted some advice.:)

      As for histogen…I would cross them off. I believe their treatment isn’t safe or ineffective. It’s one or the other. Either way I wouldn’t hold my breath on them. They should have been out in 2014.

      1. Sup ol boy . I’m not a legend by any means the seeking alpha article on COOL will leave you apprehensive. If they pull off their claim early next year yes..but Seeking Alpha also suggest they themselves don’t understand the science in general only sketchy corporate maneuvering. So is a 50/50 right now.

        I think replicel could easily triple next year if shiseido releases photos to market 2018. Only good anti argument against this logic is dilution in its outstanding shares but even with this condition its still easily capable of exceeding $2.00 from today’s .30 cents.

        Especially since your a suspicious guy you should go check out shiseido stock last 12 months! … It doubled in tandem with their phase2 to market study it makes you wonder … Replicel and shiseido co own each other’s IP (in AGA) and variations of that IP which is why shiseido wanted to sue replicel for cheaping out delayed German phase 2 because their so small. Either way shiseido owns Asia population region replicel gets the rest of the world per their agreement. The same skeptic suggesting dilution also suggested their is no fundamental IP correlation which is laughable totally non debatable

        Not saying I’m right Or wrong but that’s my speculative logic as far as an AGA trade goes.

    2. Am I correct that their burn treatment skin regrowth is now in commercial use? So we may not have to wait very long at all for the hair treatment aspect ?

        1. İt’s already FDA approved in clinical use in several clinics in the USA. Still not broadly available due to tests and gathering information from their clinical use.

  8. I may be wrong, but isnt polarityTE’s product applied in the form of a paste, to skin that has already been disrupted/destroyed?
    If so, would that mean they would also have to injure our scalp first in order to apply the paste, and what would that process actually entail? It eould have to be more than needling, right?

    1. As I understand they are currently in RnD for the hair aspect.

      I think the problem is they can’t just grow the skin without a host and your right, they generate a paste the is applied to a wound and uses the bodies natural healing process so they can’t just grow a slab of skin and transplant the hairs.

      My thoughts were similar to yours and maybe they could injur the scalp via rolling and then paste over.

      Failing that they could chop a massive chunk of skin out of my thigh if they wanted to and then transplant the hairs from there onto my head

  9. Happy New year all! I hope 2018 brings us some good news :) I’m hoping for more info on timelines from Follica next year.

  10. 2018 The Year of Hair. Hip, Hip, Hurahhh!

    Aclaris will absolutely come through for us with good news. Buy combs, and save money for more haircuts.

    1. Nasa, did you ever think about why Christiano is working with Jahoda on their 3d culturing hair thing.. They even started their own company (Rapunzel). We all know that Christiano sold her IP to Aclaris Therapeutics and I think she is still working as an advisor and I do think that Christiano knew exactly that jaks for for AGA but WHY is she starting another company if she knows that Aclaris can destroy all the other companies by releasing their hair loss lotion?…

      1. This. That. The Other Thing. I just want hair.

        This whole event has caused us to spend our precious time worrying about innocuous occurrences rather than just living life.

        It’s this simple for me. Either Aclaris comes out with a treatment and I mean fast or nasa_rs shall become hairless and simply live his life without hair. And for what it’s worth I honestly they will have a product out very fast, early 2019. I don’t want to argue the point. For those who think I am wrong then I am wrong but I think I will be right.

        I hope 2018 gives me a few good breaks.

        1. We’ve been salivating and hoping about Jaks for quite a few years. Soon in a few months, Aclaris will start trials for AGA. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and feet on the ground.

          Within a few months we shall know the results!

      2. Perhaps because JAKs will need to be used for the rest of a persons life and Christiano is also looking at a permanent solution for those who don’t want to keep applying topical forever

        1. It also could be that it leads to further research and possibilities with other areas of the human body

          I don’t think (hopefully) it is a reflection of her lack of belief in JAKs for treatment of AGA

  11. Why I have Extreme Hopes for JAK.

    Christano described JAK as the most Robust hair growth drug she has ever seen. And it has been proven to work as Well As In Our Deams but just for AA the hairloss at least for now.

