Is it Time to buy Allergan (AGN) Stock?

Note: I am no expert in stock market trading and I currently hold no Allergan (AGN) shares in my portfolio. If I were a bit wealthier, I would seriously consider buying a few hundred shares of the pricey AGN stock.

I have discussed Allergan (of Botox fame) several times on this blog during the past year. The company has had an extremely eventful 2015. In March of this year, it was acquired by Ireland’s Actavis, but the acquiring company then changed its name to Allergan, probably because the latter is so much more widely known than the former.

More importantly for us hair loss sufferers, in June of this year Allergan acquired Kythera Biopharmaceuticals. As a result, Allergan now holds the rights to three potentially blockbuster products (the first two are related to hair loss).

Allergan: Bimatoprost, Setipiprant and Kybella

  1. Bimatoprost (prostamide — aka prostaglandin-ethanolamide — analog). This is not exactly a PGE2 analog as is often mistakenly cited on internet forums. Sales will depend on the clinical trial results that I hope will be published any day in the next several months. If effective, I would guess that sales will be drastically higher than lower-dose Bimatoprost products currently sold by Allergan = i.e., Latisse (around $150 million annual sales) and Lumigan (around $600 million annual sales). Maybe $1 billion in 2017 sales if the product really has a better effect than Minoxidil and it is released in 2016? I am just throwing around numbers here so a financial expert can perhaps post comments with better forecasting.
  2. Setipiprant (KYTH-105 — selective oral antagonist to the PGD2 receptor). Still several years before clinical trials for hair loss are completed, but numerous other clinical trials for other conditions have been completed on humans with no major side effects. Maybe this pre-existing safety profile will speed up Allergan’s trials, especially in combination with newer regulations from the 21st Century Cures Act. Kythera also submitted an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) for Setipiprant to the US FDA a few weeks ago. If extremely effective, sales would easily hit a few billion dollar per year in say 2020, but this is too much speculation so early in the process. Note: Numerous people on hair loss forums are already testing Setipiprant, but I have not closely followed how they are getting their product and whether its topical or oral. If there are many positive anecdotal reports on this in the next year, I will have to seriously consider borrowing money to buy at least several hundred shares of AGN stock.
  3. KybellaTM (ATX -101 — a patented formulation of deoxycholic acid) injected into the face to eliminate double chins. This product was approved by the FDA in April 2015 and is already in use at 100s of clinics in the US. Unlike the case with Botox, results from Kybella supposedly last for years. Waiting lists are already being created in countries that have not yet been granted licenses to use Kybella. It is worth following realself Kybella reviews to see if the product is all that it is touted to be (keeping in mind fake or flaky reviews). One article I read suggests that Allergan expects annual sales of $500 million for this product in a few years, and the patents on it run out around 2025-2030. However, there are some sources that suggest that that this product could be used for other purposes (love handles?) illegally/with doctor approval too. Is it possible that Allergan can make much more in Kybella sales than they expect? Moreover, it seems like it is fairly simple and cheap to manufacture this Kybella product.

Note: Allergan’s total company sales in the first half of 2015 were $10 billion.

Like many hair loss forum members, I have been much more optimistic about Setipiprant than about Bimatoprost. Clinical trial results of Bimatoprost used at a higher dose on scalp hair have been delayed for many months, although that does not necessarily mean that the results were too weak.

I should note that I have read some positive testimonials about Bimatoprost on hair loss forums, and it is almost impossible that an Allergan representative is posting such testimonials. Hopefully Bimatoprost turns out to be at the very least as effective as Minoxidil, while Setipiprant turns out to be even more effective and capable of growing new hair (or turning vellus hair back into terminal hair).

Is Allergan Preparing to Release Bimatoprost for Hair Loss?

In any event, the main reason for writing this post was because several days ago a member on the Baldtruthtalk forums posted an interesting link regarding Allergan expanding its plant in Waco, Texas. The expansion is due to the addition of new processing equipment for packaging. While the company’s VP of operations declined to name the products for which the packaging would be needed, there is a good chance that it might be for Bimatoprost. The plant already makes weaker versions of Bimatoprost (Latisse and Lumigan). Moreover, the VP of operations said something very interesting:

We will be producing new packaging for new and existing products, and we could see the need to hire more people by the third quarter of 2016 if demand for these products increases.

