Category Archives: Gail Naughton

Histogen and Replicel Present at Stem Cell Meeting

If you live anywhere near San Diego (now one of the world’s leading biotech hubs), the “Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa” from October 7-9, 2014 is worth attending if you can somehow get in.

Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa

Surprisingly, both Histogen (based in San Diego) and Replicel (based in Vancouver, Canada) are presenting at this Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa event. For more information, scroll all the way down on the detailed descriptions page of each company’s presentation.

Histogen’s presentation will be given by CEO Gail Naughton and Replicel’s presentation will be given by CEO David Hall. I wonder if these two competitors will talk to each other at lunch?

I do not expect either company’s hair loss research related presentation to divulge anything new or ground breaking. However, the overall conference is extremely interesting in terms of the incredible advances that are now being made in regenerative medicine, gene therapy, stem cell research and more. Many of the speakers are renowned leaders in their fields.

Also check out this interesting recent article on Replicel.