For the purposes of this post, I have equated the UK to be the same as Great Britain (or British). I did not want to use only one of those names repeatedly throughout the text.
Long-time readers of this blog will know that I include links from the UK’s Daily Mail more frequently than from any other newspaper in the world. The Daily Mail is superb when it comes to covering the latest developments in the hair loss world, including sometimes very technical science and research related breakthroughs. Very surprising, considering all the trashy content and pop-up ads throughout this paper’s website. They have hired a good team to cover both celebrity and scientific hair loss related news.
Having said that, other major UK based newspapers such as Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Metro, The Sun, The Independent, Daily Express, London Evening Standard, The Times and BBC (online only) all have very good coverage when it comes to hair loss news.
British media hair loss related content has been especially prolific and interesting this past couple of weeks. Something sorely lacking in the US.
Some interesting recent hair related stories from the UK:
Metro: Drastic weight loss leads to hair darkening and thickening
Really hard to believe this August 29th story from Metro. A man named Brian Mcauley lost over 100 pounds (lbs) of weight. Then his completely white hair became entirely dark. On top of that, his hair became thicker than before. He sounds quite sincere, but of course this seems ludicrous.
The Guardian: How close is a cure for baldness?
On August 31st, The Guardian published an interesting article on how close we are to a cure for baldness. While the author omits discussion of most of the potential future cures and treatments for hair loss, he does provide an update on osteoporosis drug WAY-316606. He also discusses its related hair loss drug’s potential clinical trials via Italian company Giuliani Pharma.
Apparently, Dr. Nathan Hawkshaw has stopped research work in this area, but Giuliani Pharma hopes to take his findings and proceed to clinical trials. Very unlikely that we will see this drug come to market anytime in the next 3-4 years even if trials do proceed on time.
The Guardian article also mentions RiverTown’s RT1640, which involves a similar treatment mechanism, but via the direct use of Cyclosporine A and several other compounds.
Daily Mail: An egg a day keeps hair loss at bay
On September 1st, The Daily Mail covered some unusual recent findings from Japan regarding egg yolks potentially helping stimulate hair growth. These scalp hair benefits all stem from the VEGF growth factor protein found in egg yolks. Unfortunately, this hair stimulation from egg-based VEGF is too minimal to take this research seriously. Nevertheless, an interesting story.
BBC: Fighting against my receding hairline
While the BBC does not have a print edition, historically it has always been the world’s most well known and longest running English language news source when it come to TV and radio mediums. Even for online news during the past two decades, the BBC has an edge over CNN as the world’s foremost news source.
On September 4th, BBC online had an interesting video about a British guy treating his hair loss via a hair transplant in Turkey. Make sure to read my post on the dangers of getting a hair transplant abroad.
The Sun: David Beckham hair transplant
On August 24th, The Sun had a headline claiming that famous former soccer player David Beckham just became one of a growing number of celebrities who has had a hair transplant.
On September 7th, the same Sun newspaper changed its mind and asked: “Has David Beckham had a hair transplant?”
The Telegraph: Conman dupes retirees to pay for hair transplant
A September 11th story from The Telegraph is not as shocking to me as it may seem to others. One guy became so desperate for hair, that he decided to rob an elderly couple with dementia. The stolen funds were subsequently used to pay for a hair transplant.
Never thought I’d see the Daily Mail described as “Superb”…
Anyone who covers hair loss news regularly is “superb” and all past sins are forgiven.
So say we all.
British is the accepted adjective for the UK
Even if the latter includes Northern Island and the former does not?
Yes but it is awkward saying “a UK firm” or “a UK favorite”. If you say British, people know you could mean UK. Funny, Northern Irish cars carry the country designator GB on their plates.So that even includes the “great”!
@Admin : Great Britain is England + Wales + Scotland
UK is all of that + Irland
Yup. Though Ireland is different from Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland is part of the UK and is therefore British.
Great Britain is different from UK. British is something different you are bringing into the conversation.
I live in the UK.
The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The Republic of Ireland is a separate country. Soon the UK is set to leave the European Union. Ireland will still remain in it.
Between England and Ireland is a small island called the Isle of Man; classed as one of the UK’s many special overseas administrative regions with its own degree of autonomy, much like China’s Hong Kong.
Can we just talk hair please
The results of the JAK study for alopecia is Areta are out . About a 50% success rate which is great for those that have that condition. Mark my words- it will be a flop for MPB! Sorry Nasa , but logically it won’t work !