Blog readers who live in Texas, please go to Waco and do some ground research! Buy one of the workers at this plant lunch and beer to get some inside information. Look around for any paper trails or early arrival of packaging material labeled with anything with the words “Bimatoprost” or “hair” in it.

91 thoughts on “Is it Time to buy Allergan (AGN) Stock?”

  1. Very interesting admin! I am waiting in hopeful anticipation for some type of announcement before the end of the year. I’m currently pretty broke but I’m hoping by the time something useful comes out I’ll be able to afford it!

  2. i promised my self that ill make hair transplant in feb , i hope cure will be found before February :) thank you Admin for everything

  3. Daniel don’t do hair transplant. No cure will be here by feb. Maybe Feb 2030.

    Good find admin! Hopefully this new plant is being developed for Bim release in 2016. Only thing that concerns me as that many doctors are prescribing latisse off label for hair loss. I haven’t seen much success or impressive results. Dr Baumann has a few patients using it but I never saw a real difference in begone after pics. My dermatologist prescribed me to me and said to use one drop on each temple and a couple at the crown to thicken things up. Not sure if it’s worth the money

    1. mjones, you don’t know when it will happen, you tell the guy not to make a HT and then says it will take 15 years, as you knew , and want him to hear you. C’mon..

      And get informed better. Bimatoprost won’t work, you will waste your money, much more if you use Latisse instead of Lumigan, they are the same thing. But neither WONT WORK because dosage is way less than the last tests, which were not published yet. Maybe this new version has yielded better results, hopefully much better… maybe we know it next month, let’s see.

  4. Turns out the CEO bought 1,000 shares of his own stock on August 21st. Seems you are offering strong financial advice, admin!

  5. I’m sure they’re going to release this product even before they can perfect it because they know we’re still going to try anything new on the market as long as it promises “some” result. Look how much useless Fin and Minox are still selling.

    by the way, isn’t this stuff going to change your eye color or something? I remember reading something about it before…
    not that I’m worried since I have brown eyes.

    1. If I remember correctly, one of the side effects of latisse was a possibility of darkened eyelids. Not sure if this will carry over into the use of bim on the scalp and create a darkened scalp or not though. I’d still be willing to give it a shot probably.

      1. Great, if it still darkened the scap, isn’t there those paints to conceal a bald scalp or thin hair.. if it darkens, even the better, don’t you think?

  6. Sorry for off topic. Admin, what dose/frequency finasteride do you take and is it effective for you with no sides? Thanks, appreciate your opinion.

    1. Hi Bill, I take 1.25mg every second day. I am certain it helped my crown. Not sure about the front…maybe very slightly.

      Also not entirely sure about sides…might have made me gain some weight and caused slight reduction in libido, but both issues might also just be due to getting older and sitting on a computer 8 hrs a day for my work:-(

      FYI — for future reference, if you have a question related to a particular subject such as Finasteride, try to find that subject from the categories menu, and post the question in a related blog post. I see all comments right away, even if you make them to very old posts. Thanks.

  7. I believe they need to increase the percentage of bim for results not the amount and the absorption vehicle so that it penetratres the scalp better. If this stuff is capable of making peach fuzz and those mini dark hairs that can’t turn terminal thick healthy hair then this will be a breakthrough for low Norwoods. Nw 1 to 3.5

    1. Not sure why he would say that when they have not even released the clinical trial results yet. What if the results were not so great?

  8. MJONES, please stop commenting on this blog. Your pessimism is not appreciated at all. I believe you’ve been called out numerous times, and then you temporarily change, but always revert back to your old ways. You are not a scientist, nor do you have any insight as to what is happening in this field. This blog would be better without you.

  9. And if you’re not sure that a cure won’t be here until 2030, then you should LEAVE, as this blog goes against your own beliefs.

    1. Give the guy a break. The way things are moving, I don’t disagree with him. It will take a monumental effort to have anything close to a cure in the next decade.. and that’s being a tad optimistic!

