Columbia University Alopecia Areata Study Enrollment

I previously covered in detail the recent groundbreaking results pertaining to JAK inhibitors in treating alopecia areata. In particular, from the bone marrow cancer drug Ruxolitinib (Columbia University — Dr. Angela Christiano); and arthritis drug  Tofacitinib (Dr. Brett King).

Columbia University Alopecia Areata Study Enrollment

Columbia University is now expanding its testing to cover more volunteers and a wider range of JAK inhibitor and related anti-inflammatory drugs. Here is the their Alopecia Areata Study Consent Form and Inquiry Response Form. In the details, they state the following:

Current study status:

Ruxolitinib — Closed to enrollment. Study procedures ongoing..

Abatacept — Currently enrolling. Total number of subjects to be enrolled: 15.

TofacitinibEnrollment to start approximately Sept.-Oct. Total number of subjects to be enrolled: 10-15.

Injection steroids/Triamcinolone (Kenalog) — Open to enrollment.

Sites: Columbia University and the University of Minnesota.