Been a while since the last poll. The two polls below are related to the price that you would be willing to pay for a hair loss cure. A “cure” means maintaining your existing hair as well as getting back the vast majority of your lost hair.
In the first poll below, you can assume a “session” of treatments to mean a few treatments (most likely scalp injections, but perhaps even genetic therapies) that are spread out across up to a year; and “permanent” to mean robust quality hair that lasts for at least a few decades. Note that the first poll question is about a one-time payment. In the second poll, however, the question is in relation to monthly payments for the rest of your life.
Update: I had to delete the polls in 2018 due to some plugin issues. The results of the two polls are summarized below.
How much would you be willing to pay for a one-time treatment session that permanently cures your hair loss and gives you a full head of hair?
Total responses = 3,329.
Up to $5000 = 607 (18.2%).
$5000 to $10,000 = 776 (23.3%)
$10,000 to $25,000 = 812 (24.4%)
$25,000 to $50,000 = 446 (13.4%)
$50,000 to $100,000 = 276 (8.3%)
$100,000 to $250,000 = 115 (3.5%).
$250,000 to $500,000 = 40 (1.2%)
$500,000 to $1,000,000 = 62 (1.9%)
Virtually any amount. I would go into lifetime debt if needed = 195 (5.9%).
If a cure for hair loss entails daily or weekly ingesting of pills or application of a topical solution to your scalp, how much would you be willing to pay for the treatment per month for the rest of your life?
Total responses = 2,640.
Up to $50 = 798 (30.2%).
$50 to $100 = 864 (32.7%)
$100 to $200 = 491 (18.6%)
$200 to $500 = 219 (8.3%)
$500 to $1,000 = 155 (5.9%)
Virtually any amount. I would go into lifetime debt if needed = 113 (4.3%).