Women’s Hair Loss Resources

Women's Hair Loss
Women’s hair loss treated with Histogen’s Hair Stimulating Complex.

On this page, you will find some of the leading resources for women’s hair loss. This includes female pattern hair loss as well as other types of alopecia.

Around 45 percent of this blog’s readership consists of females. One would never guess that number when considering the fact that 90 percent of the comments to my posts (and almost 100 percent of the foolish comments) are made my men.

I will update this post in more detail in the coming months, and create new posts on subjects related to women’s hair loss treatments. However, I wanted to write this post asap in order to acknowledge the neglected 45 percent. To start off, the below links are a good introduction:

Women’s Hair Loss Forums

On most of the major English language men’s hair loss forums, there are also women’s hair loss sub-forums if you scroll down a bit. There are also various separate women’s hair loss forums out there. Below I list the most active and useful ones:

Soul Cysters Women’s Hair Loss Forums (for women with Polycystic ovary syndrome — PCOS)

Hair Loss Talk Women’s Hair Loss Forums

Bald Truth Talk Women’s Hair Loss Forums

Groundbreaking Female Hair Loss Researchers

I have mentioned before that an increasing number of hair loss researchers are now female. They still account for a minority of all scientists, but the trend in most fields of study nowadays is that women are becoming increasingly more represented.

A select few of the below female researchers also have their own drmatology practices and are seeing new patients. In case you want to try contacting them in the near future. I would assume that all of them are especially experienced in advising female patients. Note that I have covered virtually all the below researchers on this blog before, and you can use the search box at the top for more information on each person.

Dr. Elaine Fuchs — She is a legend in the hair loss research world (New York, NY).

Dr. Angela Christiano — another legend in the hair loss research world, and wears a wig so has a personal interest in finding a cure. She has been the most widely covered on TV (New York, NY).

Dr. Claire Higgins — yet another hugely important person in the hair loss research world (London, United Kingdom)

Dr. Valerie Randall (Bradford, United Kingdom).

Dr. Ksenia Gnedeva (San Diego, CA and possible also Moscow, Russia).

Dr. Valerie Horsley (New Haven, CT).

Dr. Ekaterina Vorotelyak — (Moscow, Russia).

Dr. Sarah Millar (Philadelphia, PA).

Dr. Maria Hordinsky (Minneapolis, MN).

Dr. Jennifer Kloepper (Lübeck, Germany).

Dr. Ulrike Blume-Peytavi (Berlin, Germany).

Dr. Annika Vogt (Berlin, Germany).

Dr. Antonella Tosti (Miami, FL).

Dr. Wilma Bergfeld (Cleveland, OH).

Dr. Mayumi Ito (New York, NY).

Dr. Elise Olsen (Durham, NC).

3 thoughts on “Women’s Hair Loss Resources”

  1. Good work admin, sometimes when you think a problem only has an impact on you and your gender its quite easy to become a little selfish and self absorbed. Excellent job on providing links to support forums for the female readership and also reminding us hair loss isn’t just a male problem. Keep it up!

  2. Thank you! I really enjoy your blog. It is great to find such a wealth of information. Your posts on research are always interesting, exciting, and they give me hope.

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