  10. Thank you Athmane:) I am a realist not a pessimist. I may not be a scientist but don’t expect a full head of hair in 2020 if you are a nw6. The science isn’t even there yet. This is coming from the exact words for a University of Pennsylvania researcher dermatologist that I visited 2 months ago about hair loss. So tell her she is wrong not me. I do however believe by 2020 low Norwoods nw 1 to 3.5 will have great options to fill in thicker density with seti or samumed.

    1. You’re wrong mjones really sorry. Link:

      Bimatoprost for scalp will be release in 2016-2017 FOR SURE.

      ALL the companies are moving in secret very well (Allergan, Samumed, Follica, Intrepid Therapeutics, even histogen …) (I’m sorry if I let any company).
      FINALLY we HAVE A BETTER TREATMENT FOR MPB. Better treatment than Propecia and Minoxidil. We want it. Do you understand this?



      1. That’s an reposted article from March 7, 2014?
        Please correct that.

        Mjones is right. Setipiprant is the ONLY thing that will be able to stop pattern baldness. Pgd2 inhibition is one of the most important discoveries in hair biology next to cloning and that will be a while before finding and trials take place(if it ever does). Setipiprant was the cheapest pgd2 drug available and is basically why it was chosen, besides the fact that it has been through multiple trials and tested out safely.

        In order to get regrowth, pgd2 MUST be inhibited so that constriction and inflammation is no longer present and then pge2 must be elevated. It will still be a while before both of the treatments for this are released.

        It’s unfortunate that we are stuck going bald even on fin and dut. The “CURE” in terms of halting hairloss could be seti. And that’s a big maybe. But by 2020, it’s HIGHLY DEBATABLE as mjones has stated. And I don’t think bim will be released without setipiprant because they compliment each other and are under development by the same company since the acquisition. 2 years is unlikely.

        1. We don’t talk about a cure….We talk about new treatment for MPB better than Minoxidil and Propecia (Finasteride) will be released in 2 or 3 years. That’s all. Do you understand that? And, setipiprant have a strong security profile and it begins phase IIB for MPB.

          Take care ” Emperor Alopecia”….

  11. Admin I will find the exact article where the ceo said that he would release Bim in 2019. I agree with you that it’s a weird statement to say before completion of clinical trials. Or he already knows the efficiency of the drug for scalp hair.

  12. We all want a complete cure that can turn a completely bald head hairy again. But alot will also be very very satisfied with something better than Fin (or equal but with less sides) to maintain and slow down further loss.

  13. Science guy I am saying these things to keep your expectations realistic and for you to not get all crushed when a new treatment doesn’t meet your unrealistic expectations. I hope I am 100%wrong and you all kick my ass for being wrong but look at the results of these new upcoming treatments…wait I forgot they haven’t showed a single picture of anything. Histogen showed a pic of a woman with minimal temple growth. It looked like toppic to be honest lol

    1. Do us all a favor and find another blog to troll. If you don’t share the same idealism as everyone else, maybe you should start your own blog and leave us all alone.

  14. Totally agree Guest! If it can stop further loss and grow back a Norwood or two that would be awesome. I think that is within reach

  15. Science guy you are right. This feb the cure for hair loss will be released by allergan or whatever company. All hair transplant doctors will close up shop since they will be put out of business. Rogaine and propecia will be obsolete and all nw7 will be nw 1. All the high level dermatologist researchers including cotsarelis is wrong too. I personally believe you need to leave this forum. You don’t know a thing about business development, medical treatment pipeline time frames or medical research in general. There will not be a cure for hair loss in 5 years don’t be stupid. A better treatment most definitely! I asked numerous dermatologists and doctors and they laughed when I asked if a cure for hair loss will come out in 5 years. They laughed! They said within 20 years we will have hair cloning available to give you a full head of hair. So technically you are the troll for giving false hope.
    Admin sorry for the negativity but I do really appreciate all these articles you bring out:) Knowing that better Treatments are soon within reach.

  16. I never said there would be a cure within 5 years. I urge you to read my comments again. All I said was that on every post, you post some stupid negative comment about the cure being like a billion years away. I’m not the only one that called you out for this. If you don’t think there will be a cure soon, go find another blog.

  17. And If you really want to look at this thing approached from another way, look up crispr/cas9 genome editing. Being able to alter your genetic material to manipulate hair growth shouldn’t be all that impossible.