    2018 Year of Our Hair Back.


  12. Hi Admin- Given the rumours that have been swirling and that it’s been exactly a year since the last update, could you contact Fidia for a Brotzu update?

  13. Spoke with a leading pathologist at a party recently regarding JAK inhibitors, he Wasn’t aware of the research into them as a cure for MPB but was absolutely horrified that it’s being considered. Upsetting the jak-stat pathway is a ridiculously dangerous thing to do to yourself and it opens the door to serious illness

    1. Surely if this was true JAKs wouldn’t have been FDA approved or at least there would be major concerns and Aclaris would be aware of this problem?

    2. JAK is a very specialized area. Hence why he didn’t know about the hair research for it. It also renders his opinion virtually meaningless. Even world renowned JAK researches opinions can be rendered meaningless with every new finding in the JAK -related research community.

      Cool anecdote though.

    3. They have been using oral JAKs on patients with alopecia areata regularly for at least 5 years now. Hopefully we get good statistics on whether cancer rates in those patients are above what would normally be expected depending on each age group.

      I would only be comfortable using JAKs after at least 10 years of solid data showing zero chance of increased cancer risks.

  14. There are companies that will run clinical trials for you (in china, and so forth). If we could crowdfund 50k, we could pay professionals to run a trial.

  15. I believe that doctor friend of yours is partly right. Jaks are serious drugs and even christiano mentioned this. However, aclaris wouldn’t at least I hope they would test a drug that could make us really sick long term. Many pharmaceutical companies test drugs and clear them for use and then you see all the suits come out a decade later due to serious side effects. Not saying this will happen with jaks but I wouldn’t be surprised. The good thing is that they cleared phase 1 for topical jak for safety which is a good sign. Like the admin, I would wait 10 yrs before trying this stuff. I like follica method better and I’m hoping it works very well. Simple dermabrasion and nightly topicals that are approved already. All I know is that something better come out in 2018…anything…tired of waiting for this sht! 18 years now for me and using the same stone age treatments of the big 3. I guess I shouldn’t complain since the generation before us didn’t have anything…..

  16. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. In the past I have discussed Polaris Research nr-11 topical spray (minoxidil sulfate 11% + finasteride 0.1% topical) on here. It seems the polaris line is now rebranded as Follics, and is owned by Sapphire Healthcare LLC.

    Follics FR-12 is of particular interest to me. There exists evidenced-based primary literature published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that substantiate all the active ingredients in the topical blend. All thats missing is randomized controlled trials of the FR-12 blend’s efficacy in regards to the synergy of the active ingredients.

    Link to Sapphire Healthcare LLC trademarks:

    Follics website:

  17. Also, I don’t want to give away or disclose my identity. BUT I THINK ITS IMPORTANT TO SHARE THIS!!!

    I’m not sure if it’s possible or if Follics is attempting to become licensed as a compounding pharmacy, but if they were to do so then licensed healthcare providers with prescribing power in the United States could prescribe the Follics products to patients and the products could be shipped to the patient!

    Of note, the only work around I know of to obtaining the remaining Polaris Research nr products at this time is through & will also supply the Follics FR products in the near future. HOWEVER, Minoxidil 15 Express is currently using Xoom, a service of paypal, for transactions for their products and there’s currently a dispute between Minoxidil 15 Express (based in UK) and paypal since paypal new cross border transaction requires license to license transaction or purchase from a website registered in the same country (the United States). BIG PHARMA is undoubtedly partly playing into this as the R-word (Rog***e) minoxidil product is trying to stop US citizens from obtaining these products!!! Share and fight back!!!!!!

  18. Just convert them to “digest” format. You’ll only get max 3 per phrase, but you can get that daily, so you should be covered. Leave the ones you never hit on, because, maybe some day you will.

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