Yet Another Replicel Interview

This one with Lee Buckler, the vice president of business and corporate development for RepliCel.  Few more details on the company’s pending phase II trials, including frequency of injections:

How RepliCel Is Harnessing the Awesome Power of Cell Therapy

Great often missed point:

With a cell transplant, there is no limit to the number of cells we can grow to use in regenerating poorly functioning hair follicles.

I disagree with Lee’s statement that:

Second, hair transplantation only achieves a satisfactory result when performed by a gifted surgeon, of which there are few.

In my opinion, there are at least several hundred great hair transplant surgeons in the world today, and the ARTAS robot is enabling  numerous strip surgeons to become “gifted” when it comes to FUE.  I think in most cases, satisfaction is more closely related to expectations rather than surgeons these days.  A Norwood 5 will not be happy if he expects a Norwood 1 type final result after a hair transplant. Because strip hair transplant surgery is becoming obsolete, scarring and nerve damage are also no longer as big an issue (albeit still possible) with FUE hair transplants.

Another major reason for hair transplant patient dissatisfaction is that the existing hair in the transplanted area will continue to die, even when taking Finasteride for many people.  So in essence, the result immediately post transplant will only continue to slowly worsen in most hair transplant patients.  And in the long run, even the “permanent” transplanted hair is not always permanent, as can be seen in many older people’s totally denuded or sparse donor regions.  In fact even in my 30s, my supposedly “permanent” donor hair at the back of my scalp is significantly less dense than in was in my 20s.

29 thoughts on “Yet Another Replicel Interview”

  1. Yes, but in most cases, it seems like not for at least a decade or two. Check all your grandparents heads to see what the donor hair looks like. You might be lucky and have it last till death.

  2. Lots of discussion in forums regarding life of transplanted hair from doctors and people who had transplants decades ago, it appears in majority (not all) they are permanent. Donor hair changes in characteristic but generally permanent.

    Just thought I’d add my thoughts, love this site and appreciate the very informative posts, gives us all hope.


  3. transplanted hair disappear only if surgeon doens’t take them from the safe zone (a zone where hair are not affected from DHT). so if you go to a good surgeon, you won’t have of these problems. transplanted hairs can only get worse in quality.
    sorry for my english

  4. phase 2 will begin when ? Do you know ? How long does it take? , Value do you wait , ADMIN ?

    (sorry for my english :) :) :) )

  5. replicel 10 years ? 5 years ? 15 years? ;____; What is your forecast , ADMIN ? ??????????????????????????????????? I asked replicel but they did not answer . ;( ;(

    1. It is going to be awhile. Phase 2B has not started to my knowledge, and data won’t be available until 2016. Expect delays. They have been delaying this trial for 2 years now, and this year is almost over. They also have to recruit all patients. Finally, there is no evidence they even have a viable product. No one will pay thousands for 0-20%, potentially non-permanent hair. The sooner Shiseido and RepliCel start the trials the sooner we will know efficacy and whether they have a product. At that point we can all worry when it will be released.

      “The new media wasn’t producing the same results, so we had to go back to the drawing board and discover what the problem was.”

      That quote is not a good sign.

    2. French lea , replicel will begin the phase on the last of the year in German. In Japan, with Shishiedo, in the first quarter of the next year (2015). So, we have the datas in October 2016 for the trial conducted in German, and for the Japan, maybe in the end of 2015.

      The only thing we can have, the recent japan’s law, we can have a product during the phase 2. So, MAYBE, we can have Replicel’s technique in Japan and SOUTH Asia, in 2015, or 2016…

      It’s not a long time to waist.

  6. Lo que dicen los de replicel es verdad. El transplante de cabello quedó obsoleto, pero también podrían acelerar los tiempos y ofrecer algo mejor. Lo que es cierto es que la calidad del cabello no se puede cambiar por lo tanto si tu genetica dice que el cabello se va a afinar con el tiempo desaparece por eso muchas veces el transplante no es la solución.
    La fase 2 de replicel empieza ahora a fin de año??? de ser así en 2018 debería haber un producto en el mercado y 2017 en japón.

  7. Ayer escribí a Replicel y no me contestaron alquien sabe algo???
    Espero que todo esto no sea unicamente comercial y que dentro de 3 o 4 años nos pase como hace 5 atras. Otra vez sin ninguna opción terapeutica. Es agotador este tema. Yo tengo 31 años y mi papa me cuenta que hace de los 80 de se usa minoxidil. Que verguenza. Despues dicen que la ciencia avanza rápido.

  8. replicel says ;
    “We are waiting for Health Canada’s confirmation of our trial submission- after we hear back, we can begin trial preparations” ;)

  9. Hola lea. La última publicación que tengo de Replicel es del 18 de noviembre pero figura inicio fase 2 para tendón, piel dañada por el sol. De la calvicie no dice nada. Me podes pasar el link así lo leo, me interesa.

    1. Lea, either stop sending messages to Replicel or try to write with better English and more politely (i.e. without crying emoticons like ;____;).

  10. Que bueno Lea! Los resultados cuando estarán de la fase 2???
    La fase 3 ya es la comercialización??? porque de ser así estamos cerca.

  11. I’ll try to write in English. When data from phase 2 will be presented?
    And regarding the commercialization expense that can take ??? by 2018 it will have on the market ??? is eternal !!!!

  12. Canada will begin after confirming (phase2) … When I don’t know the market.. Phase2 can do their work, they’re not going to used the much description.. plz wait diego.. be patient

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