  18. I think that real cure (via IPSC) is possible in about a decade, maybe faster in Japan due to law for cell therapies. In 2-6 years however I am quite sure that hair loss scene will look completely diffrent: Seti, CB and Replicel will give us real options for maintanance, bim, SM and Kerastem would be good for regrowth. And I don’t agree that only for low norwoods: even for higher, like NW5 etc. (if they have good donor) it would be possible to stop that disease, have some regrowth and fill the rest with FUE/FUT (or maybe Piloscopy!). Surgeons should really look forward to theses meds, because thanks to them there will be much more HT candidates and having a surgery will be more secure. HT now with top doctors may be really great, but the problem is no options to halt further loss (only fin). I think it’s quite realistic scenario that this state of affair will be dramatically changed soon.

  19. Science guy I am staying on this forum just to annoy you:) Learn to love my comments haha. BTW would you really alter your genes and DNA to grow hair? That is something I wouldn’t mess with.

    Barthes you make a very solid point. HT will get more business if these treatments pan out and perform as novel treatments compared to fin and min. I am pessimistic because I have been learking on these forums since 2001 and we have gotten jack sht since then. Just crap topical like neogenics and snake oils. All these amazing companies like intercytex and Aderans failed. There hasn’t been a single photo of a person from any trial grow a ton of hair. Like real thick terminal hair making a straight hairline again or completely filling in bald crown.

    1. histogen’s photos look amazing her entire temple region grew back.. into thick robust hair .. look again .. that’s the best result i’ve ever seen from a clinical hair trial.. and i understand your frustration, but i have to disagree with you .. companies like Samumed, histogen, replicel, allergan, etc …i believe are really trying to cure this scourge.. mostly for self interest.. they recognize the hair loss market is a huge marke and want a piece of the pie.. people have lost interest in propecia and minoxidil.. because of side effects and daily usage for both products…

  20. Paul Phoenix I use a drop of latisse to each temple for the past 3 weeks. I have nothing but more miniaturized hairs and rapid recession. I am not too hopefully on bim. I still believe that internals like seti will be the way to go. The problem is within and you must attack it within. I hope you are right about new release of drugs in 2016 because I need it badly. Nothing is working anymore

    1. As I’ve said, pgd2 must be inhibited and regrowth can begin. Bim works of off pgf2 which sucks compared to just using pge2 since it’s basically it’s biproduct

  21. I think you’re a good guy mjones. I can’t force you to be optimistic, but what’s the alternative? And I don’t think gene editing is as dangerous as you think. If we can isolate the gene that controls hair growth and modify, I don’t think the ramifications would be too bad.

  22. Dark prince I have to disagree about the picture. It doesn’t look like thick hair to me. It just looks like toppic. I can still see her scalp through the temple hair. Come on now, you have to agree with me on that. The big question is why don’t they show the results on a mpb man scalp? For all we know she just had some TE and needed a booster to grow back the hair that wasn’t lost due to androgens.

    1. Alright i accept that it’s not a perfect result.. but it does seem it grew some hair.. maybe Histogen will perfect their technique in their final clinical trial.. but i do believe these companies are really trying and certainly would not damage their credibility by falsifying study results.. the risk for that action would outweigh any benefit

  23. I like samumed, follica and seti. Revolutionary treatments that focus on stem cell revitalization, internal blocking of pgd2 that shows great promise. I really hope bim surprises us all and that allergen powered up its strength and can grow some good regrowth. If they can come out with a treatment that can stop hairloss dead on and grow back 20,000 hairs on top of scalp then I would pay whatever amount they asked for:)

    Science guy let’s clear the slate and start off fresh again:) I am just pissed off because I did all the right things: got on propecia at the start of hair loss , ate clean diet, exercised and maintained a thick Norwood 1.5 for 12 years. Just seeing my hair thin after 12 years of success because propecia stopped working all of a sudden with no life or health changes is just a kick in the balls. I see my temples and crown thin every month so quickly. It’s scary! I doubled the dose if fin to 2mg. Added rogaine, scalp massages, now a drop of latisse to each scalp which was recommended by my dermatologist and still losing ground. Something needs to come out before it’s too late and I lose all my hair. It’s hard to be optimistic when nothing works out.

