Category Archives: Spencer Stevenson

Joe Tillman and Spencer Stevenson: Part Two

in 2013, I wrote my first post about Joe Tillman (aka Jotronic) and Spencer Stenson (aka Spexhair). They met in person for the first time, and it was recorded on video.

I was considering writing my final post of 2016 on things to look forward to in 2017. However, I felt it would be somewhat repetitive in nature. Instead, it is worth discussing Joe and Spencer yet again. Note that both are now also affiliated with the Bald Truth Show. Joe in the US version, and Spencer in the UK version.

Joe Tillman’s 25,000 Transplanted Hair Follicles

For almost two decades, Canada-based Jotronic (aka Joe Tillman) has steadily revolutionized online hair transplant related photo and video documentation. His website is called HairTransplantMentor.

First, earlier today Joe Tillman released an excellent and very instructive video for those who are thinking of getting a hair transplant. I did not realize that he has had 25,000 (!) hair follicles moved from the back of his scalp to the front and crown of his scalp over the years (in 9 separate surgeries including one scar revision).

Note that “follicles” is different from “follicular units” or “grafts”. Joe’s transformation has been very impressive and he is very honest about all the pros and cons of his “new” transplanted hair. I still cannot believe his before and after hair transplant transformation considering that his first two bad hair transplants occurred almost 24 years ago. FYI — click on the title of the below video to open in a separate page.

Spencer Stevenson Takes Dutasteride

UK-based Spex (aka Spexhair aka Spencer Stevenson) became heavily active online a few years after Jotronic. However, he seems to have a knack for getting interviews from various newspapers and publications, especially in the UK. He has had 13 hair transplant procedures in his life. Make sure to check out my post on people who have have become addicted to hair transplants.

I was very pleased to learn that Spencer recently started using Dutasteride to treat his hair loss. He is documenting his results with photos here.

I have discussed Dutasteride (brand name Avodart) numerous times on this blog. It is basically Finasteride (brand name Propecia) on steroids, with more hair growth benefits as well as more potential side effects.

There are quite a few internet testimonials that you can find of old men who got on Dutasteride (to treat enlarged prostates) and saw hair growing on parts of their scalp that were bald for decades. Something that is extremely hard to do. You can read about some great positive results in my post on Dutasteride for hair loss reviews and ratings.

When Avodart first came out onto the market in 2002 (after FDA approval at the end of 2001), hair loss forum members all over the world were going berserk with excitement. I miss those days when it seem liked Dutasteride was the ultimate cure for hair loss. Everyone was counting the days till the pending product release with extreme levels of hope and hysteria. Unfortunately, the drug was not a miracle for most people who already had significant hair loss.

So instead of hairlosscure2002, here I am talking about hairlosscure2020.

Happy Holidays Everyone!