I am still skeptical about low level laser therapy (LLLT) for hair regrowth. A number of new studies support the benefits of light energy towards hair growth, but the evidence is still somwhat limited.
Nevertheless, it seems like the best laser hair growth devices are not causing any bad side effects in people. And average product reviews tend to be at least 3 out of 5 stars or higher. Moreover, each year brings brings new FDA-cleaered products into the market.
New Theradome Videos
The Theradome laser helmet has been getting especially frequent coverage by the media of late. The company has just published new videos on its YouTube channel.
Theradome also garnered good publicity this month via a Bloomberg article on Theradome and its CEO Tamim Hamid. Make sure to also check out my reviews of other laser devices on this site such as iRestore.
I am Leonard Stillman, Director of Professional Services at Lexington International, LLC, manufacturers of the HairMax LaserComb. This post is NOT for commercial purposes, but is to notify your readers of a landmark clinical paper that was published in April 2014, in the peer-review medical journal, The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. The article provides complete information on 4 studies with 225 subjects, which conclusively proved the efficacy and safety of the HairMax LaserComb in treating male and female pattern hair loss.
The article is entitled: Efficacy and Safety of a Low-level Laser Device in the Treatment of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Device-controlled, Double-blind Study
Below is a link to the complete article:
We invite your readers to visit our website to see if the HairMax LaserComb is right for them.