  24. I understand your frustrations, mjones. I specifically became a biology major so I could get into hair biology, although I would love for a cure to be found so I can research something else. Is there anything we can do to expedite research and development? I’m only an undergraduate and obviously far brighter minds than mine have failed to come up with a cure, but maybe there is something we can do.

  25. That is an excellent field to be in science guy:) As for speeding up the process for a cure most likely is out of our reach. It’s all determined by ceo and pharmaceutical companies, fda blah blah blah. This may sound like a joke but I bet the cure or great treatment already exists. Could be injecting propecia to the scalp to block dht direct or high potent rogaine like 50% minox. Lol. I would laugh if my assumption was true. I read somewhere that the ancient Greeks, aka hippocrates had cures for cancer, diabetes and other diseases but they have been removed from society or locked away to never be released. I actually believe it. Ancient greeks were brilliant with medicine, architecture and astronomy. This was 3000 years ago with no high tech gadgets. I think over a span of 3000 years those remedies and ancient treatments would have been advanced.

  26. Topical minox is bull above 15%. And ru58841 already black ar receptors lol so that fin thing won’t work. The REAL cure would have came from lausters team, but they will never get funding. Replicel/sheseido I did have hopes in, but by 2018 not so sure. I’m telling you, setipiprant WILL halt hairloss. And then you need to either get a transplant, or play around with further pgd2 compounds topically or pge2/pge1/pgf2(bim), etc..

    I believe that internal AA’s have issues with systematic changes that occur and feed back loops the body has. It’s just not. Long standing treatment. Hopefully we will get some updates from the hairloss congress and admin will clue us in. I know he is in contact with several forum members

  27. Emperor do you think seti will grow hair or just stop it from falling out. I think it might actually give us some density. Especially any weak thinning hair. Those could turn healthy again

    1. SETI won’t regrow hair. It could DEFINITELY help the hair to grow stronger and stronger through cycles because when hair enters catagen, pgd2 levels rise significantly. Without that increase, hair and scalp will become healthier and thicker with each progression through anagen, catagen, and telogen. Or so we hope

  28. Nobody seemed to see my other comment so i will post it again as a reply .. i think the Cure’s Act will pass and will help expedite the process of bringing out successful treatments faster ….
    I have been following some interesting developments lately. The 9th World Hair Congress in November will be interesting. Both Samumed and Replicel will have members of their team speaking at the congress. Samumed will have Dr. Sarah Millar, and Replicel .. Dr Roff Hoffman. Samumed’s Initial Phase II Clinical Trial finishes this month October that includes data collection, they might present there findings at the congress next month. Samumed’s supplementary trial finishes in feb 2016 which will include punsh biopsy biomarkers. If the 21st century Cures Act passes and i believe it will because of the intense lobbying behind it by biotech, pharma, and other interested firms and groups, then samumed may be able to skip phase III and have a product on the market by mid 2016 hopefully. Replicel’s Hoffman might share data for their clinical trials in Japan and elsewhere… and i checked on youtube the CEO of Histogen has uploaded a short video clip 2 months ago of their companies mission statement.. i’m hopefully optimistic about all this.. REPLICEL will also be presenting at this month’s stem cell mesa conference on the 8th of October.. i’m not sure if they will be talking about their hair trials though.. Here is the link to the mesa conference, be sure to check out the live webcast feed if u can.. and in addition here is the SAMUMED Phase II studies links ..

    Link to the webcast.. it doesn’t always work though.. (I JUST WANT TO ADD THAT THIS CONFERENCE ENDS TOMORROW OCT 9th and REPLICEL’s Lee Buckler has already presented.. perhaps they will upload the presentation to youtube sometime soon)

    1. The cures act is currently stuck at the senate unfortunately.. You should read over the guidelines of it. SETI has a better chance because there is a clause in the act about repurposing drugs for other illnesses (asthma to aga).

      Sm’s wnt signaling is very important and it seemed that hair growth resumed after a year of the treatment. That’s the type of treatment we would like to have.

      I agree with their importance in this.