Fingers crossed for one of the other companies to pull through.
@daniel: can you share a link for alopecia Areata result ?
daniel, 50% success rate is horrible for 50% of sufferers. It looks to me like Riken has the only solution… Make new hair follicles. Of course, we all know they’ll grow perfectly in mice, but not in humans.. grrr… okay, I’m officially disgruntled.
Those are results for JAK inhibitors that were taken orally. Also you completely misintepreted the results.
Sorry but I think you should let other people speak on this very topic.
Do you have a link for the AA trials which Dniel mentioned?
Do you have a link for AA results? As Daniel just mentioned a 50% success rate, but didn’t include a link for us to evaluate his claim
@hairy. Agreed!
Thanks for sharing – I came on to post this.
So basically, I’m between just shaving it off and admitting defeat, or getting on Propecia as a last throw of the dice. And this is terrifying. The explanation given for persistent side effects, damage to neuro transmitters and the nervous system – is making me question everything.
Don’t think I’ll touch it.
Very nice post @longion. Stop that sh*t aka propecia now.
Very nice post @longion. Propecia is a deplorable drug. Do not listen other people.
topical JAK should give results for mbp because inflammation is envolved… but let’s be realistic and say that it should give better results than the big 3 but dnt expect a full head of hair like areata cases lol… that would be silly
I bet one participant grows back 1 hair visible only by microscope and everyone in the forums will go nuts about it. It’s a miracle!
Speaking of UK, there is a conference on September 30th in London called “Get Ahead of Hairloss” (Check out their beautiful website –>
Of Interest: “New treatments on the horizon for hair loss”
by Dr Gill Westgate and “Sponsor presentation: Hair Clone UK” by Dr Claire Higgins with a Scientific Q&A Session. And a psychology presentation “Let’s talk hair loss “It’s only hair” animation” with a panel.
interesting and easy to put to the test. I guess I’ll be shopping for a sandalwood fragrance now :)
Hlscc- I have both Alopecia Areta and MPB. I have been successful growing back the AA hair loss with anti inflammatory drugs and shots etc. These treatments had zero effect on my MPB which was in the same general area .
The very fact I was successful in the inflammation reduction but not getting any sort of improvement with the mpb tells me it ain’t going to be very effective at all.
I réalisé different drugs/ different dose etc but I would have seen a tiny bit of improvement at the very least . Nada!
Jaks ain’t going to work !
This certain is an interesting article, especially the part the micro led grew more hair than minoxidil injections. But I’ll be happier with safe alternatives that can replace propecia with the same efficacy. I don’t have any problems with minox but propecia almost ended my sex life.
Good old daily mail…yet another article the other day about the benefits of sandwood oil ..if I recall correctly
I think they had a similar article about led lights being effective a couple years ago. And also hair removal laser being tweeked to grow thick full hair. However, nothing ever came of it. Hoping for SM to be released by 2020.
Admin…FYI a lot of my posts haven’t been posted on your site. Did you block them? Please let me know so I don’t take time writhing lol
Have not deleted or blocked anything from you in at least a month. Maybe two.
Cool just checking admin. Weird some of my posts recently never posted. Probably my Internet connection or browser.
Some comments go straight to the spam folder, which I do not check often. Too many links, cursing or anything that WordPress/various plugins deem as spam goes there.
Olfactory receptor OR2AT4 regulates human hair growth
PS: thank u admin, u are doing a great work!
German scientists have concluded that sandalore – a chemical often used in perfumes and soaps – is thought to release a receptor in the outer layer of hair follicles called OR2AT4 and can also slow down the death of hair cells.
I am very skeptical of this Sandalore. They said just smelling the stuff can grow hair by its odor. Weird? Well I guess they should bring it to market and see if it works or not. I’ll take anything at this point since nothing else works for me anymore.
Mjones I told you your boy Cots was going to throw another delay out there, didn’t i?!…and why doesn’t your boy Cots give us the scoop on the results of the Seti study?
Hi Tomjones. I know broooo you were right. Such a huge bummer! I was hoping for a 2019 release of follica. Who knows what will happen. He will release a solution for sure…but when? As for the seti study…I’m not sure. I never really followed it. I was into RAIN. maybe he is just waiting for SM and Seti to finish phase 3 and that into his cocktail topical. All we can do speculate now. I wish he would show us a picture of his results or something. I still do believe SM will be the next new treatment and that will be out late next year. I hear there are some political investors in SM which works in our favor. I’ll take 10% regrowth and a complete halt of hair loss progression. It ain’t much regrowth but better than nothing or snake oil brotzu.