  29. Dark prince, histogen the company? Also i think sandford burham was the closest to a cure they pratically fixed the problem now just a matter of funding and time for human trials

  30. Good morning. MJones can you please provide honest feedback about your experience with latisse? I xan tell you I tried it several times in the past and it caused my glands to produce ridiculous amounts of sebum so of course I stopped.
    As for those that are upset with mjones about his take on thinhs and how he is being negative. Well he doesnt want tl get his hopes up only to be let down. I feel the same way. Why would he get all excited over an article about bim that days they stopped their trials and are back to doi mg research??? That doesnt excite me either. We have read so many articles in the past that have gotten our hopes up. Seriously I am confused as to why people are saying bim will be out next year? Did I read a different article?
    Mjones I did the same thing you did. I went to Penn and spoke directly to one of their dermatologists who works hand in hand with cots. I also spoke to Garza a few years back. Why would m jones get excited about these posts or articles when he went right to a main source and they told him otherwise. I am a realist and refuse to get excited until a product is in phase three with reports of strong safety and effectiveness. Mjones do you live in the philadelphia area as well?

    1. The excitement is due to the expectation that the latest trials, using a higher dosage and improving absorption, may have yielded better results. That is why this article/post was written, the suspect that Allergan is planning for a release, which would indicate the new version worked better. That’s why there’s some excitement, got it??

  31. Hi Tom, thank you for the support buddy. This what I have been saying haha. I went to the mecca of hsir loss research in the country. University of Penn. There is definitely new and better treatment in the pipeline but the doctors and researchers said that in 5 years this will hit market. However, bim could be the first one out. Tom I live in thr DC area. I spoke with Dr susan Taylor who works under cotsarelis. She attends all the dermatologist conferences and hair loss conferences globally. I highly doubt she us wrong about new treatments. However, she could be lying to protect secrecy of product developmebt.

    As for latisse, this is my 3rd week on it. I pit one drop on each temple and one on the swirl of my crown where it’s thinning. No results yet, just further recession . I have been using rogaine at night for 10 months. Some thickening in the crown with that at month 4 but lost gains this past summer when I went to Italy. My crown took a big hit. Hopefully that was just a shed and that my hair grows back. As for increased sebum, haven’t really noticed. During the day my scalp is dry not oily, when I wake up in thr morning my scalp is oily but isn’t that normal? I work out at the gym before I sleep so that could just be the swear build up. I don’t wash my hair at nighy just my body to clean off the gym.

  32. Hey julian you are probably right about latisse. I purchased one bottle. If I don’t see any result I won’t purchase another. My dermatologist was pushing that I try it so I took his advice. Maybe he just wanted to make a sale since he saw how miserable I felt about losing my hair. Typical doctors feeding off the hair loss sufferers lol.
    As for the hair transplant, I still don’t recommend him doing it. That sht looks like it really hurts. I saw a few YouTube videos on the procedure and post op. Omg his head was all cut up, blood and stitches everywhere. Looks horrific! Then you have 50 percent chance all your grafts will grow back and 100 percent chance of linear or circle spot scars all over the back of your head. If they mess up or you lose further hair down the road you can shave your head. You will have that big ass scar in the back of your head. That is just my opinion. He can do whatever he wants but I think it’s a barbaric procedure that needs to be obsolete. We should have cell transplantation as the main method now.

    1. I completely agree. Hair transplants seem utterly barbaric and stupid. Also, if one was to get a HT, I’d wonder how that would affect your future possibilities of being able to grow back. I don’t imagine messing around with the follicles would be good for that.

    2. I prefer a wig than a hair transplant myself, by the way.

      I’ve tried not LATISSE but its cheaper, much cheaper version, but its the same thing, LUMIGAN.. its the exact same formula but its much more cheap, so if you want to try, its better for you.

      For me, it didn’t help, didn’t get worse or better. didn’t observe any growth coming, or thickening, so I gave up. I’ve tried for about 6 months, just some drops in the temples, the easiest part for me to monitor. Didn’t apply it on all the scalp because it’s too little – 3 ml – and expensive. But if I had seen results I’d would later, no matter what.

      the problem with its efficacy may be due to dosage, which is minimal.. Allergan has completed trials using a much higher dosage, I think 10 times stronger if I do remember, and results are to be released yet. Maybe that new formula changes things, let’s see, hopefully soon.

  33. Damn 2001? I remember I was 18 in 2006.

    Everyone was like 5-7 YEARS GUYS! look out 2013 here we come!

    Is there like a paid panel of optimism propagandist out there? It’s been 7 years guys we need a new round of “scientific breakthroughs”.

  34. Out of interest guys how many people on this forum take finasteride and have suffered no or very little side effects.. Hair has just started falling out and I’m considering fin as I realise it’s my best shot… Feel like people on this forum are more educated than other forums so prepared to listen! Thanks guys

    1. don’t consider, USE IT! I never had any sides, neither do I believe in them. Don’t listen to ignorants who only know to repeat what the hear. Many people don’t even start trying fin because of this hear say. DO NOT FALL IN THIS TRAP my friend. USE IT WITHOUT FEAR and save your hair BECAUSE the most you save and can keep healthy and strong, the easier and faster it will be making them better when a new treatment become available.

      do not think twice, USE FIN, and minoxidil too, until something better does not arrive. USE THEM!! you’ll be fine!!!

  35. Egghead, I am the same age and have the same sentiments as you. I was confident when I was 18 that by the time I was in my late 20’s they’d have this 100% fixable. I was flat wrong. The main problem to me is not allowing human trials. I understand that the results could be dangerous. But the best place to test potential new cures for male pattern baldness IS ON THE SCALP OF THOSE WITH AGA ….LIVING BREATHING BALDING/COMPLETELY BALD SCALP, NOT MICE OR ANYTHING ELSE. I took propecia from 16/17 until 20/21 and it did definitely halt hair loss. But I did have sides and didn’t feel like a healthy “man.” Being off of it has 100% helped in those areas. But my hair loss has picked up substantially. I shave it now, as I am NW4/5. Was maybe a NW 1.5 at most when I quit it 5/6 years ago. I am still 100% completely confident we will have something equally as good if not better than fin and minoxidil by 2020. I am not as confident in the ability of my soon to be NW 7 turned into a NW 1 or NW 0 by that time. This field moves incredibly slow, it really isn’t a complaint, it is an absolute fact based on past observations. Very frustrating because we all only have one life and one youth to live. Maybe we are at a tipping point where a lot of breakthroughs could be coming; but the two best treatments were discovered by accident for AGA, and were meant to treat other things. I believe in science and really do think they could crack this and I remain hopeful, but the past speaks for itself. Those who are pessimistic have more than enough reason to be so based on the way the past has gone.

    1. If you cut your hair short, applying minoxidil to that type of scalp/hair could give you some really good regrowth and also thicken/darken up your hair. SETI is the real deal. Just hang in there brother.

        1. Yes, and the fact that I am in contact with multiple users of it already and there shedding and scalp soreness/itch has been diminished.

    2. shouldn’t have quit fin.. this sides talk is just that, talk.. hear say… You start taking it and start hearing those BS from everyone and start believing it and starts fearing it and that goes on. But hadn’t you never heard it probably you’d never get any sides. I believe it can have sides, maybe in a very very very little percentage of users, not the way it’s believed. Really not. The problem is that: A lie told many many times becomes truth.

  36. Trying to be optimistic since I have been to pessimistic haha. Omg dc sports teams suck! Only hope we have are the Caps and Wizards but they always choke during playoffs.

  37. Thats true mjones but we have absolutely nothing here in philadelphia to root for. And please dont make statements like that when u really dont feel that way. Keep it real man.

      1. Your right admin. Hopefully LeBron will help bring a title soon..admin, I dont get the excitement for allergans bim. They put their testing on hold from what I understand due to lack of efficacy yet people believe it will be released soon. I dont get it.

        1. they didn’t put it on hold, you are wrong. They’ve done it again increasing dosage and results were not published yet. You should get more up to date.

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  39. I 100% AGREE WITH Julian. Get on Propecia ASAP!!! I used it at the start of my hair loss and kept my nw 1.5 for 12 years! No sides. Just eat healthy, exercise and take 1mg propecia everyday

  40. Julian , that is why we are here buddy, to discuss and share information. Obviously I didnt know they have since expanded bim testing as the article did not state that from what I saw. No need to bust my chops about not being up to date. Be nice buddy, were all friends here and no one wants this to turn into a shouting match like other sites. Thanks

  41. This post has waaay more comments than other posts. Maybe this will be the trend as the news gets better and better.

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