Mjones just realize cots cant just make a seti and sm cocktail and release it to the public. He first has to make the cocktail, test it for effectiveness and safety, then tweak it etc..then go thru the trials…we are far away from such a cocktail. He is still in the research phase honestly. If u listen to the hair Congress from last year on YouTube, you will hear one of his cohorts respond to a prostaglandin question saying they are in the very earlier stages of understanding don’t get your hopes up man. I want to believe as well but remember, Cots specializes in research, he has no deadline…now SM has me intrigued…stoppage or slowing of hair loss in a safe manner is huge in my opinion.
I agree with Tomjones. He is a great researchers and the deadline theory does make sense totally. SM is going to the main drug for us. I could tell they are a legit and professional company. Moving through trials quickly and forward moving. It won’t be a cure but if it can stop hair loss and regrow cosmetic difference of new hairs and thicken existing then it will be great for me and many other diffuse low to mid level norwoods. Well follica is in their optimization study for rain and completed phase 2. So they are past preclinical and research. It’s just they are taking a long time for whatever reason that we don’t know. Political, corporate, lack of effectiveness, etc could all be at play.
Brotzu (trinov) has been listed in trinov. Indicating it will be released shortly. Priced €75 plus shipping.
Check out the HLT thread.
“Listed in Trinov” means?
Don’t worry, I never miss a post. Excellent work.
Thanks :-)
Sorry I meant listed on
75 a month for something less effective than minox. brotzu
see the FAQ it will be released december 1
Trinov. It sounds like a drug bodybuilders would use :-)
Will it be available here
You are all missing the point ! Guys even if Samumed will not be the cure , I think it’s effectiveness will be similar to minoxidiol, but It will be huge for us , it’s the first baldness treatment based on regenerative medicine, this will be the first step to get the holy grail , hair loss cure will come very slowly with small baby steps , and Samumed is the first step, hairloss cure is so far from our reach,I don’t think we will see it in our life time, but Maybe our children will have it . Btw I am a dermatologist from Israel.
Unfortunately you are right:(
If it works like the amazing effectiveness some get with minox then this will be big. I’ve seen some guys grow back 2 to 3 norwoods on Rogaine..tsuji would be the only real cure but I dont see that coming out for years. He says trials next year but doubt he can release it that quick. He needs to study the cycles, if the hair grows back, same texture, angle etc. Hair cycles take years. Maybe I’m missing something with his trials and concept.
Dear customer,
Trinov will be disponble from December with all information on prodouct.
I don’t even know where to begin to tell you how wrong you are “so far from our reach” – you base that on absolutely nothing. The technological advancement over the past years are far greater than 10 years ago. Unless you’re 80 years old or something then you’re very likely to see the holy grail in your lifetime
Roxa he is right. He is basing on all the latest advancements the past 20 years. This all points to SM, Tsuji, Sishedo. I’ve seen hundreds of baldness breakthroughs throughout since 2000 and it all leads to nowhere. You have researchers still wondering if follicles die or not. Then you have trannies who take estrogen and grow back all their nw7 hair. Proving follicles don’t die. I think what he is trying to say is that medicine does advance but it will take a very long time to see any cure hit the market. It’s just how it is. I’m happy to see SM move forward. Will we see a cure in the next 70 years…possibly but remember Japan was the first to use fue ht back in the 1930s, it didn’t become mainstream till the past 10 years. It took 80 years for that lol. Just imagine how long it will take for hair cloning to make it to market.
FUE was invented in the 30’s?
Wikipedia says 1988.
Even if it was the 30’s, the technology available back then was primitive compared to the one in the 00’s.
Tsuji has been working on Organ Germ Technology since the early 10’s. It’s been already 7-8 years.
They are testing their technology on real humans for the very first time next year, if they successfully complete the current preclinical trial (it ends in December).
Will OGT be available in 2020?
I wish, but I highly doubt it.
Nonetheless, I can see it happen in 2025-2030.
Sandalwood cure for hair loss?
Why is it ludicrous?
“Johns Hopkins investigators have used an experimental compound to successfully reverse hair loss, hair whitening and skin inflammation linked by previous studies to human diets heavy in fat and cholesterol.”
Medipost starts human trials and their pipeline shows the launch of its cosmetic in Q4/2018.
Anyone Trying out Sandalore?